The Supernatural Effect
By Metamorphic Rocks
You may have heard of The Butterfly Effect – A butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil and the weather changes in Texas. This concept, often used when discussing meteorology, and which is actually connected to chaos theory, basically implies that a very small change in an original, variable condition, can alter events and produce a large change in a later condition.
For as long as I have been a fan of Supernatural, I have observed a phenomenon I like to call “The Supernatural Effect”. Much like The Butterfly Effect, “The Supernatural Effect” appears to take place when a small, seemingly trivial act like tuning in to the show brings about significant change in fans’ lives.
It is not surprising that different forms of traditional media, such as television, film and books can inspire people. Many of us remember a special passage in a book, or have been moved by a movie we have viewed. Television and film, with the advantage of providing immediate visual pictures, often make strong impressions on an audience.
In regard to TV shows, both past and present, many have had (or do have) passionate fan bases. Shows like Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Lost have all had ardent, involved viewers. Many of these fans have expended much time and effort dissecting every nuance of their shows’ characters, debating plot points, and just being immersed within the canon (and sometimes outside of it as well, with works like fan created fiction and videos). Some of these programs are considered cult shows, which are known for their devoted, invested fans. However, even given the level of investment these fans put forth, can they actually say these shows have made a real difference in their lives?
There are some shows that have been credited with significantly impacting peoples’ lives. For example, Rescue 911 (an early 1990s show depicting real-life emergencies) was recognized by some viewers as having been instrumental in enabling them to save another’s life by implementing knowledge they gained from the show. The Oprah Winfrey Show often received letters from viewers explaining how a topic discussed in the show, such as weight loss or drug addiction, had changed their lives. Thus, it is reasonable to say that the medium of TV can impact a person’s life. However, what about a show that is entirely fictional? Can this type of show, and in this case, Supernatural, actually have a life-changing impact on a person? I believe that it can.
Fictional stories can be (though they are not limited to) forms of entertainment. Seeking out this type of entertainment is a leisure pursuit. All healthy leisure activities play a very important role in our lives. They do much more than just distract us from daily life. They make up a part of who we are, and how we identify ourselves. These activities help us to express ourselves, and even help us connect with one another. And it is here, in these pursuits, that we often find our life’s passions.
Being an occupational therapist and working with people with disabilities, illness and injury to restore function, I am acutely aware of the power and therapeutic value of meaningful occupation. Though meaningful occupation encompasses many areas, such as daily living skills and employment, it also includes leisure activities. Part of my job entails finding a way to incorporate people’s passions and interests (or assisting them in finding some) into their rehabilitation plans, because engaging in the activities we love or enjoy has positive effects on the physical, psychological, and emotional well-being of an individual. The end result of these effects can aid in the recovery process following trauma or illness.
The benefits of leisure activities are indeed, quite profound. In addition, these leisure pursuits are as varied as the individuals who engage in them. They include sports, art, and music just to name a few, and can take the form of active or passive participation. Loving Supernatural (and/or participating in its fandom) can also be one of these pursuits. On the surface, turning on the TV and flipping to the CW might seem like nothing more than a way to pass an hour. However, this is where “The Supernatural Effect” comes into play. Watching the show creates a tiny change in our initial circumstances. What the show ends up bringing into our lives, either while we are actively watching it or when we are inspired by it, is where substantial change can occur.
I have experienced “The Supernatural Effect” in my own life. I saw the pilot of Supernatural back in September 2005. I thought it was good, but for some reason I did not keep watching the show. That is, until Season 5. In the fall of 2009, I was a mommy for the third time. The road to get there was not easy. In the span of 7 years, I had experienced 4 pregnancy losses while trying to have my children. Ultimately, I had 3 beautiful, healthy boys. Though I felt thrilled that my family was finally complete, the previous 7 years had left me somewhat depleted. To compound the situation, I had no family near me (in Maryland) to help out, and my husband was commuting to Virginia for work, leaving at 5:20 am and not returning until 5:20 pm. Simply put, I was pretty much on my own. Even if I got sick (which I did a lot that year), I usually had to struggle through, managing alone. When the weekends finally rolled around and I theoretically might get some relief, I would march off to work to resume my role as caregiver, this time as an occupational therapist in a sub-acute rehab setting. Overall, the demands of taking care of 3 little boys – one with hyperactive tendencies, one with a speech delay, and a fussy baby – were taking their toll.
