The WinFamBusiness Chicon Twitter Summary
Twitter is a very strange beast. Normally when I do to a con, I always have my laptop handy and take a lot of notes. For this year’s “Salute To Supernatural” in Chicago, I did something different. I decided to tweet instead. Turns out I did A LOT. I have no idea why, especially since the whole 144 character format drives me batty! However, tweeting through a laptop is way easier than a phone, so that’s why I managed to get out so many. There were hardly any people there with laptops.
Apparently though, the tweets got attention. I guess I was paraphrasing in ways that others weren’t. I’ve never been good at just telling the facts. Even on Sunday when I introduced myself to Clif Kosterman, he went, “Oh, you’re the one with all the tweets yesterday.” I know people next to me started following after they saw everything I was writing. I picked up a lot of followers that weekend.
It’s taken me a couple of weeks, but I’ve found that many of my tweets didn’t make the con tweet summaries that are so popular after these things on other blog sites. So, I decided to make an archive for myself. Sure the con is long passed, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to share. I know a ton of you out there aren’t Twitter savvy (and I often think that’s a good thing). Who knows, maybe future cons will end up just being summaries of my tweets. We’ll see.
Warnings, let’s see. A ton of innuendos, me swearing a couple of times, and there’s bound to be typos. It’s Twitter after all. Hopefully though, they’ll be informative. Or just plain funny. It is a strange way to follow someone through a weekend. Just in going over these I found a lot of little fun things I forgot about. Each line is a tweet. Yes, I did that many.
Guy Norman Bee and some crazy redhead that runs a fansite.
The Road Trip
Stopped at a Starbucks on the way to Chicago so I could do WFB Admin. Posted 3 articles in 15 min. Am I awesome or what? Back on the road!
“Take the skinheads bowling, take them bowling! Take the skinheads bowling take them bowling!” #songsonipodforroadtrip
“And I need you than want you and I want you for all time, and the Witchita Lineman is still on the line…” #songsonipodforroadtrip
Yikes! The streams and rivers are all spilling over their banks here in Western Ohio. 3 days of straight rain will do that.
@bookdal Yep, Glen Campbell. Nestled in between The Foo Fighters and The Human League. I have a broad playlist, no?
Do we still need that blow up doll for @sebroche and @mishacollins #Chicon goers? Indiana’s coming soon. 🙂
(Bookdal wondered if I had any George Jones in my collection)
@bookdal No, but I have Garth Brooks’ “Friends In Low Places.” My list isn’t that broad! 🙂
I just passed a Porsche on my mini van. #Thatsreallysad
An Impala just passed both of us. #nota67impala
We all ended up at the same McDonalds drive thru. #funinruralIndiana
“I’m in you…you’re in me…cause you give me the love, love that I never had….” #FramptonRules
Impala, we have to stop meeting like this. #nota67impala.
(Note, that Impala and I passed each other constantly all the way to the Illinois border!)
Friday night karaoke
(Yes, there was no alcohol, at least for audience members. The guests on stage, plenty!)
@moryan @bookdal I haven’t had anything either! Mo and I are two sober redheads standing here. It’s fun though.
