Robin’s Rambles – “How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters”
Wharton State Forrest, Pine Barrens, NJ – Something or someone is running, gasping. It comes across a man and woman lying in a tent watching TV. They smooch good night and the man turns on a cute device plugged into his ears that says, “This is nature sounds, sounds of nature, volume four.” We hear night birds. Abruptly, he’s completely zipped up in his sleeping bag so all we see is his face. The camera spins in a dizzying circle. The man realizes he is suspended from a tree and something terrible is happening to him. He calls for his wife. Pieces of his body fall down onto the forest floor, followed by his listening device, covered with blood, then his ear, the device still chillingly talking about sounds of nature.
Hammonton NJ – Sam, Dean and Bobby get the power going in a crappy cabin in the middle of nowhere. “Motel 6 just isn’t leaving the light on anymore,” jokes Sam. Bobby is taking a leaf from Frank Devereaux’s bible–when everyone is out to get you, paranoia is just plain common sense. Dean is tired of living with cold showers and cold Hot Pockets, this is the bottom they’re living in. “How many Big Mouths are out there?” asks Bobby, “running card traces like Chet, or hunting us down God knows what ways–no, now isn’t the time to be layin’ out bedrolls out on the grid, not if we can help it.” The power sparks and goes out. Dean rubs his face. “That’s just GREAT,” he bitches. Sam switches on a lantern. “Our quality of life is crap,” says Dean, “we’ve got Purgatory’s least-wanted everywhere, we’re on the world’s third screwed issue and what?–three years?–and we steered the bus away from the cliff twice already?” Sam points out that somebody’s gotta do it. What if the bus wants to go over the cliff? suggests Dean. “You think the world wants to end?” asks Sam. “I think if we hadn’t taken its belt and all its pins away each year, then yeah, the whole enchilada would have offed itself already,” says Dean. Bobby advises him to stop wrestling with the big picture, he’ll hurt his head. Dean grabs a beer from a cooler. Sam sits at the table with Bobby, who asks, “What’s the guff?” “There have been a rash of sightings over the Southern Pine Barrens,” reports Sam, “a fast, human-like creature.” “Jersey Devil,” reads Bobby from the weird photo Sam shows them, “I thought that was just local tall tale crap.” History goes back two centuries, says Sam, some gave it bat wings, others horns, others, a tail, and oh, yeah, a horse’s head. “Looks more like a Chewbacca head,” jokes Dean from the bed. Bobby says it sounds mixed up, Dean says it should be fighting a Japanese robot. Mixed up or not, Sam says it has a body count. CAMPING SEASON HARSHED BY HUMAN BURRITO reads a headline Sam shows Bobby. Something hung a camper from a tree and ate him through his sleeping bag, explains Sam, and his wife hasn’t been seen, either. There have been four missing persons in the past 3 weeks; state troopers (get this) are saying it’s a rogue bear. “When was the last time you saw a bear string up its own pinata?” asks Dean. Something’s out there in the woods, says Bobby, we’re going on an honest to goodness wilderness hunt–“I haven’t used my 30-30 in a while.” It’s going to have to wait until tomorrow, Davy Crockett, says Dean, and until after our suit and tie dance, we have to make sure this isn’t just some backwoods crackhead who likes to roll glampers. “What’s a glamper?” asks Bobby. “High end camper,” answers Sam, “TV, A/C, wi-fi–back to nature, zero inconvenience.” “Idiotic,” opines Bobby. Yeah, agrees Sam, some people just don’t know how to live.