And so one Autumn Thursday night, during an all too familiar ritual of holding my baby upright 30 minutes after nursing him (as I had to do with all three of my boys after EVERY bedtime and middle of the night feeding for the first 10 months of each of their lives, as all three has gastro- esophageal reflux), I was flipping through the channels, trying to pass the time. And there were Sam and Dean Winchester, trying to stop the apocalypse. After a few minutes I remembered the show from when I first saw it. And I was hooked. From that point on, I looked forward to those nights. Each Thursday, with my baby fed and snugly wrapped in my arms, I would sit in my dark bedroom in my rocking chair, absorbed in Sam and Dean’s world, and captivated by their relationship as brothers.
I told my husband about the show, and we decided that when things settled down a bit, we would watch the previous seasons. That following July, with my 3rd son’s reflux gone and with him finally sleeping through the night, my husband and I spent our weekends fully immersed in Supernatural. By September 2010 (with my husband watching seasons 5 and 6 simultaneously), we were all caught up on the story.
This all started with one small choice to tune into Supernatural. At the time, I desperately needed something fun in my life. Though I loved spending time with my children, as any mom knows, it is very hard work and extremely time intensive. Also, the past seven years had been a roller coaster both physically and emotionally, with the excitement of trying to build my family but dealing with loss along the way. I had simply forgotten about any previous interests or leisure pursuits, and had basically lost that critical part of myself. Supernatural helped me find it.
I have actually experienced “The Supernatural Effect” more than once. Going to a Supernatural convention was the motivating factor for me to lose 35 pounds of lingering baby weight. I wanted to get healthy, but had been struggling in my attempt. When the opportunity to attend a con within driving distance presented itself, I had my motivation. Being able to go to the convention (and I confess, the photo ops) feeling and looking healthy became both my end goal and my reward for my efforts.
Most recently, I experienced “The Supernatural Effect” yet again. In 2003, my mom retired after a 50 year nursing career. Though she tried to keep busy, the days began to get monotonous for her. She was starting to feel down, and being newly diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica made matters worse. Somehow, I got my 76 year old, superstitious mom to watch season 6 of Supernatural. And something wonderful happened. It has brought much needed fun into her life. Most of the reason has to do with the fact that she is now able to actively share an interest with her daughter (even if it is mostly by phone). We have many animated conversations about the show, theorizing about what might come next. Now she even watches some of the previous seasons on TNT. And though Mom sometimes still has to shut her eyes at “the gore” as she calls it, she is having a great time with this new, crazy leisure activity.
For me, Supernatural was THE catalyst for opening up a whole new world of leisure activities to enjoy. Initially, it was the fun of looking forward to the show every Thursday that got me through some trying days and nights. After a while, though, it became more than that. Becoming invested in this story helped bring a light-heartedness to my life. The fun of analyzing the show and the motivations of its characters, as well as the excitement of seeing spoilers and anticipating new storylines was a breath of fresh air. Then, long after the previous seasons had been watched and my husband’s interest in the show had been tempered, experiencing the fandom brought even more enjoyment. Watching YouTube videos, visiting fan sites, participating in forums, going to a convention, and even sending silly ducks to Canada have provided endless moments of sheer, carefree delight. My life has more balance now, mainly because I allow that lighter part of myself to come out. Because of that, I probably have become a better mom, too.
The examples from my own life demonstrate the power of “The Supernatural Effect”. Of course, the most significant influences in my life are the real people in it. As I think it is for all of us, our families, loved ones, and friends provide the strongest forces for the course of our lives. We end up where we do largely because of the decisions we make in relation to them. However, I cannot discount the substantial impact Supernatural had, and continues to have in certain areas of my life. Sometimes I wonder, if I had never watched the show, would I have still arrived at the exact place I am today (which is a good place)? The answer is maybe, though I’ll never know for sure. I am certain, though, that becoming a passionate fan of Supernatural changed some of the recent roads I took to get here, and it has been (and still continues to be) a most enjoyable ride.
While spending time in the forums, I have been moved by reading fans’ stories about what Supernatural has meant to them. For some, exploring the show’s extraordinary universe has been a great escape from the tedium of daily life. For others, the comfort of seeing their favorite show helped get them through difficult times, even the loss of loved ones. For others still, watching Sam and Dean fighting the good fight, forgiving one another, getting knocked down but then finding the strength to get back up, has served as reminders about the power of good, forgiveness, and perseverance.
In addition, when I look at all of the art, fan videos, fiction and non-fiction created by fans who were inspired by the show, and how those fans’ work inspire so many others, I see more evidence for the existence of “The Supernatural Effect.”
