Interview With Mark Pellegrino – Supernatural Spoilers
Here’s a great interview with Mark Pellegrino (Lucifer) by Danielle Turchiano of the LA Examiner. He talks about a lot of his upcoming roles, but spills some secrets about what’s coming up in Supernatural (Episode 7.15). Nothing to major is given away, but he does tease a bit. He also talks about being in the second season of Being Human, so there’s spoilers for that if you see that show too.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Thanks for the MP interview. I was hoping what Sam is experiencing aren’t mere hallucinations or memories of hell, but Lucifer himself. But if the real devil’s back, how did that happen? Did he ride Sam’s soul from the pit with or without Death knowing it? Or has Sam’s soul (which we heard can’t be broken) been stretched between earth and hell? In any case, it sounds like Lucifer hasn’t abandoned his plan to use Sam as a vessel.
Isn’t in Repo Man Jude Law experiencing a hallucination? In the middle of the film when he tried to escape from his own best friend he was hit in the head. Then somehow his mind fabricated a dream reality where he somehow miraculously escaped and lived happily near the beach?
I am worried that we are seeing Dean’s dreamscape since season 6, because things definitely do not add up.