No beer and karaoke make Alice go something, something. “Go crazy?” Don’t mind if I do! #chicon
BTW there’s a lot of dangerous stage diving going on here! We know who’s really drunk! #chicon
Amy Gumenick panel
Amy Gumenick mentioned some new possibilities coming up including Eric Kripke’s new show. #chicon
Amy seems like a really sweet girl. She’s being so upbeat and positive up on stage. #Supernatural set the bar high for her. #chicon
Great question! Who’s a better kisser, Matt or Mitch? Matt, but she said Mitch was really nervous about it. #chicon
Some key words at the Amy Gumenick panel. Impala scene, Jared, cell phone, popping dog anal glands. Fill in the blanks! #chicon
Amy’s panel is over. What a sweetheart! A sharp contrast to what we’ll get later this afternoon. 🙂 #chicon
Richard and Matt panel
Wow, the room has really filled up. This is one of the largest Saturday crowds I’ve ever seen at a con. #chicon
Funny how karaoke cannot be spoken of without “homoeroticism” thrown in. It all started with talk about Jared and Matt’s biceps. #chicon
Misha is here! He’s crashing the panel. #chicon
Misha is getting a lesson on walking through the crowd right now. The flashbulbs are going off like mad! #chicon
Sebastian Roche and Mark Pellegrino Panel
Ah, an X-rated version of “Lean on Me’ from @sebroche. Who knew multiple use of “balls” and “d***” would work in that song? #chicon
I do wonder if Creation is wondering if it was a good idea to put another man on stage with @sebroche. #Homoeroticismlives
You all aren’t expecting serious answers from Mark and Sebastian, are you? Should I tweet the clean or naughty version of the panel? #chicon
(the overwhelming response was naughty)
@sebroche is talking about chewing on the lovely @ninadobrev‘s leg. The look on Mark’s face, he had some fantasy going on there. #chicon
Mark and Seb realize that on they only have worked with men on SPN. They’re using a double entendre with Jim Beaver’s name. #chicon
I’m not even going to get into the ear muffs line. I have standards! 🙂 #chicon
Oh no, now @sebroche is making up words to Baby Got Back using “big muffs.” This panel has taken quite a turn. #chicon
Mark is a huge fan of The Walking Dead novels. He’ll survive the zombie apocalypse. So far, Seb hasn’t turned that into a sex joke. #chicon
“I can kick Darth Vader’s ass. He’s such a pussy.” – Mark. #Chicon.
Oh, someone had to get a video of this. These two are mimicking a hilarious zombie chase. #chicon
So far, in the span of two minutes, this panel has zoomed from mocking Star Wars to zombies to Harry Potter. It’s beyond words! #chicon
Now @sebroche is making a lion’s roar sound gay! #chicon
I really don’t know what’s happening anymore. All control has been lost! #chicon
There is just no hope of getting an easy answer of @sebroche. There’s a 75% chance he’ll break into a dirty song. #chicon
Oh boy, someone dared ask if they came back as a object, what would it be. @sebroche said Jennifer Lopez and then imitated a vibrator.
Seb designing “V neck” pants. “It’ll look great when J-Lo wears it.” Mark – “It’ll highlight her penis.” #Chicon
Panel over. Am I able to get in a shower before Misha’s turn? I feel very dirty now. But I liked it! #chicon
Misha Collins
(Here’s a picture of Misha, just in case you all forgot what he looks like. It’s not at Chicon, but let’s just pretend it is.)
Watching these Castiel fan vids makes me realize how much I really miss him. WHY SHOW WHY? #chicon
@mishacollins finally made it! Good question. Will he heir his minions to West? “Very middle to dark ages kind of thinking there.” #chicon
He just saw the flaw in heiring minions. “I would have to be dead. Wait a second, I don’t like this idea anymore.” #chicon
Misha talked about attending University of Chicago. They were ranked 300 out of 300 for social life. They printed t-shirts. #chicon
If and when Castiel returns, will Sam ever give him a hug? Jared texted him at 2 am….#chicon
“Come down to my room and we’ll wrestle.” Come on, don’t be gay.” So yes, Jared is very eager to hug. #chicon
The next question is really bad, so someone shouted “Next question!” Misha acknowledged the verbal cane has been pulled. #chicon
Misha is walking the crowd! “So this is what it’s like to be Richard Speight.” #chicon
“Okay, this is freaking me out.” Misha just ran back on stage. #chicon
Apparently, putting “A wave on celestial intent” on your job application is not a very good idea. #chicon
Weirdest gift from a fan? “Hard to say, there have been so many.” A needlepoint pillow with his face on it is the most terrifying. #chicon
Why the name Amaximander for West? He was reading up on early greek philosophers. He suggested the name, they laughed, and they did it.
“The stuff that goes on in their trailers is disgusting,” Misha says about Jared and Jensen. He wouldn’t elaborate, there are children here.