Biggerson’s – The suited-up brothers speak with “Ranger Rick” who found the “human burrito” in the woods. “That was no bear attack,” according to Rick, munching on a giant sandwich. “The woods are big, with a lotta trees. Ya gotta respect Mother Nature, or she’ll string you up, eat your ass right through the Gortex.” He and Assistant Chief Ranger Phil (who, come to think of it, he hasn’t seen in a couple of days) have been finding something’s leftovers for weeks–deer remains, badger, missing pets. “You think Phil might be missing?” asks Sam. Rick thinks he should probably report that. (Duh!) Seeing Bobby enter, Dean leaves their card and tells him to enjoy lunch. They join Bobby, who reports he checked out the cadaver, unhappy camper. No stats on the Jersey Devil, but the bite radius is too small for a Leviathan, and he’s still got a ventricle and some change, so I doubt we’re talkin’ werewolf. Wendigo don’t leave no scraps. Dean grabs Brandon and requests a booth. Brandon: “Douchewad, the hostess will seat you–do I look like a freakin’ hostess?” “Do you wanna look like a hostess?” warns Dean angrily. Brandon stalks off. Sam asks if what Dean said makes sense. “What was THAT?” wonders Dean. Bobby hopes they don’t end up in Brandon’s section. But they do; Brandon puts down Sam’s soup and salad in front of him and calls him Big Bird. Dean is “Ken Doll.” Heart Smart goes to Bobby, aka “Creepy Uncle.” “What is your problem?” asks Dean. “YOU are my problem!” shouts Brandon, and leaves. (I would never touch my food after that!) Bobby wonders what’s got his flare all up in a bunch; Sam says, “There goes his 18 percent.” “Chief Ranger–I don’t think he believes in the Jersey Devil,” says Dean. “Did he seem a little stoned to you?” asks Sam. “Ranger Rick?–definitely growin’ his own on the back forty and smokin’ all the profits,” says Dean, biting into his sandwich. “He did seem to think there was something,” begins Sam. “Oh, that’s a good sandwich!” exclaims Dean, who ordered the Pepperjack Turducken Slammer, available for a limited time only. “Buncha birds shoved up inside each other,” says Bobby, “shouldn’t play God like that.” “Don’t look at me sideways from that Chinese Chicken Caesar salad there,” says Dean, “this is awesome, it’s the perfect storm of your top three edible birds.” He takes another huge bite. Gazing with disapproval at his brother, Sam says, “Anyways, the ranger did seem to think there was something out of the ordinary out in the forest.” “Then I’d say it’s safari time,” says Bobby. Behind the counter, Brandon is yelling “You’re telling me she’s not fat–up yours, Mike, shove it right up yours!” He takes off and tosses away his apron and stalks out of the restaurant. “Anyway, back to bigger and better things,” says Dean, returning eagerly to his sandwich.
Woods – Sam, Bobby and Dean walk the woods, shotguns at the ready. Bobby finds fur from two bucks head-butting over turf and figures out which of them won, knowledge that impresses Sam and Dean. “I guess I forgot,” says Sam, “before you were a hunter, you were actually a HUNTER.” “We shot our dinner when I was a kid,” says Bobby. “You used to take us hunting when we were kids,” says Dean, “Dad had a case, he’d just dump us on you; you must have taught us most of the outdoor trackin’ we knew.” “What I could get to stick,” grumbles Bobby, “never could get you grubs to pull the trigger on a single deer.” The brothers smile. “You’re talkin’ about Bambi, man,” says Dean. “You don’t shoot Bambi, jackass,” says Bobby with a nasty grin, “you shoot Bambi’s mother.” Sam frowns and shakes his head. They find a bloody body hanging from a tree. “Looks like we found Phil,” says Dean.
Night – Ranger Rick pulls up in his vehicle. “Special Agents! Listen, I got your call,” he says, “but I’m not sure I got what you were saying.” Dean shines the flashlight up. “Hey, I think we found Phil,” says Rick calmly. “That’s what I said,” says Dean. “I should probably call this in,” suggests Rick. Dean nods. “Yeah, solid move,” says Sam. We hear the sound of creepy breathing when CHIEF Ranger Evans calls in. “Ranger, I think we got company,” warns Bobby. “Yeah, who’s that?” asks Rich cheerfully, as something grabs him and drags him away. Sam screams “RANGER!” He, Dean and Bobby tear off after Rick and his captor.
“Ranger Evans! Ranger!” calls Sam. “It’s got him up in the trees,” says Bobby, and they all focus their flashlights and guns upward. “Light off,” orders Bobby. Sam starts to object, but Bobby says, “Ease off, shut off and listen.” The brothers comply, only to hear the most God-awful sounds of bones breaking and chomping. “The damn thing’s eaten’ Rick,” whispers Bobby. “Layin’ out like Rick,” says Dean. The other two look at him oddly. Bobby closes his eyes and fires. Something falls from the tree onto the ground. “Nice job,” praises Dean. “Seriously,” agrees Sam. “We all got our gifts,” says Bobby, kneeling to look at what he shot. “What about the rest of Ranger Rick?” asks Dean, looking at the lone leg and hat lying on the ground. “Ranger called in his 10-20,” Bobby reminds him, “we got crap to do.”
