After two days of total silence from The People’s Choice Awards or CBS regarding the decision not to broadcast Supernatural’s win in the Best Network Drama category (an award traditionally broadcast), a response has surfaced. Granted, it’s hardly a response from a high level manager from either organization, but it’s an “official” line.
Ruth Moats, one of our most loyal visitors here to The Winchester Family Business, send official complaints to Proctor and Gamble, organizers of The People’s Choice awards and CBS. She received a response from a rep in the PR office for P&G. She has graciously allowed me to share this response.
Thanks for contacting us, Ruth.
We’re sorry you’re upset the cast of Supernatural wasn’t featured on The
People’s Choice Awards. The show is comprised of 43 categories and we made
every effort to showcase a variety of categories on the network broadcast.
Unfortunately, only 14-15 of those categories can fit into a two hour television
The cast of Supernatural was not invited because their acceptance speeches were
not being aired. The cast was aware of this and chose not to attend, but had
they expressed an interest in attending the show, we would have gladly provided
them with tickets
P&G Team
I’ve read a lot of debate in fan comments the last few days over whether or not the boys were truly invited. So now we know, they could have gone if they wanted, but they never got an official invitation. Ruth has allowed to let me share her response too, which has yet to be answered at this time.
I find this explanation to be totally unacceptable.
The premise of your awards is that they’re voted on by the fans and represent who the fans believe as being their favorite.
Supernatural won 2 awards! One of them being BEST TV NETWORK DRAMA! Don’t tell me that this isn’t an award that should have been showcased on the show.
The last 4 awards proved that your statement below is totally false.
Even the Oscars showcase the technical awards during their program…..
If your show is not going to show the awards because you (your company and producers) don’t agree with the winner…then state it!
Don’t hide behind false or misleading statements.
The CW is half owned by CBS and Warner Bros. and even though it isn’t one of the top, that doesn’t mean that you all have the right to shove it to the side.
Nor, do you have the right to dismiss the fans who also consumers from shoving them to the side.
A PUBLISHED WRITTEN APOLOGY needs to be issued and just maybe, and I mean maybe, this situation can be reversed.
Otherwise, I will help to start a campaign to get CBS (who I feel should also take responsibility) to pull this award show from the broadcast schedule.
AND as a consumer, I will stop using Proctor & Gamble products and encourage others to do the same.
Ruth L. Moats
PS. Since I probably will not get a response from you in regards to this email, please take note that this situation will not just blow over. The internet and twitter are quite hot with many unhappy parties, including many fan sites who’s administrators are feeling used and abused. You have a PR nightmare situation! Please take this seriously!
So there’s the official line as it stands. If there are any new developments in this fan debacle, I’ll have it here! Thanks again to Ruth for sharing this very valuable information with us.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
You wont get your honors mentioned, you wont get your award in public, if fact, you wont get mentioned at all but if you beg nicely we will let you show up and be snubbed in person!
GOLD!!! Very well said…which pisses me more! >:(
I just check the People Choice awards website and for the past two years 2010 and 2011 the show House won. I bet that they show him winning is award.
i agree, they WON TWO AWARDS!!! and they didn’t wanna showcase that? even the stars who weren’t even nominated presented at least some of the awards, i don’t get it i assumed since it is the people’s choice awards u would think they would take into consideration about the fact that we were waiting to see the boys win the awards and be appreciated, thats why we voted!
Honestly, That is a back peddling comment if I ever heard one, they weren’t prepared for the backlash they received.
They didn’t air it because Supernatural won, if it was the Good Wife there would have been balloons and streamers (As Matt Mitovich) Said 🙂 Hell even if VD won it would have aired..
The producers of the show didn’t like Supernatural plain and simple…. They won’t issue an apology, because they don’t think they did anything wrong…
You are 100% correct!!! It would have aired had it been a show on their network or even one of the major networks. As usual, Supernatural gets no respect, nor does it’s fans.
I agree that there are a plethora of categories that People’s Choice has polled fandom to give awards to the best/most popular. I’m not entirely sanguine regarding the purpose of casting such a wide net. If People’s Choice was meant as a response to the Oscars, then only the categories therein (generally) should be represented instead of trying to fit such a wide field of awards into a small venue. I voted for all movies, television actors and actresses but ignored music categories as it was less important. Perhaps, a more productive response would be to have the award show narrow its focus or split it so the “People” for whom the show is meant to represent are not so ill used and disappointed. Just a thought.
Thanks for publishing P&G’s lame excuse for their poor judgment and rude behavior. Yeah, that really placates us…knowing that if Jensen and Jared had only asked, then the PCA would have gladly provided them with tickets so they could sit in the audience and NOT accept their TWO awards.
There’s nothin’ like not being invited to the party but then being told that if you beg nice they would let you in. This is even more of a slap in the face! And for a PR person to not see it is inconceivable! Seriously?
I’m really not one for boycotts of products and throwing a fit, but this is truly an insult and needs to hit them where it hurts, in the pocketbook. Funny, I just saw an article today about the power of social networks in making companies hear the PEOPLE. So that seems like an appropriate course of action considering this is the People’s Choice.
Supernatural and the boys deserved so much better. This should have been a joyous occasion, not the bitter sting of once again being told the show and the fans are unworthy.
Nothing can diminish we won for our show. I only hope this nasty brouhaha doesn’t taint that win. Supernatural earned those statues. The Js deserved to be on that stage accepting their awards and thanking their fans, and the fans deserved that 20 seconds worth of glory for our much-loved show.
If they had shown the video acceptance speech during the show, it would have been enough. It is a total of 40 seconds – include an intro listing all the nominees of the best drama and you get maybe three minutes top. They couldn’t fit 3 additional minutes into their 2 hour broadcast to showcase the top choice for Best Drama? Somebody needs time management courses.
Just read the “apology”. Really? Why did they bother? Nothing like adding insult to injury. I really like the “not being invited to the party” comment. Jared,Jensen and all those connected to SPN should have been honored guests at the “party” not groveling at the door. Good for them for not going! This show will stand the test of time after many others have faded into oblivion. Unlike the PCA which was so bad it will be a miracle if it ever gets broadcast again.
I totally agree with you, It was a total waste of my time and will not bother to watch next year. I hung in to see the boys, but…..The jokes were horrible, the scenes stupid and the awards were not the point of the show, obviously!!!!!!
Thanks so much Ruth for your agressive “get em” attitude. I feel, as well as I believe all the fans of SN the same as you. Please keep us informed and let us know what we can do to back you up. I have voiced my opinion on the website of PC and anywhere else you know of, please let me know and I will follow up there also.
ONLY a public apology by PC to J2 and fans would satisfy me. Until then, no Procter & Gamble products for me either and no CBS shows!!!!!
I would have understood had the show won a lesser award but like it is stated here… the show one of the best TV Shows Award… if that isn’t cause for an acceptance speech I don’t know what is.. grr.. >:/ oh well, we and the boys know that the show is awesome and that’s good enough for me.. try to push and we will push back!!
I’m not a regular consumer of the PCAs but I was of the assumption that the Favourite Network TV Drama was always presented live, and this is the first year it wasn’t? Can someone confirm this, because if this is the case, then no excuse has any validity. The fact that this award was not even announced as part of the main broadcast baffles the mind and I hope the torrent of negativity that pounded down upon the PCAs is heard and reverberates through future productions of this show.