There is also what happens to fans even while they are not watching the show. This is perhaps more significant. A person who is extremely shy posts on a forum for the first time, and ends up making close friends with fellow fans. Someone else, motivated to attend a far-away convention, conquers a life-long fear of flying and gets on a plane. People are inspired to contribute to a charity, or even start their own. These are all true accounts I have read, posted by fans. I know there are probably many more out there; perhaps you even have one of your own. As I continue to read such stories, it becomes even clearer to me that something meaningful is happening for fans.
Supernatural is only a TV show. The characters (though brought to life so well by the cast), and the world they live in doesn’t exist. Yet somehow, that part isn’t very important. What is important is that the small act of choosing to watch Supernatural has for many of us, become a catalyst for some type of positive change in our lives. We encountered, and then truly cared about, two brothers. We suspended our disbelief in order to hop in the back of the impala and go along with our heroes on their journey. In the process, we created a journey of our own. And the roads we took led us to new people, places, experiences, or perhaps just to long-forgotten parts of ourselves waiting to come out again. Supernatural was the butterfly that flapped its wings to start it all in motion. And so one “little show that could” sets out to tell its story, but ends up doing so much more.
Amazing article summing exactly what I and a number of fans feel about this “little show that could.”
It is truly amazing just what watching this one show has done to its fans—beyond entertaining and bringing us together. It’s inspiration is endless and unique to each fan within the fabric of what they call amongst the cast and crew, the Supernatural Family.
The biggest thing I took from this show, my Supernatural Effect, is just to go for it. Failure is not something to fear, but learn from. To take risks, to be ambitious in a positive way that can impact good around you. And when I trip or fall, most of all, watching Sam and Dean do it over and over has inspired me to get back up again and keep going.
And of course, my second Supernatural Effect is finding myself amongst all of you, my Supernatural Family.
Yes, it is amazing how this show has inspired so many fans in many different ways. I think it is great how it has inspired you. I know in addition to the things you mentioned, the show has also inspired you with your writing!
Thank-you for taking the time to read this. It was my own little love letter to the show.
That it has. Now it’s a matter of doing something with that inspiration.
It was so much fun meeting you in NJ. I have yet to choose my next Con (pending above mentioned subject). I’d really love to go to NJ again and see you there.
This Family is so unique. Each of us, touched by this show, bring our own talents to the table and inspire one another. I hope that never changes.
This was lovely, thank you so much for sharing! I don’t know anyone “in real life” who really enjoys the show so my friends and family tend to tease me a lot about my passion for this show, not really understanding how much more it is.
I didn’t discover our little show that could until December 2010, but I made up for it by watching all aired 115 episodes in 10 days, catching up right as winter hellatus started. And I think my Supernatural Effect was that I watched SPN at the tail end of my first semester of grad school when I was extremely unhappy, having moved from Atlanta to Boston. I didn’t like the city and was a week or so from getting to go home for Christmas. I finished SPN very quickly but immediately immersed myself in the fandom. I started writing fanfic (I’d been writing fic for years, but was on a downswing and SPN really gave me a boost of motivation to write again), watching vids–both of Show and cons–reading articles, etc.
When I got back to school in January for my next semester, I was even more miserable because it was cold, my friends and I barely saw each other all semester, I was really busy, and so on. SPN helped me through being down in the dumps and unhappy with my living situation. And it continues to do that. I’ll graduate with my MA in December and move back home, and it’s been SPN and the fandom that’s helped keep me sane when I’ve otherwise been pretty miserable.
And for that, I’m immensely grateful.
Wow, 115 episodes in 10 days, that was a marathon! It’s so awesome that the show (and the fandom) really can help people get through tough times.
Congratulations on your upcoming MA degree. That is quite an achievement. And thank-you for your comment. I love reading other “Supernatural Effect” stories from fans!
Uau girl, your article is amazing. You revealed a big part of your life, good and bad moments, like a real life yeah?! and SPN showed again why it´s a great show. It deserve a fandom like us! Completly conscious, although addicted. You rock!
Yes Gisele, SPN’s fandom is the best. I’m very happy to be a part of it, and to be able to interact with other fans such as yourself.
Thank-you for reading and for your kind comment!
Thank you for sharing it!!
Your words are amazing and so true!! I’m so proud of being Supernatural fan!
Again thank you so much!! Brazilian hugs!! 🙄
Thank-you for taking the time to read my article, Polly. Where else but in a fandom like SPN’s would we all ever have the opportunity to chat with people from all over the world? It is amazing and cool!
Thanks so much for sharing. I haven’t any children, but I took care of my mom when she had cancer and it was the hardest thing in my life to go through. I’m glad your babies are doing well.
