Looking Back at Supernatural’s S6: Rank The Episodes in Five Minutes!
Most of the reviews are out of the way and the dust is settling over the season six finales, so it’s time to start our annual Hellatus tradition of looking back at the prior season. First in the series, a fun little game we like to play called “Rank Them in Five Minutes.”
The game is easy. I list the 22 episodes from season six in order of appearance. You rank them from best to worst (in your opinion). The guideline is do this in five minutes, but who really keeps that kind of a stopwatch around? Just don’t take an afternoon. When you are done ranking, the list stays. No going back and second guessing. The idea is to catch your first reaction. It tends to be the most honest.
Here is the episode list:
Exile on Main Street
Two and A Half Men
The Third Man
Weekend at Bobby’s
Live Free and Twi Hard
You Can’t Handle The Truth
Family Matters
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Caged Heat
Appointment in Samarra
Like A Virgin
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
The French Mistake
And Then There Were None
My Heart Will Go On
Mommy Dearest
The Man Who Would Be King
Let It Bleed
The Man Who Knew Too Much
As I’ve done in the past, I’ll share my list. This year I took the whole five minutes and maybe a few extra seconds. I’m curious to see how many go along with my line of thought. Usually it’s not many.
The Man Who Would Be King
The French Mistake
Weekend at Bobby’s
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Appointment in Samarra
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Live Free and Twi Hard
Mommy Dearest
The Third Man
You Can’t Handle The Truth
Two and a Half Men
And Then There Were None
Caged Heat
Let It Bleed
Like A Virgin
Family Matters
Exile On Main Street
My Heart Will Go On
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Now it’s everyone else’s turn! This five minute game is a lot of fun to do on a holiday when relatives are driving you just a bit insane. It’s perfect escapism! Just remember to share your answers. There is no right or wrong.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Weekend at Bobby’s
The Man Who Would Be King
And Then There Were None
Appointment in Samarra
The French Mistake
Mommy Dearest
You Can’t Handle The Truth
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Let It Bleed
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
My Heart Will Go On
Caged Heat
Two and A Half Men
Live Free and Twi Hard
Exile on Main Street
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Like A Virgin
Family Matters
The Third Man
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
This was fun and very hard to do quickly!
1-The Man Who Would Be King
2-The French Mistake
3-Weekend at Bobby’s
5-Appointment in Samarra
6-Clap Your Hands If You Believe
7-Caged Heat
8-Let It Bleed
9-The Man Who Knew Too Much
10-You Can’t Handle The Truth
11-Exile on Main Street
12-Two and A Half Men
13-My Heart Will Go On
14-Live Free and Twi Hard
15-And Then There Were None
17-The Third Man
18-Family Matters
19-Like A Virgin
20-Mommy Dearest
21-Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
22-All Dogs Go To Heaven
Thanks, Libby
This ended up being way harder than expected. Turns out I had strong feelings about more of the episodes this season than I realized. My list:
The Man Who Knew Too Much
The Man Who Would Be King
Mommy Dearest
Caged Heat
Weekend at Bobby’s
The French Mistake
Appointment in Samarra
Like A Virgin
And Then There Were None
Let It Bleed
The Third Man
You Can’t Handle The Truth
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Exile on Main Street
Live Free and Twi Hard
Family Matters
My Heart Will Go On
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Two and A Half Men
All Dogs Go To Heaven
I’m always so bad at these cuz I can’t make up my mind. That said, I don’t think there was an episode that I hated, but there weren’t as many that I really loved as other seasons.
Like A Virgin
The French Mistake
The Man Who Would Be King
Caged Heat
Weekend At Bobby’s
The Third Man
Mommy Dearest
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Let It Bleed
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Appointment in Samarra
And Then There Were None
You Can’t Handle the Truth
Live Free and Twi Hard
Two and A Half Men
My Heart Will Go On
Family Matters
Exile on Main Street
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
I’m going to be brave and unabashed by my favorite of th season. The rest couple flip or rotate on later viewings of the season.