Having said that, I do hope that we all don’t let the anger and disappointment consume us to the level that we forget, that Supernatural won this award, it won two awards because it’s deserved and because the fanbase wants and needs to communicate to the cast and crew of Supernatural how important they are to us and how thankful we are for their hard work, dedication and generosity.
So yes, by all means we should be angry and disapointed, but also try to remember what an achieve this was, whether it was broadcast or not.
Totally agree with you sweetondean.
PCA can make all the excuses in the world for not airing their win, but they cannot change the fact that Supernatural kicked butt.
Congratulations Supernatural!
The disappointment comes from us fans giving the 2Js an opportunity to be recognized by their peers for the terrific talent they have. We did this out of love, and the 2Js recognize that and appreciate it.
The sting comes from having that effort, both the 2Js and their terrific talent, and the fans who voted because of that talent, dismissed as unworthy of even a mention. Favorite TV Drama is one of the prestigious awards granted and there is no excusing or denying the snub.
I hope it is posted here what efforts can be made to lobby CBS to NOT carry this show again and for P&G to NOT support it with advertising dollars in a unified fan effort.
I double checked the past Drama winners and this was the first year that they split the category (there was a best cable drama and a best network drama). In the past the one award which was a contest between both network and cable was always broadcast. This year they broadcast the cable drama winner, but not the network one. At least, that is how I understood it to work. Which really goes to show how messed up the PCAs are run that they created MORE categories even though they never had the airtime to show the all the categories to begin with. At the very least they should have taken a leaf out of the Oscar’s page book when it comes to technical awards and completed a montage video to capture ALL winners of ALL the categories, which could have been short enough to air in the original broadcast – maybe instead of one of the songs, but would have respected the people’s wishes. Anyways, I just realized I started to rant so I’ll stop, but I agree. At the end of the day, if nothing else, it sends a clear message to the CW that we, the fans, are still loud and proud about our boys.
Thanks for doing this. I really upset me that they won 2, but weren’t presented on air with either. Especially best network drama, since when is that not a major cat.?
I don’t buy the PR line that states that ‘only 14-15 of those categories can fit into a two hour television show’, primarily because the category Best Network Drama is one of – if not THE – most important of the night, and if they can’t fit THAT one in, they have poor organisational skills and should be embarrassed. Now, I’ve never seen a PCA show (1. I’m in Australia; 2. awards shows bore the ever-lovin’ crap outta me), but missing that category from the coverage is like the Academy Awards choosing not to air the category for Best Supporting Actor, or something. Am I wrong?
Also, I don’t understand why nominees of such important categories weren’t automatically on the invitation list. It’s insulting.
This wasn’t the Suits Choice Awards, this was the PEOPLE’S (read: FAN’S) Choice Awards. Buddy.
I think there’s some confusion in terms. PCA is focusing on being invited to simply attend the event, while we are upset that they weren’t invited to publicly accept their awards as they should have been. Maybe we need to be specific when we write them–I’ve already sent a message to CBS and left one on FB for PCA, but I think I’ll do it again making it very clear what I’m unhappy about.
Although they themselves admit they didn’t invite Jared and Jensen. “The cast of Supernatural was not invited because their acceptance speeches were
not being aired.”
I totally agree with your statement and I have also filed a complaint with CBS and posted this on facebook.
I got the exact same “apology”, word for word.
This was my reply:
Thank you for responding to my e-mail. However, I must point out that the time constraints do not explain that no mention of the Drama win was made when literally it would’ve taken just a few extra seconds for the Pretty Little Liar actors to add “and Favorite Network Drama” when they announced Supernatural had won SciFi/Fantasy. It also doesn’t explain why Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder were invited to present instead of Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, when Paul and Ian had not won anything and Supernatural beat The Vampire Diaries in both categories. Furthermore, saying you would’ve given them tickets to come as mere audience members to be snubbed in person does not make things better, it in fact adds insult to injury. Can you imagine having to sit in the audience watching people who didn’t win anything get up on stage while knowing your wins are being unfairly ignored?
We know as well as you do that you deliberately buried the Favorite Network Drama win because you felt a CW genre show without even the buzz of the trendy vampire craze was not worthy. However, isn’t that up to the people to decide? Isn’t that the whole point of the People’s Choice Awards? You may have felt Supernatural winning that category would’ve hurt the PCAs credibility. However, it is when the People’s Choice Awards disrespect the people’s choice that your credibility suffers.
At this point, I think the only apology that would stick would be to invite Jensen and Jared to present next year and introduce them as “Last year’s winners in SciFi/Fantasy and Network Drama.”
“You may have felt Supernatural winning that category would’ve hurt the PCAs credibility. However, it is when the People’s Choice Awards disrespect the people’s choice that your credibility suffers.”
Great point!
If anybody would like their own personal copy of the “apology” here’s their e-mail address:
You can also send your complaint to CBS using their feedback form:
And btw, Clif Kosterman @bodyguard4JandJ tweeted again today that saying they were invited is “complete bullshit.”
Thanks for these email addresses. I sent my requests today that CBS no longer host the PCA event and for P&G to no longer sponsor it. I encourage everyone to take a few minutes to do this; especially P&G. Sponsors don’t like to get complaints from the viewers, but please do so in a respectful, non-ranting manner.
I think the anger and disapointment come from feeling empathy for the fact that even after the achieving the honor of those two great awards, the cast and crew couldn’t stand on that stage and get the public acknowlegement they so deserved.
I want to thank each one of you for your support . I will try to keep you and Alice apprised of any new information and/or emails that I receive concerning this situation. I truly believe that they (PCA, CBS, & producers) thought that they would receive few to no comments/complaints in regards to the Supernatural cast not appearing to receive the awards or by not announcing that they had won the BIG ONE – Best TV Network Drama.
Take care!
I stated this the other night. They obviously wanted to downplay our big win. However considering SPN did win two categories, they could have invited them to be presenters and mentioned the show’s two wins as they walked on stage. The must think we are idiots to not know of creative ways they could have done it without presenting the awards. The easiest solution was to have them present instead of the two Vampire boys. Especially if they wanted to limit CW actors on the show. It was like a stake to the heart, no pun intended, to have the Vamp actors up there when SPN beat them head to head in 2 categories. I believe CBS studios is the main studio behind the production of TVD & Warner Bros. Produces SPN.
I’m sorry but this is a side of SPN fandom that I find pretty unpleasant. Those who complained got an apology and now the complaint is that the apology didn’t go far/wasn’t good enough. May I ask, what would people like the PCA’s to do at this stage? Flagellate themselves before SPN? Film the awards show again? Build a time machine?
I don’t think this is doing the show any favours and I really hope you guys aren’t shooting yourselves (and the show) in the foot with it. All I know is that, based on this, the next time representatives from the show are invited to, or win at, an awards show I’m going to find myself asking are they there because it’s believed they [i]deserve[/i] to be there or are they only there because the awards show are so intimidated by the potential backlash from fans they feel they [i]have[/i] to ask/nominate them.
An apology was given (and the PCA’s were under no obligation to give it). At least have the good grace to accept it.
I wouldn’t call what we got an apology. It was a rationalization that still refuses to acknowledge they failed big time. Supernatural was wronged, period. No one has admitted to that or apologized for the shun. Instead they tried to explain it away with nonsensical side-stepping.