Supernatural just makes me so happy. There are days when I’m feeling really down, and I’ll watch a few episodes of SPN and I feel so much better. I don’t need medication, I’ve got my boys to make me feel up! Another thing this show has brought me is this site. I’m so happy to have found it, so many great people to discuss this great little show with. As Dean said in “The French Mistake”: maybe there are some fans out there that give a crap about all this nonsense. Oh believe me Dean, there definitely are.
Thank-you, Sylvie. That must have been excruciatingly hard for you with your mom, but it takes a strong person to be able to do that.
I totally understand what you mean about SPN. Just knowing we are this close to the season 7 premiere has helped when times get a bit rough, even without having new episodes to watch!
Thanks for reading!
Thank you for expressing so beautifully how many of us feel. 🙂
Supernatural has changed my life in so many ways and I feel fortunate that I was “forced” into watching it by my children. It literally rocked my world.And I am grateful I get to meet so many wonderful people online 😆 from around the world who share this wondrous obsession.
Thank-you for your comment, Marilyn. What you wrote about your kids wanting you to watch is an example of another great effect of SPN. It can provide an opportunity for family members to spend time together watching and discussing the show. That is always a good thing!
Hi Auntzukie. I’m so glad you accidentally found SPN!
You are so right, the show and the fandom can provide all of us with many positive experiences, especially in the not-so-easy times.
You expressed yourself very eloquently in your comment. I hope you continue to participate and post more often!
Thank-you so much for reading and sharing your story.
My 30 yr old daughter got me hooked early this year. I had both knees replaced and was home bound for several months. I watched all 5 seasons, then managed to get season six over the summer. I credit Supernatural with helping me with my amazing rehabilitation because I started watching season one (again) while walking on my treadmill. Every morning I hear Sam and Dean calling to me to get up and get walking. I hate to stop!! I have gone from just a few minutes to over an hour now. I know I should take my walking outside, it is so beautiful, but, how would I take Sam and Dean??? I have lost a lot of weight,am so fit and feel wonderful, all because of “the boys”. My love of this show has also led me to several wonderfull web sites where I have begun to stop lurking and actually enter into some fun discussions.
Anyway, thanks for your article. I totally agree with all. I don’t understand why more people haven’t found this absolutly wonderful show????? I will keep trying. I buy season one and two and give them out to my friends. Maybe I need new friends. LOL
Jily4, congratulations on doing so well with the rehab and on the weight loss. That is awesome! It’s pretty great that SPN was able to help you accomplish that.
I also try and get my friends watching. So far I have “converted” 2 of them, my mom, and my hair stylist!
Thank-you for taking the time to read my essay, and stay active on those new knees (that is the occupational therapist in me coming out!).
Funny thing this Supernatural butterfly effect. I been thinking about it for a while now too.
Back in June I posted an article asking people how they found our wonderful little show. There were many comments that included a butterfly effect like people starting to get creative (some never even done something creative before discovering the SPN fandom), some people outside the US watch the original english version because the translation on TV is so bad (improving their english by watching the show with a dictonary in hand).
Plus Supernatural helped during the financal crisis all over the world. The things people suddenly found that they had to spend money on just because of Supernatural. For example paying extra for cable, getting a better or rather working DVD player, paying to get an internet connection (and in the wake of that learn how the internet works).
I enjoyed your story very much and hope there are more to come.
Yirabah, it really is unbelievable how something small like watching SPN can lead people to such meaningful pursuits.
Thank-you for reading and for sharing some more amazing ways people have experienced an SPN Effect.
I now how Supernatural can be a help in hard times. I helped my father through Blood cancer and a divorce to kill. One night he was having a bad time with his diabites and I was looking for something to interest him. He was a Astrophysicist with a interest in ufo’s, so when I saw a program named supernatural – I switched on expecting a debate on wether or not people where crazy when saying they saw a ghost. Instead I fell in love with series. What I had turned on to interest my father, ended up helping me through the illness and unfortunatly his passing away a few years later. I discovered that the one hour a week I watched supernatural gave me the ability to survive the rest of the week, through everything that landed on my shoulders. I too had really no family to talk too after my father’s divorce, since I was the only one that stayed. After he passed there where funeral plans, debts, bills and grief and trying to reconnect with other family members. The Supernatural effect definitly helped me through it and helpped me find a routine in life and a way of leaving sorrows beind me and looking to the future. There is nothing else you can do when while watching “Long Distance Caller”, a month after burying your own father, the phone rings half way through the episode. One of the scariest moments in my life was when I picked it up and whispered hello. Unfortunatly it was not my father from the beyond, it was a guy answering a ad I had placed. He never phoned back after my voice broke and tears came. I went for coffee and tried to move on in my life. But I am and will always be gratefull to Supernatural for helping me through some of the worst times in my life
I feel your pain. My mom had already been gone a few years when SPN started, but I still miss her, and the show just makes me so happy. You will never stop missing your dad, but with time it will get better. And there is SPN to make us all feel good.