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Appointment in Samarra
Weekend at Bobby’s
The French Mistake
Like A Virgin
Let It Bleed
Exile on Main Street
The Man Who Would Be King
Live Free and Twi Hard
Caged Heat
My Heart Will Go On
Mommy Dearest
And Then There Were None
Two and A Half Men
You Can’t Handle The Truth
Family Matters
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Here are my votes and by the way I loved season 6 :
The French Mistake
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Like A Virgin
My Heart Will Go On
The Man Who Would Be King
Mommy Dearest
Appointment in Samarra
And Then There Were None
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Let It Bleed
Caged Heat
Family Matters
You Can’t Handle The Truth
Weekend at Bobby’s
Exile On Main Street
All Dogs Go To Heaven
The Third Man
Two and a Half Men
Live Free and Twi Hard
I loved each one of them, some more than others obviously but I think each one furthered the plot even if a little bit
This is just of course my first reaction to the season.. I had to rate the ones I anticipated the most higher..
This was very hard..
Appointment in Samarra (Can’t get enough of Death)
The French Mistake (Misha!!)
The Man Who Would be King
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Exile on Main Street
Live Free Twi Hard
The third man
My Heart will go on (If only because we get to see Ellen again!)
And then there were none
Clap Your Hands if you Believe
Caged Heat
Weekend at Bobby’s
You Can’t Handle The Truth
Two and a Half Men
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Family Matters
Let it Bleed
Like a Virgin
Mommy Dearest (The Mother of All was a LAME arc and I hated seeing them use the mother yet again to display evil.. why not tell us what that’s all about???)
Mannequin 3
Mommy Dearest
Let It Bleed
The Man Who Would Be King
My Heart Will Go On
Appointment in Samarra
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
And Then There Were None
Caged Heat
Two and A Half Men
The Third Man
Weekend at Bobby’s
Exile on Main Street
Live Free and Twi Hard
You Can’t Handle The Truth
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Family Matters
All Dogs Go To Heaven
1) The French Mistake
2) Frontierland
3) The Man Who Knew Too Much
4) The Man Who Would Be King
5) Clap Your Hands If You Believe
6) Weekend At Bobby’s
7) Appointment In Samarra
8) Like A Virgin
9) Live Free Or Twihard
10) Two And A Half Men
11) My Heart Will Go On
12) Let It Bleed
13) You Can’t Handle The Truth
14) The Third Man
15) Exile On Main St
16) Caged Heat
17) Unforgiven
18) And Then There Were None
19) Family Matters
20) Mommy Dearest
21) All Dogs Go To Heaven
22) Mannequin 3: The reckoning
Weekend at Bobby’s
Appointment in Samarra
The Man Who Would Be King
The Third Man
And Then There Were None
You Can’t Handle The Truth
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Caged Heat
The French Mistake
Mommy Dearest
My Heart Will Go On
Family Matters
Let It Bleed
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Like A Virgin
Two and A Half Men
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Live Free and Twi Hard
Exile on Main Street
Okay, here goes nothing:
Best: Like a Virgin (Sammy returns)
Man who knew too Much
The French Mistake
Mommy Dearest
Mannequin 3: the reckoning
And then There were None
My heart will go on
Let it bleed (goodbye Lisa & Ben)
The Man who Would be King
Appointment in Samarra
Caged Heat
All dogs go to Heaven
Family matters
Live free and twi hard
You can’t handle the truth
Exile on Main street
Two and a half men
The third man
Weekend at Bobby’s
worst:Clap your hands if you believe
Obviously, I liked the second half alot more than the first half of season six. It took about eight minutes (damn long ass titles).
Live Free and Twi Hard
Let It Bleed
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Weekend at Bobby’s
Caged Heat
Appointment in Samarra
Family Matters
The Man Who Knew Too Much
The Man Who Would Be King
Mommy Dearest
The French Mistake
Exile on Main Street
Two and A Half Men
The Third Man
You Can’t Handle The Truth
All Dogs Go To Heaven
And Then There Were None
My Heart Will Go On
Like A Virgin
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
From favorite to least favorite (and my least favorite episode of Supernatural is still the best thing on TV!!)