Yes, this could get very nasty but I’m hoping we can maintain our dignity as we fight for what is right. That is the Winchester Way!
What I hate the most is how this is overshadowing our wins. We should be joyous for the win, not feeling cheated. I, like many, spent much time and effort voting and then wasted almost two hours waiting for the payoff that never came. I think we’re entitled to feel cheated.
The ball is in their court, let’s see if they can man up and do what is right. A sincere apology and some change in how they conduct business is in order. No other show or cast should ever have their win diminished as they tried to do with Supernatural.
I’m sorry, I complained and I didn’t get an apology. Supernatural fandom has every right to be enraged. The Best Drama award was shown last year and I’m sure if The Good Wife or House had won, then it would have been shown this year. The People’s Choice statement is pathetic and completely unacceptable. Supernatural won a major award, and should have had the chance to take the stage and accept their award. I think People’s Choice deliberately snubbed Supernatural. Our fandom is proud of our show and our guys, and we will stand up and say something when we think they have been treated unfairly.
I actually thought that the Best Network Drama category [u][b]wasn’t[/b][/u] aired last year. Can someone confirm?
Whether it was or it wasn’t doesn’t change the fact the Supernatural win for Drama wasn’t even mentioned. It would’ve taken just a few extra seconds to add “and Favorite Network Drama” when its SciFi win was announced. Also, it doesn’t explain the fact Ian and Stefan were invited to present when they didn’t win anything, and J2 were not even though SPN beat TVD in both categories. Had they done this and not aired the Drama award presentation, I would totally accept their excuse of “not enough time.” But the fact they didn’t at least announce it proves to me it was a snub and not just time constraints.
I did some digging, and it was an entirely different situation last year. House had won for TV Drama for four years in a row, and Hugh Laurie couldn’t go last year. Lisa Edelstein was there to pick up Female TV Actor, so for sure the cast was invited. It’s just if a show has won four years in a row and the title character everyone wants to see didn’t come, then it makes sense to skip the award presentation. But when a show wins for Drama for the first time and the cast wants to go and you don’t even invite them, that’s a completely different story.
Kate, thank you for looking into that. I had heard a myriad of claims in regard to this, and I had no luck confirming any. It’s good to get an answer!
Last year they announced that House had won for Favorite TV Drama when Lisa Edelstein picked up her award because Hugh Laurie couldn’t make it. So at least it was announced, they were invited and House was represented, which is not the case at all for Supernatural. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r8MNq6uQWI
But not only was House given the Drama award on air the three previous years, look what a big deal they made out of it! EVERYONE who ever set foot on the House set was invited! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0scUEW7B_I
Yeah, I’m with Tim the Enchanter on this. I can’t muster up any real outrage.
Plus – and I don’t want to sound dismissive here – it’s the People’s Choice Awards, not the Emmys.
The thing is, it is a well known fact that no CW show will ever even be considered for an Emmy in any category. Their only hope of getting some recognition for all their hard work was the People’s Choice. And they were unfairly robbed of that recognition.
I understand that fans, and those who work on the show, are disappointed. I was a [i]Buffy the Vampire Slayer[/i] fan, so I’ve watched a great and entertaining show get ignored due to it’s genre and network. I get it, I do.
But I’m not sure that [i]Supernatural[/i] was 100% “robbed” of its recognition – the Best Sci-Fi win was mentioned on-air, and their Best Network Drama win was mentioned in the pre-show, which showed their acceptance speech. They were recognized – not in the way fans would have liked, but there was recognition.
I’ll also freely admit that a good potion of my “what’s the big deal?” attitude is due to my less-than-favorable view of the PCA’s in general. The PCA’s really have no sway in the industry and don’t get much respect in general. It’s an awards show that, according to a recent comment from Nigel Lythgoe, charges winners [u][b]$4,000[/b][/u] for their award.
I really don’t see people expressing their ire in this manner as hurting the show – I believe that PCA is dumbfounded by the backlash because despite SPN WINNING the categories, their perception of the show was still that it wasn’t important enough or the boys weren’t popular enough to include on the broadcast. If this outcry convinces them otherwise, I think that’s a good thing.
Really, I think the mistake made by the PCA was not including Fav TV Drama in the telecast.
I agree with the poster who said “I’m sorry you’re upset.” is NOT an apology, but you’re correct, they’re under no obligation to give an apology at all.
That wasn’t an apology. It was just meant to look like one, and you fell for it. The rest of us are smart enough to realize it’s bullshit. Time constraints do not explain why they didn’t take the 3 extra seconds to add “and Favorite Network Drama” when they announced SPN’s SciFi win. It doesn’t explain why Ian and Stefan were invited to present instead of J2 when SPN beat TVD in both categories. And saying they would’ve given them tickets had they wanted to come as mere audience members to be snubbed in person does not excuse not inviting them. Saying “sorry you’re upset” is not at all like saying “sorry we should’ve done this differently.”
Actually Mike, it was an apology. rmoats8621 was upset by the decision to omit SPN from the live show and they apologised that the decision upset her. That is all they could do.
However, why do you expect the PCA’s to apologise for whatever format they choose to use on their own show? Should they also apologise to the other 28-29 shows that didn’t get airtime? If (IF) their decision to not have anyone from the show was an intentional snub then it was a deliberated decision so why would they apologise for something they intended to do? If it wasn’t intentional then again, why should they apologise?
Mike, if you are smart enough to ‘realise it’s bullshit’, then I assume that you are smart enough to know that there’s nothing the PCA’s can do about it now. The very most that will be done will be a forced apology and, for me, an apology gained under coercion is meaningless. It will reflect badly on the show because instead of being known as the show who won 2 PCA’s they’ll be known as the show whose fans threatened and harassed the PCA’s into a public written apology.
That was very obviously not an apology. “We’re sorry you’re upset” in this context meant “we’re sorry you’re upset over nothing.” Look at how they treated House when they won the very same award. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0scUEW7B_I Notice a difference? Ours didn’t even get mentioned, they get everyone who ever set foot on the House set on stage.
There is something the PCAs can do, and I asked them to do it in my e-mail to them: invite Jensen and Jared to present next year and introduce them as “Last year’s winner in SciFi/Fantasy AND Favorite Network Drama.” They could also issue a proper apology to the Supernatural cast and crew. Just because someone did something deliberately doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be called on it, and it doesn’t mean they can’t be persuaded to rethink their position.
But hey, if you want to be mollified by PR bullshit, feel free.
It’s not just the fandom, it’s the cast and crew as well. Several of them have tweeted how disappointed and demoralized they all were on set over the snub, including Jim Michaels, Clif Kosterman, Tara Larsen and Janet McCairns. Jim Michaels even thanked us for taking the PCAs to task, saying they knew they could count on us to have their backs. This isn’t a bunch of fangirls overreacting to an imagined slight. The entertainment industry professionals who work on the show consider it a slap in the face, and they’re happy we’re sticking up for them.
That was no apology. It was a lame rationalization to say if they had asked, they would have been sent tickets TO SIT IN THE AUDIENCE but not to appear or be acknowledged as winners. The height of insults!
They should be ashamed and publish a REAL apology to the cast and crew and fans of Supernatural. It should say they are sorry they made such a stupid error and that it would never happen again. They could also acknowledge it was a well deserved win!
