Supernatural Season 6 DVD Sales Off To Strong Start
UPDATED: I have Blu-Ray numbers now! See Below released their weekly US DVD Sales chart today for the week ending September 18th. Supernatural Season Six in its first week of sales had another strong outing. Supernatural sold 182,479 units for total revenue of $6,567,419. That’s second to The Big Bang Theory in terms of TV on DVD sets and better than the second season of Glee and other shows. The full list can be found at the link below.
In comparison to season five’s sales last year, season six is slightly lower. Of course both season five and six pale in comparison to season four, which many consider to be Supernatural’s best season. Here are the sales for previous seasons:
Season Five: 193,827 units
Season Four: 245,047 (adjusted from previous reports)
Season Two: 69,000 (rounded)
Season One: 101,000 (rounded)
UPDATE: This was just released. 19,405 Blu-Ray units were sold, for total Blu-Ray revenue of $873,406.
Congratulations Supernatural. Another strong release!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Very nice! My set just came in the mail today 🙂
What was the number for Season 4, you mention it being awesome but don’t share it!
Not sure why that wasn’t saved, but I remember putting it there when I typed it up! I have up there now. 238,081. No other season comes close!
Thanks Alice, wow. Season Four is my favorite season, I can see how that happened. Still WOW at that number!
I bought two of those, but one is a Christmas gift for a friend.
I think it’s fair to say that TPTB look at these numbers, and while slightly lower from season 5, know that this is money largely in the bank.
It’s good to see these sales so strong. I would like to think this is also a factor in the much buzzed about possible season 8—and probably much more accurate than TV ratings or DVR numbers.
I’d like to think its positive reinforcement for all those that got worried for the S7 premiere ratings. Ratings still don’t count stuff like this. These numbers are a very good thing.
I went, out of dumb curiosity, to the TV By the Numbers site on their Renew/Cancel index for the CW. You’d think the sky was falling for SPN over there—at least from the POV of the posters, not so much the index itself.
I don’t know if TPTB look at the Convention attendance as a factor. There’s also the merchandise that people buy.
For me, I think it’s hard money in their pockets, and they can’t argue with that.
No, convention attendance doesn’t matter. All that money goes to Creation Entertainment (and other foreign sponsors), none of it to Warner Brothers. I think the one thing that has kept Supernatural going all these years is the International popularity. Warner Brothers makes a mint distributing the show to foreign markets. The CW doesn’t but considering Warner Brothers owns 50% of the CW, they want their money maker out there. That’s why many consider season 8 a lock.
I figured they didn’t get the money out of that, but I thought perhaps they saw how many paid to attend and what not to get a feel for fan interest or the like.
I know that they make a lot of money off the sales of DVDs/merch overseas, as I’ve seen that information before, too.
Considering how much the cast/writing team talked up season 8 potential from ComiCon on, I’m fairly certain we’re going to get one unless something catastrophic happens. The new President is a fan of the show first of all, and second of all I can’t imagine they have anything in mind that would actually do any better in the time slot lined up.
I read that site all the time, and I was laughing at all the doomsayers about SPN ratings. I was like geez it’s just the first episode. I was rolling my eyes and laughing at them. And at everyone saying it was because Smallville wasn’t our lead in, as if Smallville ever had any impact on our numbers. If it was down we’d be up, if it was up would could be up or down. It didn’t matter. I think a lot of people were just waiting and seeing what others had to say before watching this year. I think it will go up this Friday.
It was a morbid curiosity thing, really. I like to look and see, and I had to laugh. Most were saying that GG was dead show walking—along with Nikita to an extent. That broke out into a hilarious fight, btw.
I know a lot is made about what show leads in or follows, but I think it’s usually bupkis. The only shows that I think are actually linked that way are TVD and Secret Circle since they’re from the same creator and such.
I think you’re right, Supernatural will go up this Friday, by a little at least. It was against the premiere of Fringe which had one jaw dropper of a cliffhanger last year. Cass as God wasn’t as exciting on the surface. Since the premiere was such a good episode, people will be curious.
I wrote this article back in late 2009, but it’s still pretty accurate. It shows how Supernatural is a cash cow for Warner Brothers.
