100 Favorite Moments of “Supernatural” Season Six: Part 1
100 Favourite Moments of Supernatural Season Six
The last season has been a controversial one, to say the least. It divided the story and it divided the fandom. In the beginning I myself wasn’t quite sure what to make of the storyline and the development Sam’s character was taking, but I was enthralled by this show, again and again! and loved the sixth season.
Now, to continue the tradition I have started a while back – at first celebrating the show’s hundredth episode, then celebrating it all, actually – this is my instalment of my favourite moments of season six.
And what a season this was! it confused many of us, and the story most certainly did confuse the protagonists, as well. Sam came back from hell different. Without a soul, but it took us a long while to find out about what happened. A painful time for us ! and for Dean who was freaked out by this person who was his brother and yet wasn’t.
It was also, and again, a season of loss, kind readers. Family was lost. And so were friends. I will always miss Rufus, for instance. And the friendship established between an angel and his human companions is in jeopardy, too. In the end there was a lot of pain. Nothing new on planet Winchester, but it managed to move me and lead me into the hiatus with raw anticipation and not a small portion of dread! what else will the writers do to our beloved characters?
But, well, let’s take a look at what they did over the last year!
Exile on Main Street (6.01)
Dean has found a home with Lisa and Ben, and she tries to give him as much peace and shelter as she can, but Dean is – of course – troubled by his past and his grief for Sam. It doesn’t get better when Sam emerges out of the darkness of his absence.
My personal favourite moment here is very much in the beginning – Dean and Lisa in bed. He wakes from another disrupted sleep, and, as though to comfort him, Lisa kisses his hand. There is so much tenderness in this small gesture that it moves me deep in my heart.Â
Two And A Half Men (6.02)
This is the most wonderful cliche, transformed beautifully into a Supernatural story. Two grown men who battled all kind of paranormal riffraff are intimidated by a little baby. And that’s before they even know that the laddie is a shifter. With Sam introducing some more family members, it becomes a complex tale.
And I, weak woman that I am, have to come up with two fave moments here (hang on, there will surely be more weak moments like that):
Two and a half men in a supermarket. Dean is desperately looking for the switch-off button, eh?
And: the expression on Dean’s face when he dusts off the Impala. Yes, I am Impala, hear me roar!
The Third Man (6.03)
No. My fave moment is, surprisingly, not the work out intro, even though I am a devoted SamGirl. There are other moments here that caught me more! Especially the scene in which the brothers call Castiel – delightful comedic timing and an elusive angel who’s ‘Hello’ brings up some of the most wonderful annoyed faces Sam ever wore.
Weekend at Bobby’s (6.04)
Who would have thought that Bobby had the potential to be a ladies’ man? His neighbour tries everything to win his heart! appealing to his stomach and his innate desire to help a lady in need (as in: repair her wood chipper), alas it doesn’t work out the way she hoped it would.
My favourite here is the running gag of the (undoubtedly yummy) ginger peach cobbler that Bobby never really gets to taste. A shame!
Live Free and Twi Hard (6.05)
I have a thing about vampires, have had for as long as I remember. I love True Blood. And Interview With a Vampire (the book(s) and even the film, yes, despite Tom Cruise!), and the classic Dracula! I even read the Twilight novels and developed a love-hate relationship with those. So, the on-going side blows to Meyer’s poorly written teenage flicks were all favourites of mine.
The pain our beloved Winchesters went through, however, was not fun. It was devastating in many ways. As much as I would love to step in whenever they suffer to nurse their wounds, it’s not exactly relaxing to watch.
Fave moment here: ‘These aren’t vampires. These are douchebags.’
You Can’t Handle the Truth (6.06)
The goddess of truth is on the prowl. Her sword is invisible, yet deadly. Cas isn’t exactly helpful, planning his own agenda. And Sam, quite familiar with lying (as the Winchesters in general are) manages to persuade victims’ relatives to confess to their lies and even makes Dean believe that he is, indeed, having his back. Unfortunately, it all blows the moment Veritas takes off his well-designed mask. There are very sweet scenes in it, too – like Bobby confessing that he digs Tory Spelling and getting a pedicure once in a while or Dean taking a closer look at the bar girl’s newly bought breasts!
