Mo Ryan’s Interview With Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki
I’ve just spent the last fifteen minutes reading this interview that Mo Ryan conducted with Jared and Jensen during the day of the Paley Festival. She posted it today at AOL TV Squad and I must say I’m blown away. It has an definite “Inside The Actor’s Studio” feel. There are no spoilers, but plenty of insights on how Supernatural has challenged these actors, both who admit in this interview they had no formal acting training. So please, check out one of the best Jared and Jensen interviews you will ever read!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I loved it so much. Awesome interview.
Thank you so much for posting.
*waves* Nisha
This is a lovely article. I like how much respect and affection they show for each other. And, especially how they finish each other’s sentences! They’re like an old, married couple. I guess that’s what happens when you spend at least 12 hours a day, working with someone.
Sigh. In my alternate reality (i.e. if the Titanic had never sunk) I’d be using the interviewing skills I’ve acquired to chat with Jensen and Jared. But, that’s not an assignment I’m likely to get in this reality.
Edited. Rules violation.
Actually, Jared has praised Jensen before. He praised him when he directed the episode Weekend at Bobby’s and I do beleive he has praised Jensen’s performances too.
This is a blatant violation of one of our most coveted rules Clare. Rule #3. No Jared vs. Jensen nonsense. So, this post has been edited, and you are not welcome back to site until you follow the rules.
Rules –
Bwah! I do wonder if she joked about that. Come to think of it, probably every journalist that was at that event probably said that. Too funny.
Glad I didn’t get to read Clare’s comments!
Thanks Alice.
Great interview. Love how they are with each other. So refreshing these days.
Love Sam and Dean and love Jared and Jensen. 🙂
You know, I think that Jeopardy question was during the run with that super computer playing….
Thanks for posting this article Alice. This was a wonderful interview.
Thank you for the link. It’s a great interview!
I get the feeling that Jensen really likes it that Sam got his soul back, LOL.
I also adore how Jensen always makes it a point to praise Jared for his acting in these interviews. And even to co-workers because Matt Cohen also talked about Jensen praising Jared’s performance as Lucifer to him when he was preparing to be Michael. It’s so sweet of Jensen to praise Jared like he does. 🙂
This was a great interview. The powers at large really lucked out when these two very talented guys walked in and auditioned for them. It’s so great that they hold each other in such high esteem, too.
I totally agree that Mr. A. is a class act (and a talented director and actor). Information from another thread is that he has been very supportive of Mr. P. in his acting (an area of insecurity at least in the beginning). And Mr. P. has been supportive of his costar’s insecurity (at least in the beginning) in that Mr. A. was very shy. That face and shy? But he’s a Pisces guy, and the most beautiful woman of her time – Elizabeth Taylor was a Pisces lady and purportedly shy also. Mr. P. looked out for his costar at shy-people-scary things like conventions. Nothing a shy person likes more than a friend who will include you in the group and do most of the talking. And Mr. A. seems so much more relaxed now in interviews, and Mr. P. is more confident in his acting skills. They’ve obviously been good for each other as friends.
You know what else really gets me about SPN? Besides the storylines, the acting, directing, some of the guest stars, Cas, Bobby, and the epic love story of Sam & Dean? It’s these actors–Ackles & Padalecki. They seem to be really genuinely nice guys. Professionals. Gentlemen. With wacky sense of humor. Bromance.