I feel so badly they were deprived of their 2 minutes on the stage, but it was an AWESOME win to win Best Drama and so very well deserved by everyone connected to the show.
That was not an apology, that was a “Blanket” apology with no merit or reason. They aren’t even reading the emails, I sent a nice email spelling it out and got the same exact reply. They are just sending out automatic replies.
Had they manned up and said hey we didn’t air SPN because it wasn’t our choice of show to win. I think most in the fandom would calmed down.
But that was no “Real sincere” Apology that was a backhanded “Blanket” Automated response.
I’m sorry, but I disagree. I didn’t get an apology. I got a response (a can one at that from what I’ve seen and heard) which was an excuse and a poor one at that. The PCA’s are awards that are given by the fans to the shows that they love and are loyal too! My point in writing them back was to express my complete disgust in their decision to not showcase the winner. Supernatural won the vote and we, the fans, made it happen! Why shouldn’t the show and all those connected with it have their moment in the spotlight? It was well deserved. My goodness, do you think the Oscars or the Emmys wouldn’t invite or mention the winner of Best Picture or Best TV Drama? The answer is no! Even if the ones in charge don’t agree with the decision made by their members, it still was a choice made by the membership and stands! It’s shown and celebrated regardless. That’s all I’m saying! PCA, CBS and the producers took that away from us and the show by the decision that was made. Basically, it was like they said that we don’t matter…the show doesn’t matter because it’s not carried on a popular network or part of a cable network like HBO. That’s not right! Also, why shouldn’t they be willing to issue a written published apology? I’m sure that it’s not the first time in their history that they’ve had to go that way. Recalls are handled that way! You notify them that you purchased the item that’s been recalled. The company has you send the item back or whatever proof of purchase and then usually the company sends you an apology letter with some type of compensation, replacement or coupon for your trouble. Well, I don’t want that…thank you. All I think that is necessary is an apology. Just something that acknowledges the error and apologizes. After all, we all make mistakes and sometimes we all need to “buck up” and “put on our big girl/boy panties or briefs” and admit it. Then make the necessary changes so that it doesn’t happen again such as making it so that they telecast in some way to show all the winners! To have the power to pick and choose the ones that they think are important and telecast only them isn’t right in so many ways.
However, one big point remains our show did win those TWO awards and no matter what the PCA’s does in regards to this situation, they can’t gloss that over no matter what they do! I’m so proud of Supernatural and us the fans that made it happen!!
[quote]Tim, I’m sorry, but I disagree. I didn’t get an apology. I got a response (a can one at that from what I’ve seen and heard) which was an excuse and a poor one at that[/quote]
The show did as much as they could and should. They are not in control of how you react to what they present but still they took the time to apologise for how you felt. Should SPN give you an apology if you don’t like an episode of the show? You got a reason as to why SPN was not there. You decided that reason wasn’t reason enough.
[quote]Also, why shouldn’t they be willing to issue a written published apology? I’m sure that it’s not the first time in their history that they’ve had to go that way. Recalls are handled that way! You notify them that you purchased the item that’s been recalled. The company has you send the item back or whatever proof of purchase and then usually the company sends you an apology letter with some type of compensation, replacement or coupon for your trouble.
[/quote]The PCA’s did exactly what they said they would do. They gave the opportunity for fans to vote, and the show with the most votes would win an award. This is what happened. Nowhere was it stated or implied that if SPN won, their award would be presented live. Therefore the show did exactly what it said it would do. The ‘item’ should not be recalled because the item was not broken. You were not satisfied with the item because it was not what you expected. Other viewers were most probably satisfied with what was delivered therefore there is no need for the product to be recalled.
This is less a case of product recall and more a case of two people in the same restaurant ordering chilli for lunch; the exact same meal was delivered to both but when it arrived one person found out he/she didn’t like chilli. Now, with whom does the fault lie there?
The PCA’s made no promises to you, it did not break its word to you; you made assumptions that the show would be given stage time, you were wrong. Therefore, why do you feel there is a need for an apology owed for something that was never promised?
That being said, you probably [i]will[/i] get your written published apology because let’s face it, we’re in the middle of a recession, there are thousands of jobs being lost and hundreds of businesses closing down every day, the threat of a boycott is the one thing that every business is terrified off. However, I hope you’ll be okay with the fact that you effectively held peoples livelihoods to ransom in order to get that apology. For me, an apology given out of fear is no apology at all but that’s just me.
[quote]My goodness, do you think the Oscars or the Emmys wouldn’t invite or mention the winner of Best Picture or Best TV Drama? The answer is no![/quote]
This is not the Oscars or the Emmys. With those shows, the sole focus of the show is either film or television. If the PCA’s were devoted to one genre then yes, I’d expect SPN to be there; they’re not. This is a mixture of the Oscars, the Emmys, the Grammys and the MTV Movie Awards as, with the PCA’s, there are a number of different genres represented; movie, TV and music so time has to be given to all of those.
People here are saying that ‘Favourite Network TV Drama’ should have been given air-time but there’s no reason why it should. Looking at the situation impassively, it is [i]one[/i] award out of forty three. What makes that particular award more important than say, ‘Favourite TV Comedy’ or any of the others listed? Each of these categories is of importance to those who voted for them. However, for the awards SPN won to be given air-time; others would have to be dropped. What gives us the right to demand that the awards we won be considered with more weight than others? While SPN is very important to us, in the grand scale of things, it is just another show. Should it be given preferential treatment because we like it more than others?
[quote]Even if the ones in charge don’t agree with the decision made by their members….[/quote] And do you have proof, and not mere assumptions, that this is what was done? If you take personal feelings out of it and look at the situation impassively, from an economic point of view, then of course they are going to pick people who are more recognisable worldwide because it would give them a bigger viewing audience and the bigger the audience, the more interest from the advertisers and while it’s unfortunate, that’s always going to be the bottom line. If it was a choice between having Robert Pattinson or Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, the show would pick Pattinson every time, because even if he wasn’t even nominated for an award, people would still tune in knowing he was there.
However, if Barack Obama made himself available to the PCA’s to present an award then another presenter would quickly be moved aside in order to accommodate him. It’s nothing personal and is certainly not evidence that the show was singled out for unfair treatment.
[quote]The PCA’s are awards that are given by the fans to the shows that they love and are loyal too! My point in writing them back was to express my complete disgust in their decision to not showcase the winner. Supernatural won the vote and we, the fans, made it happen! Why shouldn’t the show and all those connected with it have their moment in the spotlight? It was well deserved.[/quote]
rmoats8621, let’s say Grey’s Anatomy won ‘Favourite Network TV Drama’ instead of SPN, and it wasn’t announced live, would you be reacting in the same way? [i]Every[/i] show that won was voted for by fans (not just SPN) and so deserved their moment in the spotlight. However, have you expressed your complete disgust in relation to the 28 other winners who were not showcased?
[quote]After all, we all make mistakes and sometimes we all need to “buck up” and “put on our big girl/boy panties or briefs” and admit it. Then make the necessary changes so that it doesn’t happen again such as making it so that they telecast in some way to show all the winners! [/quote]
Why the assumption that the decision to not air ‘Best Network TV Drama’ live was a mistake? There are vast amounts of time and money invested in shows such as the PCA’s so organisers don’t just sit down and go ‘Eeny, Meeney, Miny, Moe’ in order to decide what will be shown and what won’t. These are all deliberated decisions, and each one can be rationalised by the organisers.