They carry the gray-colored human back to the cabin and place him on the table. “Built like a super model, but the thing was damn strong,” says Bobby, “carried a full-grown man up a tree in nothin’ flat.” “But it only took one bullet to bring it down,” points out Sam. Not even a silver bullet, just a bullet bullet, says Dean. The creature awakens and attacks. All three hunters pump him full of bullets. “First one musta just stunned it,” realizes Bobby. Dean checks the creature’s wallet, quipping on how all those bullets are going to ruin the leather. Sam snatches away the wallet. “Are you feelin’ okay?” asks Bobby. “I feel great,” Dean assures him. “Gerald Browder,” reads Sam, “lived here in town, 5 foot 9, brown hair, blue eyes, 235 pounds.” They gaze at the skinny man. “Apparently he’s lost a little pudge,” says Bobby. “Maybe it’s a lap-band side effect,” quips Dean, making inappropriate gestures to go with it. Bobby sticks a pole in the guy’s chest, lifting out disgusting gray goo. “What the hell?” Bobby decides they should have a look under Gerald’s hood. He and Sam don gloves and find out Gerald’s organs are swimming in this stuff. Dean has poured a drink for himself, announces he’s hungry, and asks what they have pulled from the body. “For a guy on a diet, Gerry packed it in pretty good,” says Bobby. “That’s human, right there,” says Sam. “Fresh Rick,” says Bobby. (EWWWWW!) Plus, pine cone, pack of gun, still in wrapper, Ranger Phil, or perhaps the camper, a cat’s head. Bobby thinks you have to be damn hungry to eat a cat’s head. They locate the adrenal glands, which should be the size of a hotel bar soap and orange-colored, and here are the size of a baby’s head and black. That might help explain the strength, says Sam, but whatever this is, it’s not the Jersey Devil, but it sure isn’t Gerald Browder anymore. “Seriously, guys,” says Dean, “time for dinner?” (AFTER WATCHING THAT HIDEOUS AUTOPSY??)
Dean chows down on another of the same sandwiches as before, Sam and Bobby just have coffee. Sam looks up the vic’s stats. Missing person #3, 45, self-employed, he disappeared eight days ago and was an A/C repairman. That explains all the people that got eaten in the last eight days, remarks Bobby. The question is, says Sam, what happened to him? He poses the question directly to Dean, who, engrossed in his sandwich, says, “I’m not worried about it.” “Excuse me?” demands Bobby. “Funny, right?” says Dean–“I don’t give two shakes of a rat’s ass–do rats shake their ass or is it something else?” Sam and Bobby are staring at each other, freaked out, then stare around the restaurant and see how many other diners are chowing down with intense hunger on the exact same sandwich. Sam snatches away Dean’s food. “Give me that,” he demands. “WHY?” cries Dean. “There’s some funky chicken in the TDK Slammer, ain’t there?” says Bobby. “Yeah,” says Sam, taking a whiff and recoiling. They take the rest back to the cabin in a foil swan. “This is stupid,” insists Dean, “the sandwich didn’t do anything–I don’t know what you think you’re going to find.” “There’s something WRONG with you, Dean,” says Bobby. “Are you kidding?– I’m FINE,” says Dean, sitting up on the sink, “I actually feel great, best I’ve felt in a couple of months–Cas, black goo, I don’t even care anymore. You know what’s even better?–I don’t care that I don’t care–I just want my damn Slammer back.” “You’re completely stoned, just like Ranger Rick was,” accuses Sam. “Just like the dinner rush back at Biggerson’s,” says Bobby, “and everybody’s lovin’ the Turducken.” Dean’s sandwich suddenly belches, and gray goo spills out of it. (I almost threw up, no lie!) “I think you pissed off my sandwich,” accuses Dean, jumping off the sink. “That’s in me?” “Only half of it,” says Sam. “Does that SNOT look familiar?” asks Bobby. “So whatever turned Gerald Browder into a pumpkin-head and is currently turning Dean into an idiot. . .” “I’m right here–right here,” Dean reminds him. “Is in the Turducken sandwich at Biggerson’s” says Bobby with alarm, “it’s in the meat!” “If I wasn’t chilled out right now,” says Dean, “I would puke.” But he shrugs, completely mellow and replete.
Biggerson’s – Bobby is in the driver’s seat, Sam shotgun, Dean sleeping it off in the backseat in what Bobby calls a tryptophan coma. “So you think he’s okay?” asks Sam. “He’s all right,” Bobby assures him. “So you don’t worry about him?” asks Sam. “What do you mean?” asks Bobby–“before the Turducken?” “I kinda mean more like ever since my head broke,” amends Sam, “since we lost Cas–you ever feel like he’s going through the same motions but he’s not the same Dean, you know?” “How could he be?” queries Bobby. “Yeah,” says Sam, “but what if. . .” “What if what, Sam?” pushes Bobby–“you know, you worry about him, all he does is worry about you, who’s left to live their own life here? The two of you–aren’t you full up playing Snuffaluffagus with the devil all the live-long?” “I dunno, Bobby,” says Sam, “seein’ Lucifer’s fine with me.” “Come again?” says Bobby. “I’m not saying it’s fun,” says Sam, “to be honest with you, I kinda see it as the best case scenario, (he’s pressing his once-injured hand that binds him to Dean), “but at least all my crazies are under one umbrella, you know, and I kinda know what I’m dealing with–a lotta people got worse.” Staring at him, Bobby says, “You always were one deep little son-of-a-bitch.” (This made me tear up, can’t explain why.) “Wait, wait, here we go,” says Sam as a tractor-trailer pulls up to Biggerson’s. A man carts in several boxes from Midwest Meat and Poultry. “I guess we follow,” says Bobby, and they do.