Mary is back to get Misha to answer a question seriously! I love this game between the two of them every year. #chicon
The Leviathan Misha played is strikingly similar to his onstage personality. Was that deliberate? #chicon
He laughs, “You’ve come a long way grasshopper.” Actually, it was tough because he had food poisoning. #chicon
He was too sick to do much of the scene, so the stunt double went into the water. She got her serious answer! #chicon
Misha is telling the story again of how bad the set was while shooting Karla. #chicon
Will Misha be writing again sometime soon. “I frequently publish on a place called Twitter.” The editor isn’t picky. #chicon
Any big acting plans? “I go do performances at 7/11’s just to stay fresh.” Finds bus drivers and clerks are the best audiences. #chicon
Who does he listen to the most? “Definitely Justin Bieber.” #chicon
“How has my life adversely been affected by Jared? Let me count the ways.” Personal property has been damaged, hangovers, Jared’s large..
…and his time keeps getting wasted with late night tweets about wrestling. #chicon
So who would be in Misha’s boy band? Young Sam and Jim Beaver. #chicon
(Here’s Jim Beaver’s twitter reply: @jumblejim If I had a boy band, @mishacollins would be too young to be in it.)
Did Misha like being vengeful God? Had more fun with future Cas because of all the orgy rehearsals. “We were all pretty sore.” #chicon
Superpower Misha would like? “I always wanted to be able to walk in a straight line.” He keeps forcing people off the sidewalk. #chicon
Misha’s favorite belt buckle is his bus buckle. “I have a plan. One day I’m going to drive a bus in a volcano.” #chicon
The lake for HCW was terrible choice because the water never got past his knees. He didn’t have to do many takes. It was gross. #chicon
The best part of Misha’s panels is how much he messes with the questioners. It’s impossible to transcribe how hysterical that is. #chicon
Misha claims he’s cost Warner Brothers hundred of thousands of dollars in overtime because he laughs too much. #chicon
Misha bites his cheek to stop laughing. “Which cheek?” someone shouts from the back. “I see why you are in the back row.” #chicon
Okay, Misha’s panel is over. Off to photo ops! I believe that was the last panel of the day. #chicon
Richard Speight Jr Panel
(Yes, I was a little distracted with a special find just before the panel)
In the ballroom all settled for an exciting day. The ballroom is packed! @dicksp8jr is on the stage now doing warm up. #chicon
I’m in a flutter because I just bought autograph pictures of the main cast member of The West Wing. I saw John Spencer’s and I cried!
People think Supernatural is my favorite all time show but it’s not. It’s the West Wing. Honest, I’m pretty emotional over this find.
Richard is again making fun of Jared’s height and hair. I never get tired of that! #chicon
Now here’s a fun story. Richard pranked @sebroche in Rome by calling him in the early hours and telling him his laundry is ready. #chicon
What theme does Richard want to tackle? Cat juggling. Good answer to a typical fan question! #chicon
For you West Wing fans then, I got awesome autograph pictures of Martin Sheen, John Spencer, Rob Lowe (my teen crush) and Brad Whitford.
Richard’s talking about Band of Bros filming. There’s a lot of first timers that haven’t heard this. He’s a great storyteller. #chicon
“I don’t know how it went from an event I hated to me dressing like a 1970’s drug dealer.” Richard on how awesome karaoke has gotten.#chicon
@patient0146 @jarpad @guynormanbee Chances of me getting in a question at this con are about 1 million to 1, but I hope someone will!
Richard wants the Trickster to come back, not Gabriel. There’s a real Trickster hidden somewhere by Gabriel that must break free. #chicon
Richard mentioned that his favorite scene was the Trickster in the auditorium watching Dean get beat up. #chicon
That was my first question to Richard at his first con here 3 yrs ago. I asked him about that scene. Gotta find his awesome answer. #chicon
Okay, Richard is done. Ten minutes to J & J. I tell ya, you can feel the crushing fan girl angst in the room. #chicon
Jared and Jensen Panel
(It’s right around here that @guynormanbee and a few others were encouraging me in tweets to bust into chanting “metronome” when Jared and Jensen came on.)
