The Jared Photobook Project
Back in June, Becky Gilreath came up with an amazing idea. In support of Jared Padalecki and all he does for the fans, she wanted to make him a photobook. The idea was to collect pictures from fans with Jared, and present them in a professionally done book at Eyecon in September.
What started out as a simple idea ballooned into something greater and ended up being one of the greatest acts I’ve ever seen done by any fandom. Becky not only collected pictures, but fans started sending donations as well for the cost of the book. Pretty soon, she had more than enought to cover the cost and took the proceeds and started a fund. Any excess donations would be contributed in Jared’s name to The Animal Rescue Site
By the end of the drive in early September, Becky collected over 200 photos and $5000 for The Animal Rescue Site. Below is video of the presentation to Jared, done on September 28th at the beginning of his Q&A session.
Jared was honestly flattered and touched. Becky and everyone who contributed deserve a HUGE congratulation. Wear those purple wristbands with pride everyone!
Becky is also willing to share 193 photos of Jared and the fans from Eyecon. With these photos is also one video of Jared thanking her again in the autograph line. It’s wonderful to see how gracious and pleasant he is, especially on no sleep! The link to see those can be found here
Thank you Becky so much for all your efforts and allowing me to share your personal memories in a public forum like this. Be proud of this accomplishment and the fact you did something very special not only for Jared, but for many animals out there that need adoption. You’ve made a big difference.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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