Misha Collins To Appear on MTV’s “10 On Top” Tomorrow! (2/19)
I just got word from the producer of MTV’s “10 On Top” that an interview with Misha Collins will be part of tomorrow’s show! I was told in this hilarious interview Misha talks about next week’s “meta” episode and that Jensen is in the package as well. Just like with Jensen’s appearance a few months ago, it’s so great to see the stars of our favorite show get this sort of attention.
As an added bonus, MTV sent a link sharing some raw interview bites from Misha’s interview. It’s the monkey hat!
Be sure to tune into MTV tomorrow at (2/19) at 11:30 am! Spread the word too, for we want to show MTV how much Supernatural fans appreciate this sort of profile.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Drat! Can’t see the Misha raw footage outside the U.S. Any chance the clip can be posted here so it’s viewer friendly to everyone?
I had a clip up after Jensen’s interview for the international viewers. I’ll certainly do the same for Misha. Hopefully sometime in the afternoon tomorrow.
Yes, the cast knows this site exists. That’s because I told them when I met them! I’ve done the Supernatural press rooms at Comic Con for the last two years and in San Francisco last month, I had Jared and Jensen both sign my copy of the TV Guide cover article, the one in which I was interviewed and this site was mentioned. So yes, they’re aware of us!
Having said that, no, they don’t go to fan sites. It’s bit scary for them. Misha and Jim do. The writers, producers, and PR office at Warner Brothers very much know this site exists and do come here and read articles. How frequently I have no idea but I know for a fact they do.
Also, when I spoke to the producer of 10 on Top last December, she said they were trying to get Jared for an interview. Jensen was interviewed because he was in LA for something but Jared wasn’t. No idea if they have anything lined up yet.
fantastic – thank you so much for the heads up!