My favourite scene, though, is the talk on the phone between Dean and Lisa. She really cares about him and looked through the carefully kept wall Dean tries to keep up. It’s a testimony to her instinct that she understands. And to her love for Dean to tell him what she thinks, well, even under the goddess of truth’s spell. In a relationship this kind of honesty is hard to swallow, because it can be painful. It is this time. Furthermore, it’s a keen analysis of Dean’s often dysfunctional rapport with Sam.Â
Family Matters (6.07)
After Dean beat Sam up almost to the brink of death, he looks terrible as Castiel examines him to find that Sam is lacking his soul. A shocker! to all of them, perhaps even more as Cas emphasizes that his soul is still imprisoned in Lucifer’s cage which means that it is suffering more than anyone could possibly imagine.
In the course of this episode, some family matters are resolved, and we learn more about Grandpa Campbell! and, nothing is fine. Gwen, though, doesn’t seem to be a rotten egg after all. My fave moment is Dean confronting Sam about what his suspicions concerning Samuel and Sam opening up at least a bit. It’s one of the saddest scenes to me. Dean’s bitterness, his destitute approach to Sam is moving me. He truly believes to have already lost his brother, yet trying to work with him… I wish I could just get in there and hug them both!
All Dogs Go To Heaven (6.08)
Crowley has his hands on Sam! I love this baddie, but I would like his body stuck in Monsieur Guillotine’s device to prevent apparent death. What he does to Sam’s hand must be only a minimal idea of what’s happening to his soul in hell! I don’t dare to imagine what might be going on down there. Well, we’ll hear about it in season seven, I reckon.
In this episode, the brothers make contact with a new kind of shapeshifters. Sometimes I wonder if Supernatural went there because shapeshifters became popular in other TV-shows like True Blood and Vampire Diaries! At the bottom of this episode lies a tragic and sad tale of loneliness. What can a shifter do when he longs for a family? Become their dog. Though it appears creepy, too, I felt deeply for the pitiable creature, an outsider of society, who didn’t do much wrong, really. And still he lost his home. For the umpteenth time, I’d say.
My favourite moment: sniper Dean. Need I say more?
“Clap Your Hands If You Believe!” (6.09)
Fight the fairies! There’s nothing in this episode I didn’t like! It’s such a beautiful and sweet spoof of UFO-devotees, esoteric folk and the creepy about the whole genre. It was taken on in typical Supernatural manner, and I revelled in very moment! E.T. goes Signs goes Tinkerbell!
I just love how Dean tries to teach SoullessSam about empathy and how Sam clumsily tries to become accustomed with compassionate behaviour! “Close encounter! Close encounter!” – “Close encounter? What kind? First? Second?” – “They’re after me!” – “Third kind already? You better run, man! I hear the fourth kind is a butt thing!” – “Empathy, Sam! Empathy!” Oh, Edlund, you evil genius! There are a few scenes I couldn’t choose a favourite from. So, I decided to indulge in a few moments of fun:
And the ultimate Kings-Of-The-Road pic that currently graces our site’s logo:
Caged Heat (6.10)
Have I mentioned before how much I love Crowley? I know it seems to be a fashion trend to make the baddies English or German, but I have to say, there isn’t much more appealing to me than a guy speaking the Queen’s English and giving us wonderful, subversive, dark and very British humour. My kind of thing.
In this episode we finally learn Samuel’s agenda and his unfortunate incapability of mourning the ones he lost, and, with it, of learning from his grandsons’ mistakes. I feel with him in this one, I have to admit. I have been at points in my life when I wanted to bring back the ones I’ve lost. Eventually, I have been trying to learn that I could go on without them. Samuel never has!
And – Castiel learns about the ethics of watching porn and from the pizza man. Furthermore, he educates Dean on what it would mean to bring Sam’s soul back. That cut into my heart like a sharp blade! Oh, dear!
My favourite scene: “vampire” Sam! Would someone please cast Jared Padalecki in a decent vampire flick? I like my vampires tall, dark and not sparkling! (and sometimes, I have to confess, tall, blond and Viking, ahem! but that’s a different show!)
Appointment in Samarra (6.11)
A most crucial episode. Dean flat lines in order to find Death and persuades him to bring Sam’s soul back and place it in his body. Along the way he learns what it means to be a reaper. And Sam, oh God, attempts one of the worst crimes possible – killing his father, or, well, the one closest to that position, Bobby, to render his body uninhabitable by a soul. We find out a lot what goes on in Soulless Sam’s mind – and what Dean is prepared to do to save his brother! An episode that saddened me beyond belief. With Sam’s soul back in place, we will have to be prepared for a gloomy storyline that will be solved (I hope) in season seven, too. I will stock up on tissues, just in case.
