Oh Lady – In Honor of The Impala
Welcome another first time author here at The Winchester Family Business! Yvonne has chosen to share a burst of inspiration she had featuring the beloved Impala. Enjoy this most original and heartfelt homage to the most important object in the universe.
Oh lady,
Beautiful lady
Ebony black
Lady of class
House on four wheels
Body of steel
Asphalt goddess
Sexiness gratis
Oh Lady,
Powerful Lady
Three Twenty Seven
Four Barrel Engine
Moving so quickly
Cruise at one thirty
Fuel injection
Owned competition
Oh Lady,
Graceful Lady
You roar
You purr
You sing
You soar
Dividing the night
Uniting our fight
Oh Lady,
Elegant Lady
Sixty Seven
Auto perfection
Hugging the turns
Distances burned
Polish and chrome
Winchester home
Oh Lady,
Faithful Lady
Our father’s gift
(whom we still miss)
Heads laid to rest
Weapons in chest
Forever we three,
I, he and thee.

I didn’t know you were a poet. This is wonderful hun.
My two favourite verses are the last two.
Now I got a question for you sweety. Why haven’t we seen anything like this before? Will need more of it.
That is some poetry my husband is going to love.
Henceforth thou shalt be named ‘the beloved poet’, dear inspired lady! I told you… 😉 This is a most amazing, beautiful, lovely and loving ode to our ‘baby’. And it’s one of those articles I will print out to keep…
Wonderful. Feel free to allow inspiration to strike again, ((((Yvonne)))). :D, Jas
Ahhh Yvonne
Thou art a poet
And we did not know it!
Actually that`s a lie as I knew you could write and I am so pleased you decided to share your talents with the class.
I loved this. You had to write about your passion, that beautiful car, and I also noted the `Daddy` reference in there of course. 😉
You do realise we now expect more?
How about a poem for every character?
Congratulations on this, Love Ju
You summed up my feelings for our “baby” perfectly. It was definitely poetry for the “soul”!
Thank you so much!
Hi Yvonne
I loved it, thank-you for sharing this with us.
Oh Yvonne, that was beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
This is a treasure!
Wonderful! Now we want more! 😉
Hmmm (taking out my little red pen and casting a teachers eye over it)
Interesting style, good rhyme and rhythm, nice personification, fantastic imagery, good use of assonance, relevant topic, pictures in a poem? Well, it’s not typical but it’s certainly innovative and very effective….
Yes, I’ll give this one an A. Keep it up!
Isn’t this just great, Yvonne? Your first post on our site and it’s being received so beautifully. I’m so proud of you (and I mean that in a loving, totally non-strange way ;-)). Don’t hide those talents.
:D, Jas
Well, because a few rhyming stanzas does not a poet make. A lost Muse gave me a passing late night whack. I’ll set a trap in hope of ambush, but not sure what I’ll catch.
Happy to oblige.
Thou most certainly shalt not! Unless, of course, that title comes with mounds of chocolate. Thank you for all of your encouragement. And as I said, the Muse is being Hunted in the hopes of another thump on my head.
Hm, something backwards about this.
(Oh, and you weirdo you.) 😉
Of course Daddy had to make an appearance! Smuggling in the John lovin.
For every character? Really? *checks Muse trap* Yaa, about that…
You are quite welcome! She is lovable isn’t she?
Glad you enjoyed.
Aww shucks, t’was nothing.
Thanks! Now don’t go spending it all in one place.
Really? Thanks!
Screw the trap, I’m getting the salt gun.
@Tim the Enchanter
Oh Yay! I get an A! What fun! Can I get a smiley sticker with that Teacher?
Little girl? Rare for me to be accused of that!
😛 The Impala is photogenic though. Goodness she a hottie!
Thanks ever so much!
Yvonne!!!! This was really cool. Nice job on your first article, sweetie! I’m so proud… *sniffles* Hope to see more great things from you in the future.
😀 😀 😀 😀 Check out CineQuest.com They have a very limited number of black ’67 Impala die cast cars in stock!!!!!
This is one of the best cars out there