N. E. Law Center – A woman leaving the building is attacked by Brandon but someone climbing from a plate numbered B2Y 526 smacks him right off her.
[b]2. I got really teary-eyed over mention of Bobby taking the brothers out hunting; how did you feel?[/b]
I did think it was touching. I know a few people feel like this is making John look like a bad father, but I actually think leaving the kids with Bobby was a far better thing than leaving them alone in both Something Wicked and A Very Supernatural Christmas. John wasn’t going to stop hunting, but he came to realize that his kids needed to be in a safe supervised place.
[b]3. What did you think about the punishment they gave the doctor? I remember bibbing being mentioned in an earlier episode and wondered what it meant. Performing cannibalism on oneself, how gross. Leave it to Edlund to come up with that![/b]
This is delightfully icky. I also wonder if the simple act of putting the bib on triggers the self-cannibalism or if Dick exerted some power.
4. Do you think the way Dean feels about hunting is the REAL reason for his drinking? He just doesn’t want to hunt anymore? This isn’t the first time he’s expressed unhappiness over the job. Just because he doesn’t want “normal†with Lisa doesn’t mean he wants to be a hunter.
I really think Dean is just caving under the weight of all the years. Yes, I think he has lost his purpose for hunting, but I think the constant pressure of his life has him spiraling into depression.
[b]5. Sam easily confessed to Bobby the truth about his life with Lucifer—that he sees him and is dealing with that. What did you think about his confession and Bobby’s reaction?[/b]
It was a nice moment, but I really feel like the longer they have Sam coping so perfectly, the less chance that we will ever get a true Sam POV again. Sam comes back from Hell, hallucinates for a short while. His hallucinations strongly suggest he was sexually assaulted by Lucifer. Dean grounds Sam getting Sam to believe in Dean. Dean lies to Sam. Sam doesn’t break when stone one is undermined. Becky drugs and kidnaps Sam tying him to a bed in an almost rape situation. Sam stays calm and doesn’t lose it. If Sam is not cracking from these things why on earth would he ever crack? I’m really disappointed in the way Sam’s Hell experience has been swept under the rug.
[b]6. Do you think we’ve lost Bobby for good this time? How would you feel about it if it were true—no more Bobby as someone to turn to for help or as a father figure. It would really bother me. A lot.[/b]
I think we may lose Bobby, but not for good. I think he may be brain damaged so he doesn’t remember the plans he saw and so that he is not able to be a resource for the boys any more, but I’m hoping he won’t die. If he is incapacitated I hope that eventually he recovers with therapy (and may be help from Sheriff Jodie Mills)
[b]7. I thought this ep had some great black humor and interaction between Bobby and the boys, which is why I gave it an 8. It might go higher after another viewing or two. Your grade?[/b]
I’m not grading episode for a while. My aforementioned issues with the treatment of Sam and the extremely tight Dean POV, to the virtual exclusion of anything else is affecting my enjoyment of the series currently. I’m waiting to see how the season goes and then I hope can assess the episodes more fairly after some distance.
[b]8. What did you think of Dean’s behavior under the influence of the crazy sandwich? I found it kind of irritating. I can’t explain why, but it just bothered me. It wasn’t funny so much as grating, and the fact that he didn’t care about things made me angry.[/b]
At least Dean was talking about the things that bother him while under the influence. Oh, heck I don’t enjoy watching stoned, apathetic people so that part didn’t catch me.
Now I have a question for anyone.
The Doctor said that the sandwich meat change the DNA of anyone who ate it from the “first dose”. What does this mean for Dean? Has he been changed? It seems like an unfortunate line if he hasn’t. If he has been changed will it be in a positive way, allowing him to get over his depression, like a genetic Prozac? Or will it make him complacent and less effective in the hunt? Or was it an OOPS! line that will never play into the story again?
Now I have a question for anyone.
The Doctor said that the sandwich meat change the DNA of anyone who ate it from the “first dose”. What does this mean for Dean? Has he been changed? It seems like an unfortunate line if he hasn’t. If he has been changed will it be in a positive way, allowing him to get over his depression, like a genetic Prozac? Or will it make him complacent and less effective in the hunt? Or was it an OOPS! line that will never play into the story again?[/quote]
Interesting thoughts. It would be great if this turns out to be something that can help Dean come out of his depression and find a new purpose to go on hunting or in combination with Bobby’s shooting, it will give him the fire that’s been missing lately. Could it slowly turn him into a monster? Who knows…But I don’t think it will make him complacent or less effective nor do I think it was an Oops line. Ben Edlund isn’t known for doing that.
Can you imagine if it does turn Dean into an actual monster? After all he already regards himself as one and it would definitely be a massive eye opener for someone who is as black and white as Dean is. Being put in the monsters shoes essentially? If that’s the way they’re headed then brilliant but I very much doubt it.