Lucrezia, your post was so very powerful. The way you found the show was meant to be.
You have certainly been through alot, especially with all of the responsibility falling to you. Your experience during “Long Distance Call” stunned me.
I’m so glad SPN was able to help you through everything. I continue to be amazed at the substantial impact this little show has had on people (and in so many different ways).
Thank-you so much for reading and for your comment.
Thank you MetamorphicRocks for your wonderful experience with SPN. Its touching to read so many beautiful real stories associated with this show. And thank you again for coining this term “Supernatural Effect”.
Myself was feeling this special connection with SPN and wasnt able to point it exactly what this phenomenon is but your post made it very much clear as to what SPN changed and brought in in my life.
I am as you say more of a lurker here since i am very new to the SPN fandom. I started with this show last year while surfing was seaon 5 that was coming (repeat broadcast on AXN) and i saw second last S5E21- when the levee breaks..That time i was very much fed up with the goings in my job, but i was stuck with it with the job pressure taking toll on my life. I was not in contact of any of my frds and feeling so much down and this show got my interest tough i hardly understood whts going on it. Recently my sister was getting married (in march) and i did not like that my sister will go away and live separately, I was depressed and wasnt liking anything then i remembered that i wanted to catch this series fro the past 1 year.. i already had all seasons downloaded with me (dont know how else i can get the series) and i watched them back to back whole day and whole night in one week.
I felt it so much refreshing eventough i did not get any sleep for that time…SPN left me wanting for more and njoy this journey along with Sam and Dean, made my life more brighter. SPN made me to interact more with my frds and now they know how ardent fan i have become of this series. I am not much of a TV watching person but SPN is not just a show, its faith, belief and dream. SPN has given me some lessons and made me more brave (earlier i was scared lamb but now i know anything SPN i can handle like my own Sam and Dean 🙄 )….SPN does not broadcast in India (or i am not aware) real time and comes with some months lag on AXN (CW??) so Season 7 i wont be able to watch but i found this wonderful site thru which i can stay connected..
I am not aware of other SPN sites but WFB is one helluva site which i recently come across and which made me more interested in Winchesters boys and Cass. I love to read all the articles posted here (which is very herculean task given i started reading archive articles by Writers)
I enjoy coming here and reading writers pov on SPN and whn they share their personal experiences be it their lives or Conventions (though i am having tough time tracking all the past conventions 😮 )..
I must say it has become integral part of my life since this march i just want it to continue like this while i get to read posts like yours everytime..
Ritu, I’m so glad you found SPN!
I love hearing other people’s “Supernatural Effect” stories, and you really expressed what the show has brought to your life. Your phrase “SPN is not just a show, its faith, belief and dream” was very moving to me.
I’m also glad you found WFB, because I think it is truly one of the best. Everyone is warm and friendly here. If you are having trouble tracking all the conventions, Alice has a link to “Supernatural Wiki” under her Recommended Sites list. They have all the conventions listed, including many posts about them.
Thank-you for reading and for commenting!
Ohhh Thanks a bunch dear…Will look for that..i want to download all the videos you guys speak about all the time..sometimes i hardly understand but still njoy reading them…
Thanks again for the going numb while coming to this site…i was having two minds to read or not to read the 7.01 reviews but then thought what the hell i cant wait anylong to know what happened in it…so read the first article on the episode and now reading the second one posted recently by elle.
Njoyyy the journey 🙂
Thank you Ritu for joining our community.
I live in Germany and free TV over here is still on season 5 but I watch it on the internet.
Try this link and click on search links. The new eps should be available on their for you on Saturday around noon.
Thanks a tonne Yirabh.. i live in India and dont have subscribtion for CW…dont know if that is available here?? and dont know how popular SPN is here, never heard anyone talking abt it..but would like to think its success over here also 🙂 guess SPN will broadcast here maybe after some months but as any SPN fan i am not able to wait and satisfying myself by reading the reviews…last seasons i got torrent files but this one i am not able to find it so thanks for sharing the link…hope i can d/l it from there..TC
Ritu – I Live in England but goto
for the season 7 episodes.
I just love Supernatural and thank you all for you kind words about my post.
Thanks Lucrezia for the link….i think its in some other langauge, will try d/l it…
Yes i read your reply and it was very touching to read how SPN made you overcome your loss and supported you emotionally. Hope it will continue to be source of strength for us at the same time be as njoyable always