Yes, it’d be great if all the winners could get their moment on stage but it’s not going to happen. It would take well over 4 hours to show all 43 winners. Sure they could cut down the amount of time spent on ad breaks (except these advertisements pay for the show so without ad breaks there’d be no show at all) or they could have spent less time on the red carpet (except there is huge interest in celebrity interviews and red carpet style) but the idea that a telecast should show all the winners, while idealistic, from a business point of view is completely unworkable.
Are people entitled to express their ire about something that they don’t like? Yes, of course they are. However, there is a fine line between that and the aggressively militant air that has crept into this campaign; accusations of lying, unfounded allegations and making threats in order to get what you want!
I’m sorry, rmoats8621, I’m sure you were acting with the best interests of the show in mind and your passion for the show is admirable but this extremism is a step too far for me. As Newton said, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and I would hate to think that the outside reactions to this action could have a long-lasting and damaging effect for the show.
I’m very disappointed that, as a result of this, the next time the boys are nominees/presenters at a ceremony we (and they) won’t know if they’re there because the show organisers believe they [i]deserve[/i] to be there or because they’re afraid of backlash from fans who will threaten to ruin them financially if they don’t nominate/invite them. That is indeed a tremendous pity because neither the show, nor its stars, deserves to have that black cloud of scepticism hanging over it when its many merits are being considered.
I respectfully disagree with you on so many levels and take offense to your comments directed towards me, but I’m a big girl and I’m wearing my big girl panties. So, I’m going to shrug this off. I find this whole situation totally disgusting and offensive to the show and us the fans who voted from all over the world, not just the US and if you don’t see that, then you are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine. As for the show not being invited to any future awards show, I think you’re making an assumption there… Plus the point I’m trying to make with me contacting the PCA’s was this….ALL winners should be showcased to have their moment and no organization or their representatives should be allowed to cherry pick. If you’re not going to announce the winner, then drop the category and trim the list! Anyway, I’m not upset about any old category..but the BEST NETWORK TV DRAMA…and this is a category that’s always been shown in the past! Plus the show won not just that award, but the BEST SCIFI-FANTASY award, too! I just find the whole situation unsatisfactory, not just for our show, but for others that I’ve found out that were snubbed, too. So, if nothing is said about this, then how could they know that we all find it so? How could they make reforms to correct it? How can they be deemed as a credible award show that showcases how the fans from all over the world feel about their favorite entertainment choices in music, movies and television??
BTW – The response given by me on the above article was not my original complaint that I sent over to P&G. My original response was concern and disgust on understanding that ALL winners were not announced and/or shown during the telecast! I voted as I’m sure others did for other categories and I never heard who won for them! This was their response back to me which highlighted the Supernatural win. I, in turn, responded back!
rmoats8621, I do apologise for any offense I caused you as that was certainly not my intent. I though I referred only to your earlier post but if you feel it was directed towards you personally and not what you wrote then, like I said, apologies.
I don’t agree with what you’re doing, and I’m not going to lie and say that I do. I have no problem with protest. I’m more into civil disobedience myself but your stance and actions have over 80 comments backing you on this article alone so it’s obviously popular.
I’m always up for a great debate and I think all views should be weighed and considered. I respect your views and have considered many of your thoughts on this issue. Take care and have a wonderful week!
I’m with you, Tim.
I know some of u like CWs Thursday’s show but I don’t support them anymore because I think they are shoved down our thoughts and they don’t give SPN the respect it deserves. I noticed how Ian congratulated, via his twitter, Nathan Fallon but he didn’t congratulate SPN who also beat his show. I also saw that one of the EX Producers of Secret Circle congratulate TVD but didn’t mention SPN who actually won two show catagories. I’m thinking CW Thursday is a little jealous of CW Friday’s @9
100% correct and 100% behind you all the way. Cop out. If J2 had been invited they would have gone, they told the fans that and they never let us down. Apart from the fact they would have loved to have gone anyway. They still owe the cast and crew of Supernatural an apology. This will not die down until they do. Do they actually realise who they’re taking on here…obviously not.
Okay I have to share this. Even my husband, who only watches the show because I do thinks this is load of crap. He said that if that’s their response than they should only have enough catagories that fit into a two hour show. He also made a suggestion:
Supernatural should write an episode where actors who won PCA awards for their shows suddenly start getting killed off, except for one show’s actors because they weren’t announced on the air so no one knew they won.
😀 ….. I thought it was hysterical.
OK, that? Is funny.
That is funny! SuperWiki suggested on twitter they should do an episode that shows that an awards show was taken over by Leviathans.
Awesome!!!! As Dean would say….
What a great idea. Can someone please pass this on to the writers room.
Okay last post but I’m on a roll. How much do u want to bet the PCA changes categories next year and they won’t let so let so called genre shows in the ‘Drama category’ next season and will limit them to SciFIi category. It also wouldn’t surprise me if we have to write SPN in on the ballot, because they won’t appear on the ballot. Like for the last couple of years neither Jensen or Jared has appeared on it. Wouldn’t it be logical & right that their names appear on the ballot because they are obvious popular since their show has now won a total of three PCAs ( including 2010s). Maybe they are afraid that SPN would win it too. In the TV Guide Awards Jensen beat Ian & Nathan already. I think someone should remind the it is the People Choice Awards not their choices. Enough of the negatives and now the positives to quote Dean – we are awesome! The SPN fans won the awards for the best show, cast & crew on TV to thank them for bringing the best kick ass show into our lives. We won, we won, we won and they can’t take wins away.
This doesn’t even feel like an actual apology. This is one of those “non-apologetic” apologies that people just issue. “We’re sorry you’re upset” doesn’t mean that the PCA is acknowledging any wrongdoing. It just puts the blame on the fans for “overreacting.” It feels like they’re saying that nothing they did was actually wrong. Fans just took it the wrong way.
My issue with all is that it is as if the PCAs acted has if it was something to be ashamed of , something to be whispered in the dark.
Why put the show in that category? unless in their minds it was there to just make the numbers up and the show wasnt meant to win I dont know? but it is clear this was poorly judged .
Apart from anything else, The Best Network Drama Award is the most important category in the PCA show and it should have been awarded to the winners on stage.
I believe it has been so in every previous year.
This is why it is so suspicious that the same thing wasn’t done this year.
Obviously the winners, Supernatural, weren’t appreciated by the PCA and they did everything they could to belittle that win.
This is why fans ( and non-fans too ) are annoyed, because it sets a precedent in which the winning show, if not liked by the promoters won’t be honoured, and that is just not right.
I voted for the boys as many other fans, world-wide, and it is just petty that they weren’t invited on stage to receive their prizes, not 1 but 2 of them!
If that is how they want to proceed then they should find themselves another name like The Awards That The CBS Want To Give Out Show!
The PCA ought to be ashamed of itself, but I feel certain they will never apologise because they don’t even have the sensibility to know that they have acted wrongly!
That lets you see how great is their respect for the “People” ! None!
There’s a difference between a CW genre show and an HBO genre show. It’s not just the genre, it’s the network it’s on. Cable networks like HBO have developed a reputation for being arty and edgy and innovative, whereas the CW’s rep is in the crapper thanks to former pres Dawn Ostroff. The Twilight Diaries at least have the benefits of being by far the network’s highest rated show, and also of tapping into all the buzz of the trendy vampire craze. Though I’m not sure they would’ve aired it had TVD won the way they surely would’ve had The Good Wife won.