[b]1. Who saved the gal coming out of the law firm from the Leviathan? I’m so curious! (From Alice – That was Edgar the Leviathan. He was covering up the rogue test case, aka the waiter from Biggersons). [/b]
I agree with Alice. It was Edgar coming to clean up the Dr.’s mess.
[b]2. I got really teary-eyed over mention of Bobby taking the brothers out hunting; how did you feel?[/b]
I’m always interested when things come up about the boys’ and Bobby’s past. I find it very interesting. It was good to find out that John didn’t leave the boys alone all the time when he went hunting or under the supervision of motel staff.
[b]3. What did you think about the punishment they gave the doctor? I remember bibbing being mentioned in an earlier episode and wondered what it meant. Performing cannibalism on oneself, how gross. Leave it to Edlund to come up with that![/b]
That was totally gross and disgusting and I loved it! 🙂 It’s been quite awhile since an episode had me feeling this way.
[b]4. Do you think the way Dean feels about hunting is the REAL reason for his drinking? He just doesn’t want to hunt anymore? This isn’t the first time he’s expressed unhappiness over the job. Just because he doesn’t want “normal†with Lisa doesn’t mean he wants to be a hunter.[/b]
I think it’s a big part of it, but we’re still not seeing the whole picture. There’s more that’s going to come out and I believe that the layers are being peeled back slowly. We just have to be patient in order to see all issues involved with Dean’s behavior. In addition, Dean is an extremely social person. He needs female companionship and I think that has been seriously lacking since Lisa has gone away.
[b]5. Sam easily confessed to Bobby the truth about his life with Lucifer—that he sees him and is dealing with that. What did you think about his confession and Bobby’s reaction?[/b]
I liked it and thought it made sense. However, just like Dean, I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. There is more going on than Sam is letting us know about.
[b]6. Do you think we’ve lost Bobby for good this time? How would you feel about it if it were true—no more Bobby as someone to turn to for help or as a father figure. It would really bother me. A lot.
Gosh, I hope not. I like Bobby and would be greatly upset with his demise, more than Castiel’s. I hope that this is a setup for Cas to return or even Crowley to help Bobby become whole again. The boys really need him. He’s the glue that helps them keep going. IMO
[b]7. I thought this ep had some great black humor and interaction between Bobby and the boys, which is why I gave it an 8. It might go higher after another viewing or two. Your grade?[/b]
I agree that it was an 8 or a close 9. I gained a lot of useful information concerning the Leviathans. The episode was entertaining and helped to advance the story. We also got some insight into what was going on with Sam and Dean.
[b]8. What did you think of Dean’s behavior under the influence of the crazy sandwich? I found it kind of irritating. I can’t explain why, but it just bothered me. It wasn’t funny so much as grating, and the fact that he didn’t care about things made me angry.[/b]
I actually liked it. Dean wasn’t so guarded about this thoughts and feelings as usual. We were able to get insight into what is going on with him. He really is hurting and totally in need of some type of help either from his brother or maybe a trained professional. I doubt he would seek the later. That seems something that Sam would do, but not Dean.
I really did like the episode. My heart dropped when I realized that Bobby had gotten shot. I sincerely hope that it turns out that he’s okay. If not, this event could have serious ramifications for both boys since Bobby is so important in the lives of both of them. In addition, I would be sad since I really liked this character. Not every character needs to find a bloody death on Supernatural.
[b]1. Who saved the gal coming out of the law firm from the Leviathan? [/b]
Yeah, it was the waiter. You could tell by all the pins on his suspenders.
[b]2. I got really teary-eyed over mention of Bobby taking the brothers out hunting; how did you feel?[/b]
I love Bobby. I do. But they are really putting Bobby in the forefront of the series this season, what with all the background and character development. I don’t want Bobby being John II. It was nice to see that there is a long history with Bobby, as was inferred in Supernatural Christmas.
[b]3. What did you think about the punishment they gave the doctor? I remember bibbing being mentioned in an earlier episode and wondered what it meant. Performing cannibalism on oneself, how gross. Leave it to Edlund to come up with that![/b]
You can always count on BE for the gross and quirky.
[b]4. Do you think the way Dean feels about hunting is the REAL reason for his drinking? He just doesn’t want to hunt anymore? This isn’t the first time he’s expressed unhappiness over the job. Just because he doesn’t want “normal†with Lisa doesn’t mean he wants to be a hunter.[/b]
Dean said way back in Croatoan that he was tired of hunting, and look how much has gone on since then. I am actually hoping that he is drinking because he is depressed and not because he has another big secret looming in the background.
[b]5. Sam easily confessed to Bobby the truth about his life with Lucifer—that he sees him and is dealing with that. What did you think about his confession and Bobby’s reaction?[/b]
I think Bobby secretly admires Sam as much as Dean does and shows it in his dialogue. I really liked the conversations with each brother individually. Bobby seems to know the right ‘Winchester language’ to use on each of the boys. I think Dean expects to be bitched at and takes it as it is meant.
