Looking Back at S6: The Supernatural Season Six Awards – Part Three
The story as told by Jared as Asylum 6:
“He (Misha) was talking a bunch of trash about scrabble, where there’s a phone game called Words and Friends. It’s basically scrabble for free on your iphone, Android stuff like that. I love the game and I’m playing it all the time on the set because I have friends in Texas and my family, blah blah. He was like ‘What are you doing?’ I was ‘I’m playing scrabble, it’s called Words and Friends. And he’s like ‘Ah, do you want to play?’˜ ‘Sure’ so we played and I won. I won by 11 points or something. He was so mad he’s, ‘Let’s make it interesting.’ I was like ‘Let’s make it interesting.’ Ten bucks a point to the winner. I was like ‘okay.’
Usually games end in 5, 15 you know so I was like ‘Man, you’re gonna to owe me $150 bucks. You’re going to owe me a lot of money,’ because I’m talking trash. So we start playing. We shake on it and we agree to it whatever he sees. We start playing and immediately I get a word that was worth 160 points. So he’s now losing by 140 points times $10 a point. I was like “Misha, we can call this a walk” but he’s too stubborn. He’s like ‘No, don’t talk to me.’ He keeps on going and I get another word worth 180 points. He’s like, ‘How is this guy that didn’t go to high school, this gargantuan moose man, beating me in scrabble and spelling?’ He didn’t know that I was an academic myself.
The point of the story is the game’s over and I win by 205 points. I’m like, “Misha, look man, we’re buddies, you don’t have to pay me. If it was 50 bucks I’d make you pay me but it’s $2000. You’ve got a wife, a kid, I don’t want this money. He’s like ‘No you get this money get out of my face.’ He started getting all persnickety about it. I was like ‘Alright, if you’re going to be that way about it, give me my money. I was planning all along to give that money to his charity. He didn’t know that because I didn’t tell him. I kept on talking trash ‘Give me my money, give me my money, give me my money.’
He didn’t give me my money for a long, long time. I didn’t know why but I was like, ‘Misha, how long does it take you to go to a bank? Where’s my money? You’re a big movie star that’s in movies and TV shows, your fancy cars, you’ve got your nice clothes…’ I was just talking trash. Finally I’m on the set and everyone’s acting a little strange. It’s been about a month or two months. I’m, ‘Why is everyone looking at me funny? My fly, my face…’ Finally it’s in between takes and I go out to my trailer and open my door and there’s over $2000 in change. My dog, my shepherd Sadie, she won’t come to the door because she won’t step on the coins. She’s kind of like, ‘bark’ and she won’t come to the door. I was like, ‘Are you kidding me?’
I think there were over 100,000 coins. There were 78,000 pennies. It turns out the reason it took so long is he had to drive to 8 banks asking for (change). So, I had spent an hour cleaning it up with a shovel. I got a shovel from the set and started putting it into buckets. It was 200 lbs of change. I put it into 3 buckets and when he was on the set I took his keys and unlocked his car and poured one of the buckets into his car. I wrote ‘Dear Misha, Thanks for paying your debt, now if you would be so kind, please make this donation payable to (your charity), I think it’s about $700.’ And I signed it.
It was all over his car and he didn’t clean it. For the next two weeks he’d was driving around. He said that every time that we would stop the change would go ‘Woosh’ and every time he’d go it would go ‘Woosh’ and then one of the quarters had fallen into his seat belt (latch). I felt kind of badly about that because he has a kid. We ended up getting a shop vac and cleaning his car out for him. We donated that money to his charity and the rest to a ride for cancer that our First A.D participates in. It played out pretty nicely.”
Not sure about you, but I think this beats last year’s pumpkin underwear story by a mile!
Here’s the tale on Youtube for those that want to hear Jared tell it. It’s hilarious!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Awesome, Alice. I love, love loved the batshitcraziness that was Clap Your Hands If You Believe.
“It’d be in the dark.’ Cracks me up everytime I think about it. (Its why I have a fairy as my icon here 🙂 )
All of it, such a lot of fun.
Clap Your. Hands. If. You. Believe.
Nuff Said.
I really really wish I could get the chance to meet Ben Edlund. He’s my new writing hero and I adore his episodes the most probably out of any of the writers on the show. It’s amazing the things he does with both comedy and drama, the daring leaps he’ll make and dives off of cliffs that would seem only to have one ending: disaster. And yet, they don’t do that. They fly and amaze and entertain in ways that no one would ever expect.
Incredible all around.
Oh, and I am so glad I’m not the only one that gets chills whenever Dean threatens to kill someone. The way he does it, damn, I so would NOT want to be on the end of one of those threats. I think even Samuel knew he was in deep. You’re talking about a guy who has faced down everything from Angels to the YED to Lucifer—and lived (okay so he died a lot, but STILL). You really think he’s not gonna get out of that place and make good on his threat? Really? Go ask his previous kills—-oh wait, you can’t!
Good finish to the awards either way.
Wow! Great job on the awards. I agree with all except maybe an award for first time directing.? Jensen did a fine job directing “Weekend at Bobby’s”. I don’t think I saw where you mentioned that, but I could be mistaken.
As for Ben Edlund, you’re so right! I saw him at PaleyFest and I was so captivated by him. He seems to me to be a very fascinating man and a true asset to the show. However, I wouldn’t want to get rid of Robert Singer’s and Eric Kripke’s influence on some of those scripts. I really liked “Appointment in Samara” which Singer co-wrote with Gamble.
