Supernatural Bingo – “Adventures In Babysitting”
Supernatural is back! Bingo is back! The opportunity to brag about your victory to the dog and/or cat is back! Life is good.
You know the rules. Match five in a row across, down, or diagonally and you win. Entires on the cards are solely speculation based on the episode description. Be sure to yell “Bingo!” if you win.
B | I | N | G | O | ||
The Brothers work separately |
A brother gets into serious trouble | The help at a truck stop is not what they seem |
MOTW provides important information |
Dean says SOB |
Bobby remains in a coma | Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
Dean gives someone the “You’re so dead” look. |
Dean and Dick confront each other |
The Brothers have a heated discussion |
Sam makes his bitchface |
Any form of alcohol makes an appearance |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
A brother meets up with an old acquaintance |
A brother is outwitted by a teenage girl |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
Bobby stays in limbo |
Dean is Badass |
Sam presses on his palm | ||
Dean makes a movie/tv reference |
Sam tries to reason with someone or everyone |
The Impala is referenced | Sam does research on laptop |
Bobby passes over and dies |
B | I | N | G | O | ||
The Brothers have a heated discussion |
Sam tries to reason with someone or everyone |
Dean and Dick confront each other |
The help at a truck stop is not what they seem |
Dean is Badass |
Dean says SOB |
Bobby passes over and dies |
A brother meets up with an old acquaintance |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
Sam presses on his palm | ||
Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
Sam makes his bitchface |
The Brothers work separately |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
Bobby stays in limbo |
A brother gets into serious trouble | Dean makes a movie/tv reference |
Sam does research on laptop |
MOTW provides important information |
Any form of alcohol makes an appearance |
The Impala is referenced | Bobby remains in a coma | A brother is outwitted by a teenage girl |
Dean gives someone the “You’re so dead” look. |
B | I | N | G | O |
Sam presses on his palm |
The Impala is referenced | Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
Dean and Dick confront each other |
Sam does research on laptop |
Dean is Badass |
Dean gives someone the “You’re so dead” look. |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
A brother gets into serious trouble | A brother meets up with an old acquaintance |
Bobby passes over and dies |
Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
The Brothers have a heated discussion |
The Brothers work separately |
Dean makes a movie/tv reference |
Sam tries to reason with someone or everyone |
MOTW provides important information |
A brother is outwitted by a teenage girl |
The help at a truck stop is not what they seem |
Sam makes his bitchface |
Bobby remains in a coma | Dean says SOB |
Bobby stays in limbo |
Any form of alcohol makes an appearance |
B | I | N | G | O |
Any form of alcohol makes an appearance |
Bobby remains in a coma | A brother gets into serious trouble | Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
A brother is outwitted by a teenage girl |
Sam does research on laptop |
A brother meets up with an old acquaintance |
The Brothers work separately |
Sam tries to reason with someone or everyone |
The help at a truck stop is not what they seem |
Dean gives someone the “You’re so dead” look. |
Bobby passes over and dies |
Sam presses on his palm | The Brothers have a heated discussion |
Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
The Impala is referenced | Sam makes his bitchface |
Bobby stays in limbo |
Dean and Dick confront each other |
MOTW provides important information |
Dean says SOB |
Dean is Badass |
Dean makes a movie/tv reference |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
B | I | N | G | O | ||
The help at a truck stop is not what they seem |
Dean says SOB |
Any form of alcohol makes an appearance |
Sam tries to reason with someone or everyone |
Bobby stays in limbo |
A brother is outwitted by a teenage girl |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
The Brothers have a heated discussion |
The Impala is referenced | Dean and Dick confront each other |
A brother meets up with an old acquaintance |
Dean gives someone the “You’re so dead” look. |
MOTW provides important information |
Sam presses on his palm | ||
Sam makes his bitchface |
Bobby remains in a coma | Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
Dean makes a movie/tv reference |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
Bobby passes over and dies |
A brother gets into serious trouble | Sam does research on laptop |
Dean is Badass |
The Brothers work separately |
Supernatural Bingo – Adventures In Babysitting
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