[b]6. Do you think we’ve lost Bobby for good this time? How would you feel about it if it were true—no more Bobby as someone to turn to for help or as a father figure. It would really bother me. A lot.[/b]
I am undecided about this one. I love Bobby, but if they are going to keep pushing the John II thing and keep having the guys rely on him so heavily, then I’d be okay if he is killed off. Everything is supposed to be taken away from the Winchesters this season, but I don’t think the show is going to go so far as to kill off Bobby. I guess that means I’m leaning toward a prolonged recovery. I’m inclined to believe that Bobby’s incapacitation is the impetus that sets Dean on a path. Now, whether that path is dark, crazy Dean or determined hunter Dean, I don’t know. I’m hoping TPTB aren’t on the road to dragging Dean’s character down as far as they took Sam’s over the years. I want to like Sam again, but he hasn’t been redeemed in my eyes. I don’t know if I’ll ever like the character as much as I did in the early seasons. They just went too far with Sam over the years, and now I’m concerned that’s where they are taking Dean (what with all the parallelism these writers seem to be so fond of).
[b]7. I thought this ep had some great black humor and interaction between Bobby and the boys, which is why I gave it an 8. It might go higher after another viewing or two. Your grade?[/b]
I rated it an 8 for the brilliant dialogue, the callback to Bad Day at Blackrock (the tin foil duck as a take-out container…heh), and Dean got two SOBs in. I like an understated with quiet strength Sam. That is the strength in Jared’s acting, and I’d like to see more of that Sam. I’m not cracked up about a 2-part mid-season finale devoted to a support character, however. I had enough of a support character taking over the show last season and would prefer not to have a repeat of that. I’m not clear on what the purpose of the Levi’s experiment is. I’ve kind of lost interest in the Levi now that this episode revealed the whole theme of S7 is evil corporate America. I really like Edgar, but Dick Roman just isn’t as intimidating or fun as Zachariah as the evil in the corporate world.
[b]8. What did you think of Dean’s behavior under the influence of the crazy sandwich? I found it kind of irritating. I can’t explain why, but it just bothered me. It wasn’t funny so much as grating, and the fact that he didn’t care about things made me angry.[/b]
I prefer a dark, borderline on the edge, determined Dean; but in this case, the whole point was to reveal how far down Dean is. I liked stoned Dean, but what’s funnier to watch (in this case and Yellow Fever) is how tolerant Sam is of his brother and how he steps in to take charge (like grabbing the sandwich out of Dean’s hands and all the bitch faces). The best I’ve seen of Dean flying high was in Yellow Fever when he was drunk and talking to the little fresh-faced deputy. I loved that. Dean is a really happy drunk/stoned guy, so I didn’t find him irritating.
2. I got really teary-eyed over mention of Bobby taking the brothers out hunting; how did you feel?
Me too, and I loved that the little boys wouldn’t shoot Bambi.
3. What did you think about the punishment they gave the doctor? I remember bibbing being mentioned in an earlier episode and wondered what it meant. Performing cannibalism on oneself, how gross. Leave it to Edlund to come up with that!
A gross-out! Yuck! The gruesome stuff Ben comes up with! 😡
4. Do you think the way Dean feels about hunting is the REAL reason for his drinking? He just doesn’t want to hunt anymore? This isn’t the first time he’s expressed unhappiness over the job. Just because he doesn’t want “normal†with Lisa doesn’t mean he wants to be a hunter.
Don’t blame Dean for being discouraged. They’ve given all they have (literally) the last few years and gotten no thanks or long lasting rewards. Who wouldn’t be discouraged and despondent? I do think there must be something else we don’t know about going on there though.
5. Sam easily confessed to Bobby the truth about his life with Lucifer—that he sees him and is dealing with that. What did you think about his confession and Bobby’s reaction?
Aw, Sammy! So good to know you really do worry about your brother. I was beginning to wonder. Please try to show Dean that you do need him and appreciate him and that should cheer Dean up a bit. (and bring him some pie once in a while).
Sam is handling his Lucifer stuff very well, but I think that won’t last for the whole of the season. Loved Bobby’s reaction to both of the brothers, and how different those reactions were. He knows them so very well.
6. Do you think we’ve lost Bobby for good this time? How would you feel about it if it were true—no more Bobby as someone to turn to for help or as a father figure. It would really bother me. A lot.
I’ll be unbelievably upset if we really lose Bobby. Surely they wouldn’t let that happen. Bobby will be OK HE WILL HE WILL HE WILL! If they lose Bobby, Dean will be lost as well, and that can’t be as there would be no more show! 😥
7. I thought this ep had some great black humor and interaction between Bobby and the boys, which is why I gave it an 8. It might go higher after another viewing or two. Your grade?