The Man Who Knew Too Much
The French Mistake
Live Free and Twi Hard
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Family Matters
Caged Heat
Appointment in Samarra
Like A Virgin
And Then There Were None
My Heart Will Go On
Weekend at Bobby’s
Mommy Dearest
You Can’t Handle The Truth
The Man Who Would Be King
Two and A Half Men
The Third Man
Exile on Main Street
Let It Bleed
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
1) Exile on Main Street
2) Let It Bleed
3) Man Who Would Be King
4) You Can’t Handle the Truth
5) The Third Man
6) The Man Who Knew Too Much
7) Weekend at Bobby’s
8) Appointment at Samarra
9) Like a Virgin
10)French Mistake
11)Caged Heat
12)Clap Your Hands If You Believe
13)Mommy Dearest
15)Two and a Half Men
16)Family Matters
17)My Heart Will Go On
18)All Dogs Go to Heaven
20)Live Free or Twi-Hard
21)Then There Were None
22)Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Caged Heat
Mommy Dearest
Weekend at Bobby’s
The Man Who Would Be King
The French Mistake
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Appointment in Samarra
Like A Virgin
Live Free and Twi Hard
The Man Who Knew Too Much
You Can’t Handle The Truth
My Heart Will Go On
Family Matters
Two and A Half Men
The Third Man
And Then There Were None
Let It Bleed
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Exile on Main Street
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
French Mistake
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Like A Virgin
Family Matters
And Then There Were None
Caged Heat
Mommy Dearest
Appointment in Samarra
The Man Who Would be King
Weekend At Bobby´s
Two And A Half Men
Let It Bleed
You Can´t Handle The Truth
The Third Man
Mannequin 3 The Reckoning
My Heart Will Go On
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Exile On Main Street
Live Free And Twihard
note:the first three are my all time faves of the season, and the rest I tried to rank in order but it was too hard
The French Mistake
Clap Your Hands if You Believe
The Man Who Would Be King
Mommy Dearest
My Heart Will Go On
Weekend At Bobby’s
Exile on Main Street
Like A Virgin
Family Matters
Caged Heat
Appointment in Samarra
Two and a Half Men
The Third Man
You Can’t Handle The Truth
And Then There Were None
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Let It Bleed
Live Free or Twi-Hard
All Dogs to To Heaven
Mannequn III: The Reckoning
Easy for me to pick my least favourites for season 4, but not so easy for season 6. So I’m listing in order of enjoyment to re-watch (even though I will re-watch every one).
The French Mistake
Two and a Half Men
Weekend at Bobby’s
Clap Your Hands if You Believe
Live Free or Twi-Hard
Exile on Main Street
Appointment in Samarra
Let it Bleed
Mommy Dearest
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Like a Virgin
Caged Heat
You Can’t Handle the Truth
Mannequin III: The Reckoning
The Man Who Knew Too Much
My Heart Will Go On
Family Matters
And Then There Were None
The Third Man
The Man Who Would Be King
1. The Man who would be King
2. Frontierland
3. Life Free and Twi-Hard
4. Mommy Dearest
5. And then there were none
6. Weekend at Bobby’s
7. My Heart will go on
8. The French Mistake
9. Exile on Main Street
10. Two and a half man
11. Appointment in Samarra
12. Let it Bleed
13. Family Matters
14. You can’t handle the truth
15. The Third Man
16. Like a Virgin
17. All Dogs go to Heaven
18. Mannequin 3: the Reckoning
19. Clap your hands of you believe
20. The Man who knew too much
21.Caged Heat
First four and last three are fixed, middle is pretty interchangeable.
