2011 Daily Supernatural Motivational Posters
Want to fondly look back at last year’s posters? Go here.
Want to fondly look back at last year’s posters? Go here.
Remember the good old days when Jensen was just starting this show at 27? Well, today he turns 35! After eight wonderful years on “Supernatural” (and more coming), the question is, exactly how well do we know Jensen? Below is just a few facts about the birthday boy that you may or may not know. …
The Winchester Family Business‘ “Inspired by Supernatural” article series showcases the amazing talent within the SPNFamily. The painters, sculptors, jewelry makers, quilters, artists and creators of unique craftwork we have interviewed enrich the fandom with their beautiful expressions of love and admiration for Supernatural and its cast. Through these interviews, we hope to spread the…
Supernatural began as a series immersed not only in small-town America but also in small-business America. At the start of the Pilot John Winchester owned a garage, and Dean Winchester was uncomfortable in a suit in Phantom Traveller. Big business was a far-off world which could be milked for what could be got through credit card fraud (Pilot,…
Juliet Colt and Jaspala Wesson are proud to bring you the second installment of the movie plans of your favourite stars. When our contacts in Hollywood and Vancouver informed us about these films coming up, we were amazed at the quality (as we were shown many of them in a press screening) as well as…
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I have decided in this collection not to have a theme but just put together a “mish mash” of old and new clips that have captured my attention for various reasons. As I write this, there has been so much bitterness and vitriol on the site recently, it has made me feel really…
Lmabo…way too funny..and oh so true….
I am so with you on that. Good question. Hell, the giant from the future alone should cause THAT.
Let me just say I am SO glad to see the return of your wonderful posters. They are always good for a smile when I need one during hellatus.
The best part of the hellatus has returned! Excellent.
Thanks Ardeospina.
Oh so true. My goodness that would certainly cause the vapors for sure.
Yay, glad that you are all enjoying and are looking forward to the posters. It shall be fun making them.
Has the Vapors. 🙂 Thanks I love these.
Oh, Flamey, I know now for sure that I will survive this hellatus – your posters are the kind of medicine my mind needs at times like these!
I love them, each of them… and I stand amazed at your never ending creativity.
Much love always, Jas
Someting to look at during the hellatus. Thank you so much 😀
Knowing Alice, she’ll love these evil posters, Flamey!
What a great idea to cheer up our dear sick lady of the site!
Love, 😆 , Jas
I am nothing if not evil, heh. And Alice, of course, was very gracious about it and took these posters in the spirit they were meant, which was to show love by teasing. Hee!
of course, Flamey, I would not expect anything else from you!
Love, Jas
Okay. I never want to go to the doctor again if Dr. Lucifer is there. Seriously. That’s NOT the kind of doctor I want. Just that damn seriously evil glare on his face makes me shiver in fear.
Can I have Dr. Pestilence instead?
HA! I loved the Dr. Lucifer one and the Hokey Pokey ones. I needed some Supernatural love, and I found it! Love it!
Hurrah! Silly pictures! Good old Arde!
Hey Flamey, this could easily be some secret formula from astrophysics! Never thought of demons being active in that field 😆 …
Again, thanks to you, a smile on my face!!
Love, Jas
Yay! I do love putting a smile on your face!
Yessss, it’s Daddy time. It’s going to be one fine week.
You do realise, Ardeospina, that in some cultures, a week could last for 10-12 days so I don’t think you should limit yourself to just 7 of these John (I mean Dad) posters, y’know, out of respect for these other cultures…..
Well, I do respect other cultures a great deal, but I was playing nice with John due to Father’s Day and all. I don’t think you’d like the regular posters I made featuring him…heh, not my favorite person ever…
(Splutters all over the screen) Whaaaaa!!! You jest, surely? How can John not be your most favourite person ever? I mean, look at him. Good God, the man went to hell for his son, and [i]look[/i] at him. And he gave us two brilliant sons. He sauntered, [i]sauntered[/i], out of hell, not a bother on him, to kick a demons ass and LOOK AT HIM FFS!!!!
‘Not your favourite person ever…’ I think I know what this is so I do; denial. You yearn for John. I can’t blame you, he is pretty damn yearn worthy.
I do not jest. And don’t call me Shirley. (Airplane for the win!) Yes, I see him, and he is pretty, but…nope. It doesn’t make up for all the other crap, not to me.
Lol, “I yearn for John.” That’s funny. I yearn for a nerd angel is who I yearn for.
That was so nice for fathers day. I haven’t had a father for almost 34 years now. He died when I was 13, but I do have two older brothers that I’ve always looked up to. So my thoughts go out to them today on fathers day.
Oh, I’m sorry to hear about your father. But your brothers sound lovely and deserving of your Father’s Day love.
Now this (points to paradigm poster and quote) is truly beautiful. Another quote for the ages, and one we might all live by.
Glad you liked it! I found that quote and just knew I had to use it. Ironically, the word “paradigm” is one of my least favorite words in the English language, but it really fit, so I went with it. But I am ashamed that I sold out like that.
The Cat Defense – lol!
I see that every day with my feline patients & even some of the canine ones!
Seriously, my cats do it all the time, and it always makes me laugh. I can still see you, cats! I also love it when they have their “maybe her vision is based on movement” moments when they just freeze and hope I don’t see them.
I salute the Poster Queen! They’re all wonderful, leave me smiling and chuckling and wiping away a tear each and every day.
They’re fabulous!
