Many of Horror
I’m really proud to share this one. Sablegreen has been working on this for a while and has done some most excellent research into pursuing a theory about Supernatural’s appeal in today’s down economy and whether it might have an impact on ratings. Since I seem to be an avid follower of TV ratings and…
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Dean Winchester – An Anthology When I started to put together another selection of You Tube videos I decided to get more specific this time. This gave me the opportunity to trawl through the ridiculous number of clips I have stored and put them into some sort of order. The decision about the…
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So, I came up with this so called “great idea” and approached Nightsky right away. Let’s have each writer pick one of their “greatest hits” to share during the holidays. You know, a gift to those that have long forgot the articles gone by. Yeah, great idea, until I had to come up with my…
Hi Julie
This is fantastic. I love your new lyrics they fit so well in this song.
I love the original as well. I hadn’t heard a lot of Biffy Clyro’s music but I really like him.
Thanks for this.
Hi Karen ,
Thanks, I dont know all of their music but what I have heard I really like and I heard them interviewed and they seem such nice guys too Ju
oh Julie, this is such fun!
All day I’ve been too busy at work to take a look at this, but now, after coming home and tuning in…. wonderful means to put my mind out to graze!
Love! Jas
I am pleased to be able to return the favour of helping out after a tough day! 😉
Thank You! Love Ju
Julie, another great one. 🙂
Is it just me, but it seems that Sam and Dean seem to like sharing each other’s space. 😆 But, the Soulless One was always two or three feet away from Dean.
Remember the scene in ‘All dogs go to heaven’ (sniper!Dean 🙂 , ok I’m back), when Dean and the Soulless One are walking with their bags. They are like three yards away from each other. If that was the Sammy that we know and love, Sam would have been holding his bag in his right hand (as he should be as a righty), just so he and Dean could walk closer to each other.
Hello nancy and thanks.
I think you may have something there, they were further apart physically as well. Thank you also for giving me the mental image of `the sniper ` again! 🙂
I just love the fact that they are now so close again, Ju
Hi Julie,
Another great one. Of course, it’s no Winnie-the-Pooh and the Little Black Raincloud.
Just teasing! This was lovely. (And I’m off to find the song, and give it a listen.)
Pragmatic Dreamer
You are right of course!
Incidentally as much as I love the Winnie The Pooh analogy I must admit you are not the only one who has been thinking that there is quite a bit of `Tigger` in there too! 🙂 Especially in early days.
I love this song, I realised it might not be as well known as some of the classic tracks I have adulterated but I wrote this before the last 3 episodes and it seemed to just capture the way I felt at that time, impending doom I think is the term I was looking for- I was right!
Here are Biffy Clyro performing the track at a big festival last summer
Hope you like
Hi Julie,
Thanks so much for posting the original song. Real life got busy and I didn’t have a chance to seek it out on YouTube, so I really appreciate your extra efforts.
And hearing the original, just reinforces that you did a wonderful job on the re-write. And you’re quite correct. There is a Sense of Winchester and Impending Doom about this song. (You know that could almost be an article title.. I might have to use that sometime!)
I really like some of the lyrics – “colliding and coming together” really stands out.
Thanks again & have a great weekend!
P.S. (I can’t shake the Dean/Tigger visual. It’s tickling my muse… Ah.. So many goofy ideas tumbling in my goofy brain.)