Wait, I did find one thing that has changed. Supernatural is now running in second run on TNT and I think in other countries like Space in Canada. Dollar figures weren’t released on that deal, but going with the average from other shows I’d say that’s $300,000 to $500,000 per episode. Supernatural is doing very well in syndication for TNT and is running 2 hours. So, they’ve got that going for them too.
Oo. I’ll check it out.
I’m also not surprised that it is such a cash cow.
I also think, now that the reviews are out for this first episode and what not, more people who felt like they were going to jump off the bandwagon are going to come see what everyone liked so much just because they have to see.
Not only does it run as second run on Space here in Canada but it also runs the current season. However, it doesn’t start until October on Space.
These are great numbers, but it is slightly misleading to conclude from these that s6 was slightly behind s5 and that s4 beat both by a fair way. You need to factor in blu ray sales. These have been accelerating very quickly year on year, and have particularly taken off in the last couple of years. Blu ray sales doubled between 2009 and 2010, and that trend has continued. Blu rays now make up a MUCH higher % of total unit sales than they will have done in 2009. Currently they are running at 50 to 100% of the DVD units for TV shows. In 2009 they were probably (I am guessing) only about 10%.
So when you factor that in and look at total DVD + blu ray sales it is almost certain that s6 will sell more than s5, and probably that both sold more than s4.
What an awesome point! I do agree, in my haste to get the news up, I did neglect a note about Blu-Ray.
That’s true, more Blu-Ray units are sold each year, but it’s still relatively small compared to the DVD sales. The Numbers do have a Blu-Ray chart this year, but it hasn’t been updated yet with the latest info. As soon as it is, I’ll share that. While I still think season 4 was the biggest seller by far, it’s entirely possible Blu-Ray could close or erase the gap on the 11,000 unit margin between season 5 and 6.
Here’s a fun statstic! In researching further info on the DVD sales, I found this number as of February 21, 2010.
25 weeks into release, Supernatural season four was estimated to have sold 471,591 copies for total sales of…wait for it…$15,228,057. That’s a third of the budget for a season. It’s my guess it’s sold more since then.
Also, at the end of 2010 season five was 87th in the DVD sales (movie and TV) rankings. Here’s what season five had racked up by that time:
440,531 units, $16,103,666 revenue
I just love stats!
I would like to know when the sale in Europe starts? And is there a German translation on it?
That’s pretty fascinating. I’m not surprised at how many units on both DVD & Bluray this show sells. It’s got an avid fan base.
Funny how mileage varies: season 4 is hands down my least favourite. I think as someone else mentioned increased Blu-Ray sales probably explains the drop between S4 and S5 & 6. It’s interesting to see that over the years DVD sales have gone up, with S4-6 essentially doubling the sales of S1-3, and that this is indirectly proportionate to ratings, which are now half what they were at the beginning. I guess more people are waiting for the DVDs instead of watching it on TV?
I’m not worried about the ratings. The only yardstick that matters is how well it is doing relative to other shows on the same network, and in that respect it’s still very strong. It’s pulling in the same numbers as the two most promoted new shows, Ringer and Secret Circle, even though it’s on Fridays, is in its seventh season, and is up against a similar genre show on a much bigger network. It’s in third place, and pretty close behind TVD and SC–that’s quite the feat. Plus network, writers and cast have all spoken optimistically about S8. Supernatural would have to fall down to the bottom of the heap with 90210 before it was cut. If it’s doing as well as the CW’s best new shows, there’s no reason to get rid of it and bring in a new show that at best, would only do as well as Supernatural, and at worst, would bomb. Plus, as the excellent number-crunching in the Supernatural by the Numbers link shows, they make a lot of money from DVD and international sales, as well as new syndication deals.
So I say, don’t worry and be happy watching season 7–it looks to be very happy-making, I am very excited about what Sera and Robert have said they have in store for us!
Season 4 is also my least favourite, but it is still far better than any other show I’ve seen on TV. No way I wouldn’t buy the dvds. Great episodes in season 4 like Lazarus Rising, In the Beginning, On the Head of a Pin and It’s a Terrible Life. And not so enjoyable for me like Chris Angel is a Douchebag, Family Remains, When the Levee Breaks and After School Special (though I loved Colin Ford in it).
I want a complete set of dvds when this show is over so I can watch it over and over and over….and….over…over…. 😛
Don’t know why most fans love it the most.