1. Frontierland
2.The French Mistake
3. Caged Heat
4. The Man who knew too much
5. Like a Virgin
6. Clap your Hands
7. My Heart will go on
8. Two and a half men
9. Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
10. Unforgiven
11. Mommy Dearest
12. And then there were none
13. You can`t handle the Truth
14. The Third man
15. All Dogs go to Heaven
16. The Man who would be king
17. Appointment at Samarra
18. Weekend at Bobby`s
19. Family Matters
20. Exile on main Street
21. Let it bleed
22. Exile on Main Street
This was fun. I loved this whole season so much, was hard to rank. Thanks!
1-The Man Who Knew Too Much
2-The French Mistake
3-My Heart Will Go On
5-Mommy Dearest
6-And Then There Were None
7-Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
8-Like A Virgin
9-The Man Who Would Be King
10-Clap Your Hands If You Believe
11-Caged Heat
12-Family Matters
13-All Dogs Go To Heaven
14-Let It Bleed
15-You Can’t Handle The Truth
16-Appointment in Samarra
17-The Third Man
19-Weekend at Bobby’s
20-Two and A Half Men
21-Live Free and Twi Hard
22-Exile on Main Street
[list][*]The Man Who Would Be King
The French Mistake
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
My Heart Will Go On
Two and A Half Men
Weekend at Bobby’s
Appointment in Samarra
Caged Heat
Like A Virgin
Mommy Dearest
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Let It Bleed
The Third Man
Exile on Main Street
Live Free and Twi Hard
Family Matters
You Can’t Handle The Truth
All Dogs Go To Heaven
And Then There Were None
Mannequin 3: Â The Reckoning[/list]
Live Free and Twi Hard
Appointment in Samarra
The French Mistake
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Weekend at Bobby’s
You Can’t Handle The Truth
Caged Heat
Exile on Main Street
And Then There Were None
Family Matters
Let It Bleed
The Man Who Knew Too Much
The Man Who Would Be King
Two and A Half Men
The Third Man
My Heart Will Go On
Mommy Dearest
Like A Virgin
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Wouldn’t it be interesting to compile the results? (she hinted)
I find that I feel really strongly about my first 6 and the last 3, and the rest are all solid episodes with some good and some misfires.
The last 3 episodes that aired, I find I’m too close to them, and haven’t rolled them around in my mind enough to judge where I think they should rank.
Weekend at bobby’s
two and a half men
And then there were none
the man who knew to much
Frontier land
Appointment in Samarra
like a virgin
the man who would be king
caged heat
family matters
mommy dearest
let it bleed
the third man
exile on main street
you cant handle the truth
my heart will go on
live free and twi hard
the french mistake
all dogs go to heaven
clap your hands if you believe
manniquin 3
[b]My List[/b]
6.20 The Man Who Would Be King “I love it”
6.15 The French Mistake
6.11 Appointment in Samarra
6.19 Mommy Dearest
6.12 Like A Virgin
6.10 Caged Heat
6.18 Frontierland
6.1 Exile on Main Street
6.22 The Man Who Knew Too Much
6.9 Clap Your Hands If You Believe
6.4 Weekend at Bobby’s
6.16 And Then There Were None
6.2 Two and A Half Men
6.5 Live Free and Twi Hard
6.3 The Third Man
6.21 Let It Bleed
6.17 My Heart Will Go On
6.6 You Can’t Handle The Truth
6.14 Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
6.7 Family Matters
6.13 Unforgiven
6.8 All Dogs Go To Heaven
It’s different the feeling when you do this list in the end of the season… I remember when I watched “Weekend at Bobby’s” and “And then there were none” I liked those episodes a lot and now I put it on 11th 12th place.
The Man Who Would Be King
The French Mistake
Weekend at Bobby’s
Like A Virgin
My Heart Will Go On
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Mommy Dearest
Let It Bleed
Appointment in Samarra
And Then There Were None
You Can’t Handle The Truth
The Third Man
Family Matters
Caged Heat
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Exile on Main Street
Live Free and Twi Hard
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Two and A Half Men
This is a hard season for me, it’s very clear which one is my favorite episode no doubt, and the ranking from 1st to 10th is pretty solid, and the rank of 19th to 22nd as well. All the ones in between tends to change depending on my mood.