@guynormanbee @patient0146 @jarpad That’s not going to get me tossed out of this auditorium, is it? I’ll point to the person next to me. 🙂
@bookdal Fans are already lined up down both sides of the ballroom. So no, zero questions from me this year.
Okay everyone here at #chicon, who wants to chant “Metronome” when the J’s take the stage?
I’m way in the back and honestly don’t shout that loud. #chicon
Okay, it’s awkward silence time among those of us in row AE. This is all your fault @jarpad! 🙂 #chicon
They’re playing the “You’ve Got A Friend” in me video again? They did that in Vancouver and Jensen thought it was awkward. #chicon
I guess nothing beats the awkward Celine Dion Wincest implied video they showed in San Francisco before the J’s went on. #chicon
Jared and Jensen are on stage now. They’re standing together for photos! Take plenty everyone, I’m typing. #chicon
A large amount of first timers again! Jensen is apologizing for every guest on stage before them. Namely Sebastian. #chicon
Jared just got a fan from the audience. Just remove the sweater already! #chicon.
Has anything on the show broadened their own spirituality? “Spirituality can bind us while religion can separate us.” – Jared #chicon
Jared – They had some issues with “Houses of The Holy” and making a religious statement. #Chicon
OMG! Jared is fanning himself and that hair is wildly flapping everywhere. I’m dying here!!! #chicon
(Photo courtesy of Sablegreen)
Jensen has a better answer. It’s just a TV show, they’re not making a religious statement. #chicon
Jensen said on the set they were having a conversation two nights ago they’d love to have Michael Rosenbaum on the show. #Chicon
Gen has a paint quarter horse. Jared doesn’t want her to ride pregnant. The fan congratulated them. #chicon
Hilarious! Jensen held up his hands in the form of a baby, then started making funny faces at Jared. The idea disturbs him! #chicon
Both talking about communicating in marriage. Jensen – “I’m sorry honey, you’re right, what was I thinking.” #chicon
They’re discussing a future ep amongst themselves, hiding their faces with their hands. EP 8 – It even made Bob Singer laugh! #chicon
Bwah! Someone had a question for Jensen, so Jared got up and started stretching. #chicon
Jensen is joking how they picked him for Supernatural, and some guy from The Gilmore Girls. “His name was Milo Ventimiglia.” #chicon
“Too bad we didn’t get him, for I would have been the tall one.” – Jensen about Milo. #chicon
Will Sam stay affected by Hell? Yes, he will have constant reminders. Sam’s trying to take the high road, but it’s not easy for him. #chicon
The fan said that Sam hasn’t been emotional in a while. “Do you want me to cry?” Jared asked. #chicon
Sam’s hand is supposed to stay permanently scarred by the way. #chicon
Jared is telling the story about how he used to wear Puma tennis shoes. So when Bugs filmed, Kim Manners got them umbrellas…#chicon
When Eric Kripke saw the dailies for “Bugs”, he called them and said there was a new rule, no umbrellas. #Chicon
It’s very rare they get put down by weather, but once a monster storm stopped production for a bit. Anyone get what ep that was? #chicon
Asked about James Marsters and Charisma Carpenter. They were great to work with and they’re hoping they’ll come back. #chicon
How do they pretend to eat? Jared doesn’t have an issue since Sam picks at his food. Jensen needs a spit bucket. #chicon
One time eating the burgers made Jensen’s lips raw. #chicon
I have no freaking idea how one of Jared’s rambles resulted in “Dentyne White,” but it did. Gotta love the @jarpad rambles!