So awesome to see someone out there that sees it the way I do Mickey! Thanks so much. I’ve been writing an update the past few days to Supernatural By The Numbers to drive home the point that Supernatural is doing fine right now. One of your points is a big section in the article, that as a show you only have to be as good as other shows on your network, not other networks. Thanks for mentioning that.
You are not the only one I have never brought season 4 it is a waste of money for me on season I have no love for. But do have the other seasons and I am glad the sales are strong for season 6.
You also have to consider, these are just the sales when they are on the top of the charts. These things continue to sell for years and years and continue to provide an additional revenue stream for the shows continuation.
SPN S6 sold 182,479 units in it’s first week. You then list S1-S5’s unit numbers. Are these also first week sale numbers?
BTW with regard to ratings. Yes, dvds are good money for the studio, but not for one half of the network and not for the affiliates trying to get money through ad revenue. So SPN is still in danger. Not all parties involved in the airing of SPN are making money from WB’s dvd sales.
Yes, those numbers are first week sales. I know that Supernatural has overall gone on to sell almost 3 million units. I’m not sure if that is a US figure or Worldwide.
SPN is not in danger, trust me. CBS isn’t about to use their 50% to choke off the biggest money maker for Warner Brothers on the network now (which Supernatural is by a lot). I’ll have to dig up the links, but it’s a known fact The CW exists as a money loser so CBS and Warner Brothers can earn money selling their shows to other markets. Why do you think 90210 has gone on this long? Their ratings have been worse.
While you do make a good point, that doesn’t apply in Supernatural’s case. It does apply at networks like NBC though.
I agree Alice that the DVD, syndication money, overseas sales etc hugely sweeten the pot for WB in making up some of the CWs losses. But I do worry about the affiliates. I hear that the CW is getting harder to get in lots of areas as affiliates drop CW or move it to cable or fee charging packages like HD only. I suspect this is partly behind the network-wide bleeding of viewers this season. And while I think the WB and CBS can be blase about ratings to an extent, because of the money they make on the other income streams, surely if CW loses lots of affiliates – because the ad slots just aren’t that valuable – the viability of the network will be threatened?
I wrote this comment on another thread, but the CW affiliate agreements expire in 2016 I believe. The end of the 2015-2016 season. They signed on initially at ten years. It’s my belief that the network will probably fold at that time. I have this fun little notion that Supernatural will go eleven seasons and go out with its network. It’s an amusing thought, but probably not likely.
[quote]Yes, those numbers are first week sales. I know that Supernatural has overall gone on to sell almost 3 million units. I’m not sure if that is a US figure or Worldwide[/quote]
Wow Alice – that is over $100 million. Do you have a link for that figure?
Presumably that is for the 1st 5 seasons as s5 has only just come out. $20 million per season makes a big contribution to the £45 to 50 million it costs to make a season.
When I wrote my article in Variety for the 100th episode tribute in April 2010, ([url][/url]) at that time I got a confirmed number that Supernatural had sold 2 million DVD sets from seasons 1 – 4. They didn’t verify if that was US or worldwide. Since then, season five has sold more than 500,000 copies and season six is at about 200,000 now. Add on additional copies for season 1 – 4, it’s close to 3 million.
Revenue on that in my estimates is about $60 million. I have the average at $30 a set since many of the earlier sets have been discounted. This doesn’t include Blu-Ray or seasons/episodes sold on iTunes.
Yes, the budget is at around $50 million a season and gets higher with each season. The costs go up on mature shows. I’m researching and planning on publishing soon an article on how much estimated Supernatural has earned domestically and on the overseas market, but let’s just say it’s the biggest money maker currently on The CW for Warner Brothers by a lot.
So if I buy all seasons instead of re-watching them on-line do I do my favorite show something good? Does my money matters?
I’m quite obsessed with the show! I think I’ve watched some ep’s ten times! And I only got hooked on SPN in February ’11!!!
LOVE this show! 😀
I live in Sweden, and Itunes here doesn’t sell SPN. 🙁
Have you seen that SPN s6 is still in the top 30 3 weeks into release? I’m not sure that has happened before. I think we usually drop out after 2 weeks.
We are at no22. We sold another 16,000 units this week, almost 200,000 in total. That is another $7 million for WBs.
I noticed that Girl Next Door was no 11 in itunes TV ep download chart too. At $2.99 a download I am sure that is pretty lucrative.