I have to give this one a 10, to join up with my many other tens through the years. This episode had everything I love about the show (except for shooting Bobby!)
8. What did you think of Dean’s behavior under the influence of the crazy sandwich? I found it kind of irritating. I can’t explain why, but it just bothered me. It wasn’t funny so much as grating, and the fact that he didn’t care about things made me angry.
I thought the stoned Dean was entirely adorable and endearing. I wanted to give him hugz. And it let us know that he is grieving for Cas and has lost his zest for life and the hunting. Also I lmao at some of his remarks. Loved his snark! 😛
And as Ginger pointed out, this episode showed how protective Sammy is of his big brother, like when he grabbed the sandwich away from him. Loved to see that! 🙄
2. I got really teary-eyed over mention of Bobby taking the brothers out hunting; how did you feel?
I don’t know… I’m always leery of the insertion of other people too much into their early history. Why did John leave them alone at Christmas and with the shtriga when Uncle Bobby was just a stone’s throw away?
3. What did you think about the punishment they gave the doctor? I remember bibbing being mentioned in an earlier episode and wondered what it meant. Performing cannibalism on oneself, how gross. Leave it to Edlund to come up with that!
Heh! Totally gross.
4. Do you think the way Dean feels about hunting is the REAL reason for his drinking? He just doesn’t want to hunt anymore? This isn’t the first time he’s expressed unhappiness over the job. Just because he doesn’t want “normal†with Lisa doesn’t mean he wants to be a hunter.
No, I think he’s drinking because he was tortured for 30 years in Hell, became a torturer for 10 more, and had absolutely no time to process or move past it due to successive impending crises that he had to take care of.
5. Sam easily confessed to Bobby the truth about his life with Lucifer—that he sees him and is dealing with that. What did you think about his confession and Bobby’s reaction?
I think it makes sense, given where he’s at right now.
6. Do you think we’ve lost Bobby for good this time? How would you feel about it if it were true—no more Bobby as someone to turn to for help or as a father figure. It would really bother me. A lot.
I’d be cool with it. Like someone else said, he’s almost become John 2.0, and if we were gonna have that, I wish we’d have just kept John.
7. I thought this ep had some great black humor and interaction between Bobby and the boys, which is why I gave it an 8. It might go higher after another viewing or two. Your grade?
Eh, I don’t know. I thought the pacing was kind of bad, and there was a bit too much Bobby for my tastes. 6.
8. What did you think of Dean’s behavior under the influence of the crazy sandwich? I found it kind of irritating. I can’t explain why, but it just bothered me. It wasn’t funny so much as grating, and the fact that he didn’t care about things made me angry.
I thought it was fun. 🙂 I like it when they get a chance to play these kinds of things. 🙂
[b]2. I got really teary-eyed over mention of Bobby taking the brothers out hunting; how did you feel?[/b]
A bit ‘Meh’ to be honest. It merely reinforced that the brothers have known Bobby for a long time. Though perhaps it was these early hunts that stemmed Sam’s love of vegetables. And Dean, you’ve eaten more than your fair share of baby animals in your time, no point in getting all queasy about shooting Bambi.
In relation to the overall scene, I’m probably overly sensitive to situations that lessen John’s relationship with his sons so I was a bit ‘Ah for feck sake, here we go again’ at this bit as it seemed, to me, to indicate another aspect of their relationship where John was replaced by Bobby.
[b]3. What did you think about the punishment they gave the doctor? I remember bibbing being mentioned in an earlier episode and wondered what it meant. Performing cannibalism on oneself, how gross. Leave it to Edlund to come up with that! [/b]
Plenty gross. And now we know what kills the Leviathans (I’ve an image in my head of all those Leviathan heads at the bottom of the river chatting away to themselves). How did doc Leviathan manage to eat his own head, and his own mouth?
[b]4. Do you think the way Dean feels about hunting is the REAL reason for his drinking? He just doesn’t want to hunt anymore? [/b]
I think it’s more than that. There’s probably a bigger secret on the horizon.
This isn’t the first time Dean’s expressed discontent with the job. For a long time I’ve felt that he merely hunts because he feels he’s obliged to ie because it’s always affected his family. From as early back as Croatoan he said he was tired of it. Not much has really happened in the meantime that would make him change his mind about it. If anything, it’s gone from bad to worse.
Plus, I imagine if Dean said ‘Guys, I just don’t want to hunt any more’, Sam and Bobby would back him. They did both want to give him ‘normal’; Sam in 5.22 and Bobby by not telling him Sam was back.
Not only do I find Dean’s self-sacrificial behaviour worrying, but his willingness to take others with him adds another dimension to it. In 7.01 he was planning on strapping his brother into the car and drive off a cliff and now he’s questioning as to whether they should just let the whole world go. That’s cause for concern…..
