Supernatural Bingo – “The Slice Girls”
Bingo cards? It must be a new episode this week! Play along while Dean and Sam deal with their latest adventure. Parenthood! Get five across, down, or diagonally and win! Play one card or all five, it’s up to you.
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
A brother goes shirtless (THUD!)
Anti-possession tattoo is seen
The Brothers have a heated discussion /argument |
Rufus’ cabin is in the episode
A brother gets tossed around by the MOTW
Dean says SOB
A Brother talks on the cell phone
Brothers have a heart to heart
The dreaded Amy scenario gets referenced
Sam teases Dean
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes
A brother reluctantly kills the MOTW
A death shown with mere blood splatter
Dean has a paternal moment
Bobby’s flask makes an appearance
Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
Sam goes through old newspapers
The MOTW monologues
Dean tries to reason with Sam
Sam presses on his palm |
Any type of alcohol is consumed |
Dean gets a surprise visitor
Research is done on a laptop

B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Blood is shed by one of the brothers
The Brothers have a heated discussion /argument |
A brother gets tossed around by the MOTW
Sam teases Dean
Bobby’s flask makes an appearance
Anti-possession tattoo is seen
Brothers have a heart to heart
A death shown with mere blood splatter
The MOTW monologues
A brother goes shirtless (THUD!) |
Rufus’ cabin is in the episode
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
Dean has a paternal moment
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes
Sam presses on his palm |
The dreaded Amy scenario gets referenced
Dean gets a surprise visitor
Dean tries to reason with Sam
Dean says SOB
A brother reluctantly kills the MOTW
Any type of alcohol is consumed |
Sam goes through old newspapers |
Research is done on a laptop |
A Brother talks on the cell phone |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
The dreaded Amy scenario gets referenced
A brother gets tossed around by the MOTW
Bobby’s flask makes an appearance
A brother goes shirtless (THUD!) |
Sam presses on his palm |
The Brothers have a heated discussion /argument |
A death shown with mere blood splatter
Dean has a paternal moment
Dean says SOB
Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
Sam teases Dean
Dean gets a surprise visitor
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes
Rufus’ cabin is in the episode
Any type of alcohol is consumed |
The MOTW monologues
Research is done on a laptop |
A brother reluctantly kills the MOTW
Anti-possession tattoo is seen
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
Sam goes through old newspapers |
Dean tries to reason with Sam
A Brother talks on the cell phone
Brothers have a heart to heart
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Dean says SOB
The MOTW monologues
Sam presses on his palm |
Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
Any type of alcohol is consumed |
A brother gets tossed around by the MOTW
Dean has a paternal moment
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes
Anti-possession tattoo is seen
The dreaded Amy scenario gets referenced
A brother goes shirtless (THUD!) |
Research is done on a laptop |
Rufus’ cabin is in the episode
Sam teases Dean
Sam goes through old newspapers |
Bobby’s flask makes an appearance
A Brother talks on the cell phone
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
The Brothers have a heated discussion /argument |
Dean gets a surprise visitor
Dean tries to reason with Sam
A brother reluctantly kills the MOTW
Brothers have a heart to heart
A death shown with mere blood splatter
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Bobby’s flask makes an appearance
Sam presses on his palm |
Any type of alcohol is consumed |
The dreaded Amy scenario gets referenced
Sam goes through old newspapers |
Dean says SOB
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes
Rufus’ cabin is in the episode
The Brothers have a heated discussion /argument |
The MOTW monologues
Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
A Brother talks on the cell phone
Sam teases Dean
A brother goes shirtless (THUD!) |
Dean tries to reason with Sam
Anti-possession tattoo is seen
Brothers have a heart to heart
Dean gets a surprise visitor
A brother gets tossed around by the MOTW
Research is done on a laptop |
A brother reluctantly kills the MOTW
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
A death shown with mere blood splatter
Dean has a paternal moment
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