Hopefully, they’ll be able to get a few new writers in that will have some idea of what the show is about without throwing it into such a crazy loop like this past year. Ben Acker seems to be promising new writer to the show. I look forward to hearing what they all have to say about Season 7 at Comic-Con this year.
Thanks Alice, these awards were super. I too love Ben Edlund, he’s my kinda of guy, crazy but sane. “Clap If You Believe” was pure entertainment, I love that episode, I chortle everytime I watch it.
I do miss some of the old writers though. Like Cathryn Humphries, Julie Siege and Raelle Tucker (I think she writes for True Blood now). They brought a lot of emotion to the show. It would be nice if one or two of them could write next season. What do all of you think?
Thanks again for the entertainment value. It makes time at work go down so much easier (inventory time in the library, very boring). Actually I should be working right now, but hey, I have my priorities!
Thanks Alice,
One of the few positives at the end of every season is that at least we have your awards to look forward to.
This year`s did not disappoint, I have loved reading all of them. I would like to add another honourable mention in the `Tortured look telling the entire heart crushing story` moment, for me this came in The Man Who Would Be King at the moment when Cas mentioned Superman and Dean crumbled realising the truth, he does not even have to speak to reduce me to tears now!
I especially loved your recap of the `fairy` episode, if anyone asks me why I love this show so much I might just say `Read This`! It`s a perfect ad for everything wonderful about it.
The final one is the one which I most approve of! I think that Ben Edlund is a genius, mad but a genius, and I could not agree more with your proposal. How can someone produce the insanity of said `Fairies` and `The French Mistake` and also incredible heart wrenching stuff like `TMWWBK` and of course `Abandon All Hope`? The saddest and most poignant thing I have ever seen on any screen, TV or Movie
Look forward to Season 7`s.
Oh and thank you for the recognition of `the Death Stare` 🙂
Jensen Ackles is such a genius at showing feeling with just an expression. And the “I will kill you stare”, gives me chills.
nO thanks to Ben Edlund writing 16 episodes. I could tolreate two . We will have to agree to disagree on Mr Edlund although I loved Clap your Hands .
And I do agre about Samuel lost potential there I think.
Heh. Heh. Heh.
For a season that was so dark (and at times utterly depressing) overall, there were some amazingly funny episodes/moments in it. I think that while the acting scene in [i]The French Mistake[/i] is wet your pants hilarious, overall [i]Clap Your Hands If You Believe[/i] is much funnier. You don’t need the inside jokes to be able to appreciate it and both Sam and Dean are brilliant in it; Dean’s frustration with Sam is hilarious (you can nearly see him counting to three any time Sam does/says something disagreeable), Sams lack of anything resembling a restraint/sensitivity button. He’s like a small, innocent child. Love it.
Am I the only one who liked the plastic piece of crap? It was new and shiny, it vociferously endorsed passenger safety and it had a Sammy butt groove. I mean, what more do people want out of a car?
You know, who needs an Emmy or a Golden Globe when you’ve won the award for ‘You better drop dead now because this stare means I’m going to fucking kill you in a horrible way†or ‘Best Bathroom Moment’ (and what a moment!)
Thanks Alice
Woman, coming back from a gruesome day at work, this was exactly what I needed to cheer up!
Thank you ever so much for this soul-saver! Love, Jas
Fight the Fairies!!! I want that t-shirt… (I know, I might just have a fetish about t-shirts… perhaps because I look dreadful in them?)
These awards were fabulous! I bow again to your greatness!
Things I really enjoyed:
1. Celine Dion’s Career thwarting a perfect romance.. Heartbreaking!
2. Giving Ben Edlund a Maple Leaf as a thank you gift. The man is freaking brilliant! Although, I suspect he’s very hard to have a straight-line conversation with, and he would be murder to interview.
3. Best Dean Tortured Moment.. Totally agree with your pick, because this is the moment when Dean realized the idea of combining family and hunting was never going to work. You could hear his heart breaking. And you could feel the gut punch as his self-esteem took another
body blow.
4. Dean’s Badass Moment to Samuel… Yesssss. (What is it about a man making death threats that is so “deadly”, excuse the pun.. Must be something evolutionary, or the smouldering eyes, she mutters to herself.)
5. Daddy Dean… My lady parts were sobbing quietly in a corner, begging “Just one more baby, please????”
6. Clap Your Hands If You Believe.. I have tried to explain this episode to friends, but to no avail. Although Fight The Fairies is occasionally a chant around my house! But I have the T-shirt design… Tinkerbell in the circle with the line through it, and perhaps there’s a strategically placed microwave, and below that graphic – Fight The Fairies!
I’d like to thank the Alice Academy for these awards. They’re trophy-worthy themselves!
I would so buy that t-shirt!
I quote this episode all the time. I would so wear that t-shirt.
Alice, a great finish to a great season.
I agree, why exactly did Crowley and/or Castiel bring back Gramps and the cousins? Was it because Cas didn’t want to bother a ‘retired’ Dean? We may never know.
Just how old are Jared and Misha???? Twelve? I feel sorry for Sadie. 🙂
I am sorry Alice, but the only part of ‘Clap’ that I liked, was microwave oven vs fairy.
‘Smoke on the water’ lullaby, a prelude to the ‘unretiring’ of the Impala. 😀
What is the saying: ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’. Meg’s actually happy to see Dean.
Here’s a story for Ben to write for season 7; two actors, by the name of Jared and Jensen, find themselves in the home of hunter Bobby Singer. He wants to know who these two ‘idjits’ are and where are the Winchester brothers? 😆
Thanks Alice, for making the hellatus a bit less painful.