Very glad you’re enjoying them! I think I will get myself a tiara and start calling myself the Poster Queen and see if it sticks. Queen of Posterdom, that’s me.
LMAO…. You are indeed the Poster Queen! I can’t wait to see what my free bone-us gift will be! Thanks for these!
where does the bone-us one come from? how the hell did i miss that?!
It is in the fine print on Ardeospina’s 1-800-555-0199 poster. You know, the number you call to rent a car or get a bigger penis…. lol…. I have that number on speed dial. Y’all get your mind out of the gutter, I rent alot of cars 8)
Bone-us gift…the production crew are amazing, aren’t they? I laughed a lot at that ad. It’s so ridiculous!
The production crew is amazing, and so are you! Oh Queen of Posterdom! You get me to laugh even when I am totally beaten for the day!
Oh God, I just got the ‘bone-us’ joke now, 11 hours after seeing the poster for the first time. I’m embarrassed for myself… Though on the other hand, maybe I’m not as depraved as I thought I was. That is a good thing!
Everybody likes people who are a little bit depraved…
I don’t care how late you are to the party as long as you show up! Whoo, party!
Thanks for the Tweet!
Oh my gosh! The homework poster is just about the story of my life. I can’t tell you how many time I’ll do my homework in study hall and think, “Probably should’ve done this last night…but I watched 5 straight Supernatural episodes last night, so it’s all good.” 😉
That’s a good use of your time, I’d say. Supernatural over study any day! I mean, no, do your homework! Or something. I’m just glad this show wasn’t on when I was in high school…
Season 7 Spoilers…. Oh, that’s brilliant! (It’s against my religion to use smilies but if I did there’d be big, bouncing, laughing smilies littering this post.)
And yep, that is the look that’s been on my face for the two hours as I was trawling through the internet. Not so much the shirt, though. Sam, have you anything else in your wardrobe, um… backpack, besides a shirt the colour of vomit?
Thanks a million for these Ardeospina. Your imagination is a weird and wonderful thing to be privy to!
*tips hat* Thank ye kindly, ma’am.
Sam’s wardrobe is a thing to behold, and not in a good way. It is highly amusing, though.
I’m glad you’re enjoying my imagination as I enjoy it greatly, even and especially when it doesn’t seem to make much sense.
The look on his face is classic. It totally says “NO WAY!”
I love these posters so very much.
I loved the look on his face here! I got really lucky, too, as I was just looking for a Sam at laptop image and then stumbled on this one. He’s really not sure what to make of season 7, is he?
Well, considering the few things that have slipped past my spoiler silence cone, can we blame him?
But Sam and Dean are showing us how to “team lift” there in that room redecoration. TEAM LIFT!
That’s true, team lifting is very important. Probably more important for furniture that weighs more than 8 pounds, though. That table is probably all plywood and crappy.
It’s the principle of the matter, though. I have no doubt that either brother could have easily picked it up and held it over their heads if they had wanted, though. It’s just good to know they’re trying to show us how to do it the “right way.”
Old Zealand LMAO….. you are just not right! I Love it!!!!!
I mean, think about it! Ever heard of Zealand? No one has! A few years ago, I got curious about where the original Zealand was, and it turns out it’s Zeeland, a Dutch province. That’s what New Zealand is named after. So there you go, your random fact for the day.
Oh no, Dean has gotten himself splinched. Get him to St. Mungos, stat!
Yes, Cass should be more careful! We can’t have half a Dean running around…Unless he’s like a worm and would just regenerate and make two Deans because that would be fantastic. A Dean for everyone!
Poor old Castiel, he tries so fecking [i]hard[/i], God love him. And look, even the Starship Jefferson is laughing at his efforts.
Don’t worry about it, angel dude, I can’t do the Vogue either.
He does try, doesn’t he? My poor nerd angel, bless his heart. I hope he doesn’t pay attention to that stupid Jefferson Starship and continues to practice his dancing because nobody cares what those stupid monsters think.
Aw, glad I can help! It gets me through, too, as I have to think of something to post…
I’m so glad you choose to do a poster with the boys sincerely smiling, they look so happy! Oh, how I hope we get more shots like that one, but I doubt it. Thanks for reminding us.
They DO look happy, don’t they? It’s such a rare thing to see that I wanted to enshrine it…whilst poking fun, of course.
Holy mother of crap….Two, I say TWO smiling Winchesters. That is actually one of my favorite scenes this year, because of all the smiley goodness… I can go to sleep a happy woman tonight! Thanks Ardeospina. They smile, I smile. It must be contagious…..
It is a rarity, to be sure. We must all celebrate its glory when we can. Glad I could send you off to dreamland happy!
I guess if Castiel ever feels the need to vary his diet a little he could try some of this stuff; twice the protein as purgatory souls but with half the fat.
S’all good!
Lol, twice the protein of purgatory souls. They should put that on the label. Tons of people would try it!
Because I haven’t said it lately, let me reiterate that I enjoy these so much. You have some brilliant ideas!
Aw! I’m so glad you’re enjoying! And I don’t know about brilliant, but…no, let’s go with brilliant. I like that. *pats self on shoulder*
It’s okay, sweetheart, this is how I look every birthday.
Though it’s possible you’re crying because you’ve just seen the state of what you’re wearing. What the hell!
I don’t know what you’re talking about. That sweater is [i]amazing.[/i]
Ah, the ‘back of the throat’ scream. You mean something more like this…
Yes, AAH! Exactly!
Couldn’t resist a little Monty Python, but who can?