Is it an explanation? Really? OMG… amount of shit.
People Choice Awards, What a shame!
Absolutely disappointed with you.
Supernatural won as the best drama series… It’s one of the big prizes and you know it.
You’ve commit a very, very big mistake doing this. And with explanation, You show how ridiculous you are.
You have completely contradicted yourself – first of all you didn’t send out invites… then you say they chose not to come! We know which it is, we saw it on Twitter from their own bodyguard – they got NO INVITE!!!! You didn’t want them there because the show is insignificant to you, you wanted to gloss over it and not make a big thing of their awards! This is not good enough and you need to be honest with us and apologise for it! We are not going to let this drop!!!
I think I can speak for the Supernatural fandom in saying that we are all totally thrilled that Supernatural won 2 PCA’s, one of which was favorite network drama-a biggie!! What I don’t understand is why Supernatural was not invited to attend the awards or at the very least have the mention of their win as actually part of the show instead of some red carpet fluff. I mean I know I am not the only fan that missed J2’s acceptance speech when it actually aired. I didn’t even realize that we had won the network drama award until after because surely had we won the NETWORK DRAMA AWARD that is something that would be featured on the actual awards show. I mean think about the past winners ER, and the like. You cannot tell me that had House won or The Good Wife that it would have not been mentioned on the actual show. Seriously even if you are not a Supernatural fan to watch the People’s Choice Award show without a mention of favorite Network Drama winner. Wouldn’t you be wondering about who won that category. I mean as far as I know prior to this year it has always been a part of the actual awards ceremony Supernatural won a total of 2 awards one of which is a major one and yet no invitation and no even mention of the winner of the favorite NETWORK DRAMA ? Something is wrong there! I think PCA has a genre bias against Sci Fi shows and in particular our little show that could. It’s almost like they are afraid to give our show and its awesome cast the attention it so rightly deserves because God forbid people watching the awards might be inclined to tune into this show that they never heard of but must be good because it won a major award like favorite network drama instead of tuning into the big 3’s network shows. What really bothers me is that WE are the ones that gave the PCA all the free publicity when the voting was taking place by advertising it EVERYWHERE! Countless nights twitter and facebook were overloaded with peoples choice free publicity by all of us encouraging fans to vote for our awesome yet severely underrated and under appreciated show. I know mine was not the only page that literally plastered facebook’s walls with promo posters and posts to vote for Supernatural for the Peoples Choice . EVERYONE DID!! I think that it would do the PCA well to think about that next time they leave someone off the invite list. Sorry for the long post but I am extremely passionate about our show and have always felt that it never has received the attention and appreciation that it so rightfully deserves and this snub by the PCA is just another example of that.
My husband – who is not invested like I am at all – called bullshit on this whole situation. To not televise the award for Favorite TV Drama? Is bullshit. CBS was definately biased toward their own shows – which of ALL the networks – ‘the most watched network’ shouldn’t begrudge the CW its win. The fact that they have 43 categories is immaterial. The Emmies have a lot of categories too. But we know ahead of time which ones will be included in the broadcast and which aren’t — so the question really is — how does the PCA decide on what categories will be televised and which won’t? I can see not televising a category if the winner can’t be there. But we know that’s not what happened w/ SPN PCA decided not to televise their categories without determining whether the boys could attend. So the decision is obviously not based on the category itself, and its not based on whether or not the show can be there to accept – therefore, it must be based on the winner. And it seems like the criteria was 1. CBS show. 2 Perception of the audience draw – ‘we’ll get Robert Pattinson to accept for Water for Elephants’
PCA made an arrogant mistake in its perception of Supernatural.
sylvia37 thanks for the laugh! Your husband is a keeper! I agree its like not airing best actor at the academy awards. This shows me that popular media’s opinion of what the people like is incorrect. And its wrong to think that the people’s opinions matter only if you agree with them, which seems to be the case here.
And by the way, I’ve never watched your rubbish show (and I’m glad now) but as I hear everyone saying, you ALWAYS show the ‘Best Network Drama’ award during the show, the actors having been invited to the ceremony… VERY strange this time was so different!?? Didn’t you have live performances you could’ve sacrificed to be able to fit this in, being such an important award?? Making up total lies about why you treated the SPN cast this way is not going to placate us!!!
Since at least one person has received a response, this morning I sent my own questions to CBS:
#1) In 2011, was anyone from TVD called to the stage during the live CBS broadcast of TPCA to accept the statue of the Favorite Network TV Drama?
#2) In 2010, was anyone from HOUSE called to the stage during the live CBS broadcast of TPCA to accept the statue of the Favorite Network TV Drama?
If they respond their answer will confirm whether this was a “broadcast time constraint”, a genre bias, or simply a SPN snub.
My guess is they will never respond but I will let you know if they do.
Congrats to our show for the win and shame on the PCA’s and their organizors for not including and/or inviting our boys to accept the awards.
I could have understood arguing the time constraints with the scifi award, but not announcing the best network drama? That’s tantamount to the Oscars not announcing the best picture category. Sorry, we call bullshit PCA.
The same thing happenned In my country 2 years ago. there was this comedy show who won award through vote. Kind of like PCA. They are most popular and they won best comedy show. But they dont get announced eventhough they got invited. So they felt humiliated. What happenned the next year? This comedy show teamed up with a tv station producing their own award show. Their award show was actually better, Funnier and more glamour than the other show who snubbed them. They were awarding their guest stars on various categories and thanking their fans live on bigger and brighter stage. They invited all their guest stars and fans also attended. It’s true and m not bulshitting. So I thought it would be fun if we supernatural fan collaborated to make our own award for our beloved show. And that our award actually broadcast on internet and supported by all fans throughout the world.
Unbelievable…! Total BS!
Thanks for sharing that pat response from some PR of the PCA. Just BS. I think had any other show won, it would have been presented live, and yes that goes for the other genre show that was nominated. The cast of The Vampire Diaries were there to present after all. The mere fact that they didn’t even mention the winner of the best network drama is simply unacceptable. I’m sure it’s the last “apology” anyone will be getting from them though.
But hey, SPN won in the two categories that we wanted them to win, so congratulations to the cast and crew, and congrats to all the fans that voted on our little show that could! I for one am super proud of them, and if they are nominated again next year on TPCA, I will vote as many times as I can again. Will they show up on a ballot next year? I think they will, the people have spoken loud & clear and I don’t think they’ll have the cojones to diss SPN again. This fanbase is like the leviathans, don’t mess with us or we will cover you with black ooze! We are smart, we are everywhere and we are mad as hell.
As a fan of Supernatural, I felt insulted for the J2s after reading the PR’s response in regards to not inviting Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and the rest of Supernatural cast and crew.
Jenika from the P&G Team (does not even bother to give his/her last name) stated: “We’ve made every effort to showcase a variety of categories on the network broadcast” (Okay, I understand about having time limits and constraints–but not to air Fan Favorite Best TV Drama! Give me a break! This category has ALWAYS been mention in the past!) Jenika goes on further to insult Supernatural by saying, “The cast was not invited because their acceptance speeches were not being aired. The cast was aware of this and chose not to attend.” (Um, call me crazy but I would not have attended either. What! Just to sit and watch lesser awards be presented by individuals who weren’t even nominated.)