My favourite scene is Death’s lecturing of Dean! and eventually his agreement of bringing back Sam’s soul back. The charisma of Death is unbelievably fascinating and intriguing. When he’s in a scene, you can’t look anywhere but at him. As captivating as he is – he’s just as eerie.
Coming soon, Part II.
I love all of your moments, Jas.
I know a lot of people harp on All Dogs Go to Heaven, but the first thought I had in regards to that episode is they were sending a shout out to True Blood. Sam Merlotte’s preferred alternate form is that of a dog, after all. We’re not even touching on his little brother Tommy’s dog fighting past. I rather liked that tip of the hat. Oh—and Sniper Dean. Who doesn’t?
I have to agree, now that you’ve mentioned it, that Jared would rock in a vampire movie. As long as it wasn’t corny or cheesy or cliche, he’d sell it so well. He can pull of creepy with the best of them, as much as we love his sweetness.
I think Mark Shepphard is one of the greatest editions to the cast. Crowley is one of those guys that grows on you. You’re not supposed to like him, but you do. I think it’s interesting that he’s the only demon to never flash them black eyes. Makes me wonder. . .
And then the last one, Clap Your Hands If You Believe. What makes me happy about this gem is not just how funny it is, but as you pointed out, the lessons about souls are interjected straight into the comedy. If they had made it a straight dramatic episode, I think it would have felt extremely heavy handed.
Thank you, FarAwayEyes! You know, I also thought that the shifter in All Dogs Go To Heaven was created with True Blood in mind. The “pack” of shifters/dogs/wolves reminded me of that, too..
It would be fascinating to be a fly on the writers’ wall and find out where they draw their inspirations from. Since True Blood pretty much has everything supernatural in it by now (from witches to fairies to werecreatures), it won’t be easy to create a storyline that fans of both shows might find deeply original. But, as Coppola once stated, it’s fine to steal from the best (whoever those may be 😆 ).
I’m happy you liked what I had to offer here, thank you. Take care, Jas
I do think that both shows are well aware that both shows draw the same audience essentially. I also love when shows like this give a shout out to each other, knowing that fans will pick up on it.
If there were two shows that should ever find a way to cross in some manner, these two could do it if it was handled right. Of course, the boys don’t get to have as much “fun” on screen as the gang in Bon Temps, but still.
Thanks for the great moments of season 6, I’m waiting on the delivery of my set to rewatch the whole season just before season 7 starts, in 13 days, yeah!
I’m with you on Crowley, I love him. Let’s hope he’s around a good while. I always like a bad guy, especially when he is interpreted by someone as good as Mark Sheppard.
And vampires, what can be said about vampires. I have so many books and movies with and about vampires, it’s actually kind of scary. I read a biography of Vlad Dracul, what a chilling read that was, to think that someone so bloodthirsty actually existed. And Elizabeth Bathory also. So, yes, I definitely enjoyed “Live Free or Twi-Hard”, for the chills and the laughs at the expense (all in good fun) of “Twilight”. Like you, I have a love/hate relationship to both the books and the movies. I read the latter because all the little girls at the library at my school kept telling me how good they were (not really), and well the movies, cause I read the books. And, no, shining vampires and girls who melt for them does not do it for me. So…
Anyway, sorry for prattling, looking forward to your next part. Until then, fellow SPN fans, it’s almost time to greet our boys again.
We’re almost there, Sylvie! Yay!
Mark Sheppard brings so much to the show! He has an exceptional quality. I’ve seen him in other shows, too, like Battlestar Galactica (where he played a lawyer), and he was amazing. I hope we’ll see a lot more of him (and that they get to kill Crowley in some delicious manner sometime, too – I’m a sick woman at times 😆 ).
As for Vlad Dracul…Impaling surely served as a perfect threat in those times when Turks were invading the Balkans… What a darkly fascinating figure the “son of the dragon” was, and still a hero to the Romanian people.(The book you read wasn’t the one by Florescu and McNally, by any chance? 😉 ) I’m just glad, I didn’t cross his path back then… ahem…
Hope your dvd set arrives soon! Happy watching! Thank you for your kind comment, Jas
Yes, I do believe you are right about the authors of the book, it was a while back, so the names are a little foggy. But if you really like vampire books, I have a really good one to recommend to anyone interested in the genre. It’s called “Children of the Night” by Dan Simmons. It’s actually from a few years ago, but he is one of the best scifi/horror novelists around. It was bone chilling!
excellent!! I loved! I agree with you all!
