Supernatural Moments in 2010 That Make Me Smile – Part Two
Caged Heat
Time to use the angel again for comic relief and it so works…again. So what happens when our warrior angel gets to learn the finer points of porn? Like not watching it and talking about it when dudes are around? Why, confuse porn with real life! Hey, Dean does it all the time.
Castiel gets the golden opportunity to show the seductive Meg how kissing is done. That’s some intense angel/demon action that fits just about any porn scenario. If that isn’t outrageous enough, Sam and Dean’s speechless and puzzled looks in the background fit the bill just fine. But wait for the Castiel explanation when it’s all over. “I learned that from the pizza man.” Cass needs to watch porn more often.
Appointment In Samarra
“That’s it? A Kansas song?” Yeah, I’d be a little outraged too if my life boiled down to the lyrics of “Dust in The Wind.” Nah, I’d be chuckling over the irony. Like right now.
I love how Dean didn’t think that was a half bad answer.
Okay, here’s to hoping that 2011 brings us plenty more gems to cherish. For now though, 2010 did it’s job just fine.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Thanks Alice I did enjoy this a whole lot.
I could add a few like in Twihard when the boys enter the girls room and their reaction to it. I sure did smile/laugh then.
In weekend at Bobbys I was smiling a lot because of Rufus e.g. when he talks about the scotch and admit that he likes his drinks or “I do know what I want for hanukah”
Hi Alice
Great choices you made.
You had me on the floor with your ruler comment.:lol:
And the expressions alone in most of these are priceless. 😀
Thanks Alice.
Anything that includes the death of the charger is all kinds of good. 😀 😆 😀 😆
All good moments: Dean vs the fairy, bad ass Cas vs back stabber Gramps, Cas and porn, sniper Dean (I think is hotter that shirtless Soulless one, what does that say about me? :D), Dean admiring a good set. All Good. 😀
Wow! Season 6 has been quite poor. The hot shirtless soulless one is now the hot re-souled one that’s enough to make me smile.
My top 10 reasons to smile during season 6 in no particular order-
1-shirtless Sam’s morning workout
2-Sam watches Dean get turned in to a Vamp
3-less Castiel
4-Sammy the soul returns
5-soulless Sam in every scene in Clap Your Hands
6-Bobby puts the boys straight (Dean particularly deserved that)
7-Rufus and Bobby (nuff said)
8-Campbell’s almost all dead
9-Crowley (just coz I love him)
10-Jared’s amazing acting
Seeing the back of Lisa and Ben would have made the list but they (or Lisa at least) will be back in episode 14 according to a fan who was on set while filming was taking place. -apparently Dean shows up on the doorstep but this time Lisa didn’t look so happy to see him, she was dressed up like she may be heading out on a date and she yells for Ben to get his butt downstairs (so it looks like Ben was the one who called Dean)so since it appears we may be in for more soap opera rubbish I have no reason to smile…yet. Hopefully this time it really will be the last of them.
Gladiator, I like your choices also. Please let this be the end of Lisa and Ben. Dean has Sam back with his soul, he doesn’t need anybody else (except Bobby).
Sorry, I made a resolution not to bash Lisa, and I already broke it on January 4th. Damn. 😛
Great choices, Alice! I’m totally with you on the death of the Charger and Sniper Dean! I also really, really liked the scene in Clap Your Hands when they were in the crazy lady’s house for tea. That teacup in Sam’s hands…so tiny! Priceless.
Thanks for writing this up!
These definitely made me smile!
I laugh more at the comedy moments in this show than I ever do when watching actual sitcoms or comedies. Of course, just seeing the Winchesters at all makes me smile…
Wonderful choices, Alice! I have to say the fairy fight still makes me chuckle and the “Silver Lining” comment is awesome…Of course, to be quite shallow, that episode still is all about Workout Sam for me. I can’t help it.
That was absolutely amazing! I just read the first part and this one and they were great! It made me think back to my favorite parts of the show to and i realized these little moments were in them,,, I set this up as one of my favorite pages for more days when i’m sick and need somethin’ to cheer me up 😀 thanks!
ps I absolutely loved the Castiel moments lol
Sniper Dean..*drool*