I think that one of reasons we the fans are angry with this whole mess, is because SPN has never been given the recognition that it justly deserves. This “over-sight” is just another slap in the face not only for the fans; but also, for Jared, Jensen, and whole gang at SPN. They work really hard for their fans. We show our appreciation by voting for them. They EARNED those awards and should have been invited to accept those awards. The CVS commercial was an unnecessary filler that could have easily been removed to allow SPN to accept the awards that the PEOPLE chose!
Pensacola, FL
Chastising the fans for their outrage is missing the point. This isn’t fans squabbling over storylines or the eternal Sam vs Dean stuff. The report that the set is demoralized, THAT is the point. This was a major slap in the face to a show that is used to being unheralded. Fighting for them is the least we can do. It’s a rightous fight, ROCK ON fans!!!!!!
TVD didn’t win Best Drama last year, House did (they’ve won for..3yrs now?). TVD did win Best Sci-Fi, though. And Sci-Fi has traditionally not been shown on air.
This isn’t just about what was allowed to air, though. This is also about the fact that at no point during the show did they even take a moment to mention who won Best Drama. As if the category didn’t even exist this year. As if they didn’t want to call attention to it at all.
That aside..
Since finding out Procter & Gamble is in charge of this (although CBS would have some say), I think we can safely assume that this isn’t [i]just [/i]a snub because they don’t like the show, I think it is also about advertising dollars.
I’m not saying I agree with it, but television is a business. It would be very easy for them to look at the Nielsen ratings and decide “Well, more people are going to watch ads for Procter & Gamble products on the following shows…why divert publicity to other places?”
Which, I guess, is of itself a snub, because it is still deeming SPN less important. We know better. In any case, in the end, even this awards show isn’t about warm fuzzy feelings, it is about making a buck. Which was made clear by the 10min CVS commercial.
I think both CBS and P&G Entertainment were short-sighted on this, because SPN is already in syndication. Allowing the show a moment of publicity doesn’t hurt them, and can only help them.
With CBS, as part owners of The CW, more money would go to the parent company. And with P&G, more people watching a show they already have product placement during would mean more people watching their ads.
CBS Corporation
CBS Headquarters
51 W. 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019-6188
(This address is to the main headquarters, not just the CBS Network. The CBS Network is the site those email forms go to. CBS Broadcasting is who partially owns The CW. I think it is important that they’re aware that one of their underlings essentially shot them in the foot by not giving a show on a network they partially own its due, deserved, and earned publicity.)
The company behind the PCAs:
A list of all the stuff their company makes and advertises for:
I will add this, though. I think we need to think very carefully about whether it is worth it to organize a backlash/boycott, or especially to be sending hateful letters.
P&G has a HUGE amount of products (including things like Nyquil, Tampax, Tide..) many of whom have advertised during SPN.
I don’t want our show to be put in a position of losing advertising dollars over us holding out for an apology which would only be to shut us up.
I am not trying to say we shouldn’t be upset. And I’m not saying we shouldn’t express our disappointment. However, at the end of the day, we may need them more than they need us. Deep breaths when making your feelings known.
That said – I do feel we should be organizing some kind of letter writing campaign to The CW/Warner about supporting Supernatural more. We aren’t promoted. We weren’t even given Season 7 promos pics (all those pics were from the promo shoot they did for S6 – notice Sam’s leather jacket which has been in commercial bumpers for SPN since S6).
Not to mention the missed merchandising opportunities (Replica Colt, Ruby’s knife, an actual 4-door Impala model, John’s journal, the Cas action figure, tell me you wouldn’t buy ALL of this.)
The fact is, once Supernatural is on Netflix, more new people COULD jump on board, because it will be easier for them to catch up. They shouldn’t just be writing us off as never getting new viewers.
I just think.. an outside organization which is there to sell products is bound to cater in their own self-interest. But it would be lovely to feel the support of the actual network we’re on, which might be a fight we stand more of a shot of winning (particularly when we’re not angry with them, we just want to encourage).
These are just my thoughts. I’m angry about this too, but I want to make sure our anger is put in a direction that helps us.
Thanks for these addresses. I am going to make use of them. The show and the sponsors should be called out on their unprofessional snobbery to the show, the actors, and the fans.
Crap! First of all, I am absolutely positive that if you cut out all the stupid skits and jokes and live performances you could fit in way more than 14 categories!!! It’s an AWARD show, so show the AWARDS! We don’t care about the other lame stuff you throw in. Second, whether the cast could attend or not, whether they were invited or not, you could still air their acceptance speech video on the show on tv!!! Really, how long did you give them for the video? 30 seconds! I am sure you could have fit that into your dumb 2 hour show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a load of crap, you’re just trying to cover your asses!
I wouldn’t ever want to do anything to harm the show. Not really sure if onboard with the boycott idea. But a loud and resounding “OH HELL NO” to all involved can’t hurt and will send a message to JARED, JENSEN and everybody connected to the show how much we appreciate all the long hours and the dedication they all have for the show!
As dedicated fans of Supernatural we are naturally angry about this blatant insult to the show. We are know to be protective of the actors and crew. And we can hope that the outrage we are expressing to CBS/PCA/P&G may help bring some acknowledgement of the quality of SPN. But unfortunately, I fear it will only increase the snubs. After such a public and obvious dismissle of the show these large corporations will hardly admitt their mistake with an apology in response to our complaints.
My real concern is that the corporations’ response will be to prevent Supernatural from being nominated for anything in the future.
This actually makes it worse that they are so nonchalant about the insult and are fully aware. I’m glad the SPN cast declined to beg for tickets to sit in the audience and suffer the snub in person. Here’s a novel thought if they were so scrapped for time and truly couldn’t show all the awards presentation (rolls eyes sacastically), why didn’t they do a voters poll from the PEOPLE to ask which awards we deemed important enough to see aired on TV. They seem to have a poll for every other miniscule topic under the sun.
On an aside but related why is every other Paley Fest panel available for purchase as a DVD to fund the Paley Media Center but Supernatural ? Supernatural was there twice and our fandom is ardent enough to snap up multiple copies apiece if they want money. For goodness sakes My Name is Earl and Greek is being sold.
Just to clarify, The Vampire Diaries never won a PCA for Best Sci Fi Show. In 2010 Supernatural beat it for the win. In 2011, Fringe beat TVD & Supernatural. As we all know, this year. SPN beat TVD and Fringe. So Supernatural has won 3 PCAs in 3 years and they’ve never been given the opportunity to thank thei fans on the live broadcast or have been invited to be presenters. It will be another injustice if Jensen & Jared’s names don’t appear next year on the actors list. We know how hard it is to get write in nominations included. They should know from SPN wins this year that these actors are popular and deserve to neon the ballot.
Thanks for the correction. 🙂 I’m happier to know that Fringe won.
If we’re going to do any voting for them in the actor category, fandom really needs to choose one and collectively stick to it, whether we’re writing them in or not. Split interests aren’t going to win it for us, unfortunately.
I don’t think a boycott can accomplish anything. I say we make a loud enough complaint that next year when we vote them in again the PCAs can’t possibly snub them a second time. As Jensen said to a fan today: “There’s always next year, right?”