Someone also asked about why Castiel did something in “The Third Man.” Jensen hit the nail on the head. He was busy. #chicon
Is there a weapon they haven’t used yet they want to? Jensen, “Yeah, there’s a ton.” Grenade launcher. Hard to find fake grenades. #chicon
“Jared, your hair is miraculous.” Oh yeah, Jared wanted that statement repeated. #chicon
Great answer to a dumb question. Who would play their roles if they weren’t? Taylor Lautner and Justin Bieber. #chicon
WHOO HOO!!!! YOU ROCK @guynormanbee!! He just came in and had a fan ask the metronome question.
The Metronome was there for only one purpose. A dance move. Fans really want a demonstration, but they don’t want to spoil. #chicon
These freaking questions are making my head spin! Several are just taking so much time for little payoff. #chicon
This latest long question about a promo shot. The best answer to come out of it was “It was probably a prop.” #chicon
Jensen is talking about how they actually filmed the cheese pouring over the clerk’s head. It was made of white chocolate. #chicon
Jensen thought the end result of the cheese melting on the guy was perfect! They cut it. #chicon
They cut another montage of Dean wasting time in the cabin. Massive sad face!!!! #chicon
Did they know Sam was soulless? Yes. When Jared first found out, he wasn’t sure how to act it. He’s proud of the result though. #chicon
A fan is apologizing for last year to Jensen because of her fear of public speaking. Then she calls him pretty. She’s over it! #chicon
Talking about nicknames on the set. J-Rod, Jackles. Douchenozzles came up too, but I guess that one wasn’t allowed. #chicon
People in line are being returned to their seats. This panel is close to ending. #chicon
Jensen talked about shooting movies or doing A Few Good Men while on break. They can’t do it again, it’s too exhausting. #chicon
In episode 7.07, they’re fighting ghosts. He bagged up the salt, had Jerry Wanek design a container, and he’s auctioning it off. #chicon
There’s only two. One went in Toronto. Jared is showing off the jar of salt like the spokesmodel. “Thank you Vanna.” Bwah! #chicon
(Photo courtesy of Sablegreen)
The proceeds of this jar of salt, signed by Jensen, Jared, and Jim, will go to the Downs Syndrome foundation of Dallas. #chicon
Jensen’s nephew was born with Down’s Syndrome, Levi. This is for his buddy walk, Team Levi. #chicon
“Winchester Brothers demon warding salt.” Staring the bidding at $500. #chicon
They’ve passed Toronto so far, $4000 and counting. #chicon
$5,500! How awesome is that. Congratulations Team Levi. #chicon
(Photo courtesy of Sablegreen)
“I can’t count that high” – Jared. “My sister-in-law is crying right now.” – Jensen. The woman got a big hug from Jensen. #chicon
Jared said how @WinchesterBros raised $10,000 for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital right now. It’s still going for a few more months! #chicon
Panel over. Thank you so much @jarpad and Jensen! The girl next to me, a first timer, said “I didn’t want it to end.” #chicon
Guy Norman Bee
I just got some great technical info from @guynormanbee about the cameras used for Supernatural. This tech junkie is happy!
Monday – the trip home
Annie fucking Lennox is making me cry. #darkroad #songsonipodforroadtrip
Its the weirdest thing. Crossed a bridge in Indiana and time warped ahead an hour. I’m looking for the fairies responsible. #fightthefairies
Did Ohio put hundreds of windmills at the border as a big screw you to Indiana?
I mean, these windmills in the midst of the cornstalks is really creepy! I see a potential horror film here. Or a Supernatural ep.
David fucking Cook is making me cry. #permanent #songsonipodforroadtrip
I do accept that Twitter is often an exercise in self-indulgence, so thank you for allowing me to share my self-indulgence. At least all my tweets are in one place in a happy archive now, so life can go on now.
Oh, and as an added bonus, here’s Sablegreen’s Youtube videos of the con. The ones Creation didn’t catch her taking anyway!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Wonderful recap! It looks like you had a great time. I follow you on twitter, but it was nice to see them all in one place since I knew I missed a few. 😀
Thank you so much for this Alice. I’m one of these technically challenged people, I don’t even own a cellphone! And thanks to Sablegreen for the really cute videos.