Thank you, Verowinchester! Glad to provide some disctraction during our wait for the season seven premiere!
Cheers, Jas
Hello Grammarella! Thanks for pointing out the X-Files tribute! I, indeed, forgot about that – oops! I remember Robert Picardo mostly from Stargate Atlantis, I have to admit. And I liked him there very much.
I can understand why you didn’t like the Lisa-moments. Not everyone was satisfied with her character or the way their relationship was depicted. Personally, I did like her a lot. But – it’s perfectly alright to differ. She was/is a controversial character. And I think, it’s always good – in terms of appeal and diversity – to have such a character in a show.
And – I’m totally on your page…Bobby needs some love! Come on, writers, give the man a nice gal! Men his age want/need to be loved, too!
Thank you, dear. Cheers,Jas
You have some great choices here Jas.
This was a lovely way to celebrate the imminent return of our boys
You dropped the ball on number 5 for me though! You know I am not a vamp obsessive like some around here, despite the fact that Bram Stoker`s book is one of my favourite books ever I still can`t get into True Blood (or the Blond Viking). 😉 But, I did finally `get` the attraction during this episode and a few of those images will forever be etched into my brain, but you didn`t include the relevant ones! Of course you redeemed yourself with ` All dogs go to heaven`.
Really looking forward to the second part
Thanks love Ju
Oh, sweetie, I’m sooooooooooooo glad to have redeemed myself! *wipes forehead*
Though I don’t feel much like celebrating these days – work is killing me – I’m glad that I was still able to celebrate the show. In my own, little, silly way.
Love, Jas
Oh, yes! I kinda loved Sammy drinking from this small cup and making faces. Also, the “thing” with this redhead was incredible – exactly the kind of something the soulless guy would have do. “I can’t do anything, so what the heck?”.
The beginning of “All dogs go to heaven” was really amazing – Crowley showing out of nowhere again – how does he do it? Surely he planted something on them again, they should be hidden from demons, noone removed the Enochian sigils from their ribs, did he? That burning thing… Wow, that was something!
I have to add the final confrontation between Bobby and Crowley in “Weekend at Bobby’s” – recap, fake “tears” of Crowley’s, Bobby’s disdain… Oh my Godstiel…
Oh, your Godstiel, Cathia! Thanks for your sweet comment, dear.
Take good care, Jas
Thanks for the Recap! I’m looking forward to Part 2. I think I enjoyed Soulless Sam so much because it felt like the writers were paying full attention to Sam for once, even if it wasn’t all Sam or Real Sam. I felt a bit sad that they kind of lost Sam in the shuffle of the group dynamic in the last few episodes of the season. And no one actively worried about Sam’s Wall collapsing for long, either.
My one wish for the first half of the season is that they had revealed Soulless Sam’s lack of soul a lot sooner then they did. I enjoyed things much more once they did this and could treat Soulless Sam as his own character.
One thing in common between Lucifer and Death is that they feel no need to shout, brag, or bluster. They are powerful enough to talk quietly and honestly.
Favorite episodes in the first half: Family Matters, Clap Your Hands if You Believe, Caged Heat, Appointment in Samarra.
I know people have issues with whether Soulless Sam could feel or not, and had consistency issues. Well, he was more like a sociopath than a robot. Sociopaths can fake emotions to blend in, and that is exactly what he was trying to do until he didn’t have to anymore. And as for his terror, yes terror, at having his soul put back inside him. What does that tell you about what was being shoved inside him against his will by Death?
It was Sam, our Sam, but in what state?
Hi Sweet and thank you for your elaborate comment. I’m glad you found something here.
You know, to my experience, even sociopaths do have emotions, but those are not what people think about when imagining sociopaths. Unfortunately, there is no healing for those. Sam, very fortunately, didn’t remain one.
I took on the scene you refer to in another article, and it caused an uproar I had not expected, most unpleasant.
I’m looking forward to see how Sam will deal with all he might be confronted with and what effect that will have on Dean and the others. Something tells me it will be painful 😉
Thanks, Jas