And to be honest, Dean’s rather blasé comments in relation to letting the world go annoyed me. I kinda wanted to smack him upside the head and remind him of just what it had cost him, and Sam, to keep it there the first time round and ask him if he wanted all they’d sacrificed and suffered to be in vain.
[b]5. Sam easily confessed to Bobby the truth about his life with Lucifer—that he sees him and is dealing with that. What did you think about his confession and Bobby’s reaction?[/b]
Least it was acknowledged, and his making the best of a bad situation is quite refreshing, and something that has embodied Sam since he got his soul back. His ‘the only way is up’ attitude stands in stark contrast to Dean’s ‘it’ll only get worse’ one. Good to see the brothers balance each other out.
I do agree with percysowner though. The longer Sam is ‘fine’ the more difficult, I feel, it will be for the show to address his issues properly later on. They have a buttload yet to cover. We still don’t know what’s ailing Dean; the Leviathans must be dealt with, as must Castiel, Adam and Bobby’s relationship with Sheriff Mills. If they leave it (Sam) until late in the second half of the season, the impact of whatever will hit Sam will be considerably lessened.
Add to that, when Sam does break (or whatever), it could very easily turn into a case of viewers going ‘Well, he was fine for so long, what’s wrong with him now? Why can’t he just go back to what he was doing before in order to deal?’
Like Bobby said, Sam is ‘one deep little son of a bitch’. I only hope we get to explore this depth, and not just the surface ripples.
[b]6. Do you think we’ve lost Bobby for good this time? How would you feel about it if it were true—no more Bobby as someone to turn to for help or as a father figure. It would really bother me. A lot.[/b]
I think it’d be a lot riskier to kill off Bobby than it was to kill off Castiel (and I do think we’re going to see Castiel again). Killing off what is, in essence, the third main character would put a hell of a lot more pressure on JP and JA in terms of their work schedule. Not only that, Bobby serves as an anchor to the boys that they are rooted in mankind, not monsterhood or angeldom. Spending so much time surrounded by monsters and angels has to make them feel separate from the rest of their fellow man, Bobby serves to remind them of the human side of who they are.
[b]7. I thought this ep had some great black humor and interaction between Bobby and the boys, which is why I gave it an 8. It might go higher after another viewing or two. Your grade? [/b]
About the same, 7 or an 8. I don’t want to think about it too much for fear of it going down, as has been the case for the last 4 or 5 episodes.
[b]8. What did you think of Dean’s behavior under the influence of the crazy sandwich? I found it kind of irritating. I can’t explain why, but it just bothered me. It wasn’t funny so much as grating, and the fact that he didn’t care about things made me angry.
Stoned Dean was amusing Dean but I think a bit longer with him would probably have turned him into ‘Can we gag him?’ Dean. I think I found it quite funny because we’d never really seen him in that guise before so, as they say, ‘What’s rare is wonderful’. Just keep it rare, Dean.
Thanks for this, Robin. Another six hours well spent for you (I hope!).
1. Who saved the gal coming out of the law firm from the Leviathan? I’m so curious!
* Yep, that was Edgar.
2. I got really teary-eyed over mention of Bobby taking the brothers out hunting; how did you feel?
* Anytime I hear about their childhood is good with me. And Bobby is so great with the both of them.
3. What did you think about the punishment they gave the doctor?
* Yuck, that was disgusting, and way harsh! Would not want to work for that guy.
4. Do you think the way Dean feels about hunting is the REAL reason for his drinking? He just doesn’t want to hunt anymore?
* You know, Dean is showing all the classic signs of someone going through a depression. I hope that with Bobby out of commission, it will light the fire under his (perfect) ass.
5. Sam easily confessed to Bobby the truth about his life with Lucifer—that he sees him and is dealing with that. What did you think about his confession and Bobby’s reaction?
* This is what Sam needs to tell Dean! Along with my response to question 4, I think that would get Dean out of his funk. Sam is dealing, but Dean is his stone and he needs to continue building on that.
6. Do you think we’ve lost Bobby for good this time?
* I will be uber-pissed off if Bobby Singer does not make it back! Bring Cas, Crowley, any supernatural being to help, but bring the guy back to the Winchesters.
7. I thought this ep had some great black humor and interaction between Bobby and the boys, which is why I gave it an 8. It might go higher after another viewing or two. Your grade?
* Oh, I definitely give it a 9. I’ve watched it 3 times already, and I will watch it again and again, ad infinitum.
8. What did you think of Dean’s behavior under the influence of the crazy sandwich?
* I’m sorry you didn’t find him funny. I thought he was cute, but yeah, I wouldn’t want him like that all the time. I’ve known so many people in my life that have been (notice the past tense) high on the easier drugs (read MJ) and it can be entertaining, but it gets old after a while.