1. The Man Who Would Be King
[Easily my most favorite episode of the season. It just stirs up so many emotions, and you have no idea how much I LOVE Ben Edlund, and how excited I was to see Misha finally getting a much deserved spotlight to shine! This was perfection in both writing and acting! And it was above all, true to character!]
2. The Third Man
[Cas made his triumphant return to screen, and the Heaven arc started, this episode had me all pumped up when it aired and it still has me pumped. From Cas’s overuse of air-quotes, to the three members of Team Free Will running around doing what they do best, it just made me so happy!]
3. The French Mistake
[Do I really need to explain this one? LOL! Okay, so I’m kinda pissed they killed Misha! Those assbutts! But this episode was just downright hilarious and I couldn’t stop laughing! Oh boys, you are just so funny! Did I mention Ben Edlund is a genius again?]
4. Mommy Dearest
[Why I love this episode? Because all four of our guys were together, using their brains, using their smarts! This was a team effort and this was a long time coming! Bobby, Cas, Dean, and Sam, all working together like the little ragtag family that they have become! We all know where Cas’s story is leading so seeing these moments of Cas being with Bobby and the boys are moments that I always want to treasure.]
5. Frontierland
[Samuel Colt, Dean and Sam going cowboy, Cas falling unconscious in Bobby’s arms….there’s so many things I love about this episode!!! And once again, it was our four guys together! The team ensemble episodes are the best to me!]
6. My Heart Will Go On
[Cas was willing to throw out his whole plan just to protect Sam and Dean, if that doesn’t prove he cares, then I don’t know what would! Cas IS the Winchesters’ guardian! And it warms my heart to see Ellen and Jo both alive in this different universe, the boys even seem happier! And how could I forget Balthazar and his hatred for the Celine Dion song! LOL!]
7. Weekend at Bobby’s
[One word: BOBBY!!!!!!!!!]
8. The Man Who Knew Too Much
[Even though I watched this episode with a big frown on my face, this one is up here for the simple reason that I did not see the ending coming! The show surprised me once again so I like that!]
9. Caged Heat
[It was an heart-pounding episode for me, from Meg, to Crowley, to Cas being a badass, it was just fun! Oh and Cas discovered porn and kissed Meg, impressive!!]
10. Clap Your Hands If You Believe
[Ben Edlund…..FAIRIES!!!!!!]
11. Like A Virgin
12. Appointment in Samarra
13. You Can’t Handle The Truth
14. Family Matters
15. Two and A Half Men
16. All Dogs Go To Heaven
17. And Then There Were None
18. Unforgiven
19. Let It Bleed
[This episode is down here for the sole reason that this is the episode where Cas and Dean’s bond officially was destroyed and I was not happy!!!! So while the acting in this was phenomenal, especially from Jensen and Misha, I just can’t watch the destruction of one of the most beautiful relationship on TV, and I don’t mean Ben/Lisa/Dean, I mean Cas and Dean, the angel and the Righteous Man!!!]
20. Exile on Main Street
[I guess I was just bored…kept on waiting for something but it wasn’t the big exciting premiere I was hoping for…quite a disappointment after all the good premieres…]
21. Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
[Seriously…..mannequins….that’s enough for me to hate this dumb episode…]
22. Live Free and Twi Hard
[I have told anyone I’m tired of vampires?]
1)Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
2)Weekend at Bobby’s
3)Mommy Dearest
4)The Man Who Would Be King
5)The French Mistake
7)Appointment in Samarra
8)Two and a Half Men
9)Live Free or Twi-hard
10)The Man Who Knew Too Much
11)The Third Man
12)And Then There Were None
13)Caged Heat
14)Like a Virgin
15)You Can’t Handle the Truth
16)Exile on Main St.
17)Let it Bleed
18)Family Matters
19)My Heart Will Go On
21)All Dogs Go to Heaven
22)Clap Your Hands If You Believe