Any show that is enjoyed well enough to win two awards should have been at the top of the list to be broadcast on PCA. The CW, may not be a large as CBS, but they broadcast a double award winning show. They deserved their props “broadcasted”!
Is there any way that we can get Boycott Proctor & Gamble trending? In this economy there is a business declaring bankruptcy almost on a daily basis. Any company that sees “boycott” trending is almost surely going to have a heart attack. Companies can’t stand to lose one customer these days let alone hundreds. Boycotts work!!!
Boycotts do work. One woman alone almost got a TV series cancelled. The show was Married…With Children. One woman alone had the advertisers in a panic. They are very effective. I say we bring them to their knees for disrespecting our boys!
I have watched the People’s Choice Awards for many, many years and they have NEVER not awarded the Favorite Network TV Drama during the ceremony. It is one of the major awards and it’s presentation has always been televised live during the ceremony. The only reason it wasn’t this year is because one of the big networks didn’t win it. Period.
Perhaps if they hadn’t filled up the time with ads (such as a 10 minute CVS ad), what goes into putting this stupid awards show together (which lasted probably 10 minutes), warm ups and rehearsals, and performances which I muted, maybe then they’d have time to do more awards.
Perhaps, in future, rather than giving all the time to the categories of best musician, best movie etc…they ought to do best movie, best musician, best tv drama and cut out the ones that aren’t as important. There is a way to do it…but you have to prioritize.
I have a feeling that they were expecting VD to win best network drama since the entire cast showed up to the awards. VD may be the most popular show on CW…but our fanbase is more rabid and more loyal and more protective than theirs.
When will people learn…DO NOT PISS OFF THE SUPERNATURAL FANDOM! As The Trickster said in Mystery Spot, “nothing good comes out of it.”
An extremely loyal, fiercely protective Supernatural fan
ok, calm down. Boycott is a delicate thing to do, and you can have legal problems just to speak about that.
I understand the anger i feel really really upset myself. They robbed us from the 2 minutes in light we earned for the supernatural people.
But calm down and THINk. We don’t want to be seen as the crazy fandom, and be remembered as aggressive people (50 years later, think about the fans of the Beatles) even dangerous by some way.
YOU ARE ALSO THE MOST ARTISTIC FANDOM OF THE NET ! You (I don’t include myself in it because unfortunately I am only a lurker) are a bunch of genious in fanvid, fanfic, and other stuff. You helped to promote a show like anyone before. So please, think about it. And don’t forget that in our world it’s not the aggressive who win but the classy funny snarky one.
I don’t know; pour salt on the doors of WB and post it on YT or something like that … well, enough with the bad ideas, I’m not good at that. But I have trust in you.
Threatening boycotts will not accomplish anything, but I definitely think letters of complaints are reasonable. The PCA snub was blatantly unprofessional to the show, the actors, and the fans. I will be writing letters asking CBS to consider not hosting the PCAs in the future, and to P&G asking that they consider withholding future sponsorship w/o threatening boycott. Do I think they will? No. But they will know that there was dissatisfaction with the awards show caused by patent unprofessionalism. What I expect the outcome to be is that next year, the 2Js may be asked to present an award on-stage for the snub that was given them this year.
I love this! Thank you for sharing it!
Well I have now heard from Jensen Ackles himself (on a video that a fan taped – with his knowledge – whilst talking to him at an airport) that they were told that Best Drama and Best Scifi were not being aired and asked if they still wanted to attend. They said no. Jensen looked quite fed up and upset to me when talking about it but typically of him he didn’t complain or say anything bad about anyone! So NOW we need an apology for the Best Network Drama acceptance not being aired and a reason as to why, especially when it always is usually! And we’re not buying this ‘we can only fit in x-amount’ rubbish! So we STILL await an apology!!!!
My suggestion would be that the fans just go and do it again next year.
After all the uproar the fandom came up with I don’t think that PCA would dare to ignore the show two years in a row if they win again.
Since i live in Europe I wasn’t able to watch it. But I know that a lot of magazines and occasianally even some TV information shows let us know here who won at an award show in the states. Last year I even saw some short clipses of the PCA.
Therefore I think it is a huge advertisement for what ever show that is able to receive something on stage because those are more memorable then the short clipses of the left out winners. Our show as well as CW would have gotten a huge advertisement which is well needed.
Two years ago while I vacationed in Barcelona I took the opportunity and asked a few young Americans if they have ever heard of the CW and they all but one declined. The one person who has ever heard of the CW was a young male who said that he heard of the teenage channel but he is to old (mid-twenties) to watch it.
I think this is the reason why the CW needs some more air time. To make it widely known to the people in the states. That could change a lot. Not that I watch a lot of their shows but hey they got my favourite TV show and they could do with a lot more viewers, if people would only know it excisted.
I do agree with everyone that it was a snub and that Supernatural deserves soooo much more!!! but I will say that I am so proud of the show and the fandom!! We got them 2 awards!! I think I said this the night they won, but supernatural fans showed all other fandoms who’s boss!! lol We slapped them in the face!:) The response to the “apology” was also a nice slap in the face:) I thoroughly enjoyed reading it Anyways, good job fans and Supernatural? You are amazing and wonderful and deserving of attention, and I will always be tuning in:)
I just found about this, and boy, does it piss me off. I was one of those crazy fans who spent a fair chunk of time voting for it (in both categories) because I love Supernatural, the people who work on it, and my fellow Supernaturalists, I believe it deserved to win, and I wanted to show our guys at the show that.
So this? Yeah, it angers me. A lot. Sorry. (About as sorry as the PCA people feel, apparently…) Not because I wanted MY opinion acknowledged and respected like the People’s Choice Awards was meant to do, but because Supernatural is an under-appreciated, obscure show, and it deserves that acknowledgement and respect. The actors, the writers, the crew, etc., all deserve that. And the fact that they actually managed to win, then get so blatantly snubbed really, REALLY grates on my nerves.
Let’s face it, we’re probably not going to get an apology or an admission that it was the wrong thing to do. Personally, I have my fingers crossed for that apocalyptic award-show episode someone mentioned (and I’m seriously expecting it now, knowing how meta our beloved writers can be). Boom, that’s the extra episode this year. It would be cathartic for everyone involved. 🙂
I doubt any of the people associated with Supernatural are reading this, but if there are, I hope they know that we love them for being spectacular and amazing and awesome, and that they won because they deserved it. Rock on!
By the way, I mentioned this bullshit to my mom. She asked I put this in: >:( So there. I hope that frowny-face haunts CBS and P & G for being callous dickheads.
I’ve been reading these posts today and there are some great points being expressed. I’ve come to SPN late (just a year now) and I’ve NEVER seen such a devoted fan base. I honestly think y’all are great.
The people responsible for the PCAs screwed us and them. No question. But I think we all deserve a big round of applause for getting them the awards in the first place! They deserved it and we got it for them.
We’ve raised money for St. Jude’s, American Cancer Society and several other worthy causes. We. Are. Awesome!
Anyway, to paraphrase one of my favourite authors (Julie Garwood – yup, I read romances)…
“One voice added to a thousand others becomes a roar.”
We are roaring – I bet they hear us.
crap I voted so many times everyday for the show and the PCA could not show them I had to find out online that they won it pissed me off. GOD DAMN IT jared and jensen are good actors and sould be getting awards give jared a emmy NOW that man has more talent in his body then anyone I see getting a emmy.