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Absolutely fantastic!!! I’m sure that’s exactly how it would go! 😀 😀
Ardeospina, sorry to hear about your food poisoning (it must have been the egg nog). Glad that you are feeling much better. No matter how much you love SUPERNATURAL, there are still more important things to think about, and number one is your own health.
Wishing you a healthier 2011.
Loved this. 😆 😆 😆
Loved that in the middle of this conversation, Sam decides to take off his shirt. 😆
Loved Sam and Dean’s ‘resolutions’ for Cas.
Does Dean really need a reason to get ‘sloppy drunk’? 😆
“Resolutions” with airquotes. 😆 😆 😆
Loved Cas’ WTF face, when Sam and Dean say ‘happy new year’.
Loved even more, Sam and Dean’s WTF faces when Cas resolved not to smite any annoying mortals.
Feel better.
Oh holy Chuck!!! Brilliant Arde! My favorite one yet. I’m leaking tears I laughed so hard. Thanks!
hahahaha! It’s awesome! Really! this made me laugh a lot!!!
Happy new year to you 🙂
What a great way to start the new year. Thanks guys it was hysterical.
Oh dear, I shouldn’t have read this right after dinner. I laughed so hard my poor stomach hurts now!
Good one. Well done! And I’m glad you’re feeling better now. Happy New Year to you and looking forward to more WFB Short Attention Span Theatre!
Food poisoning and you still managed to put this together–ROFL, thanks so much Arde.
Speaking of the trench, what, is it in poor Jimmy’s contract that he has to put it back on everytime Cas drops back into him??? Surely he changes while Cas is up in Heaven or is Cas dragging the body back and forth with him? Cuz it looks like he is. *sigh* Poor Jimmy.
Off topic digression–sorry everyone, and thanks again Arde–you make my day every time you post one of these 🙂
😆 😆 😆 😆 :lol:…you are the best…
That was so true to those characters and so funny!
Sorry about your food poisoning, Sucks really bad.
You give us some great entertainments!!
This is brilliant. It’s beyond brilliant! Good to see that Castiel has the same ideas about New Years Resolutions as I do. I don’t see the point of them either.
Castiel, I’ve all the Indiana Jones on DVD if you want to borrow them. You really can’t get caught out like that again!
Dean, sweetie, you leave your socks in the sink so you really shouldn’t be lecturing an angel about the laundry.
Sam, why’d you take your shirt off? (Of course the fact you said ‘It’s a fun tradition, why don’t you try?’ while shirtless has caused fanfiction to go into overdrive!) Not that I’m complaining but I was just wondering if that was one of your resolutions? If so, I approve.
I miss the boys…..
Sorry to hear you were ill, Ardeospina. Seriously woman, you’re overworked. You’ve posted so many articles over the holidays. All I’ve done over Xmas is give myself a pedicure and gained about three dress sizes. You need to give yourself a vacation….
Hello, everyone, and thanks for commenting! In reply…
CJAB1234, glad you enjoyed!
Paleonut, yes, I’m sure that’s how it would go because if it did, that would amuse me greatly. Obviously. 😉
NancyL, thanks for the well wishes. I feel much better now and almost back to full strength! I’m happy you liked some of the caps I used because I changed my dialogue a bit to use Cass’ air quotes, and that WTF face was just golden. I had a WTF face written in, and I was so happy to find that one. Incredibly, there was another one that could have served just as well from another point in the episode, as this was a one-episode SAST. All from “The Third Man!”
Yvonne, if you’re going to be leaking anything, I’m glad it’s tears. 😀
Sofia, happy to help you start the new year off with a laugh! Happy New Year back at you!
Sn_chillis, you’re welcome, and laughing is a great way to start a year. *nods*
Rose, it is hazardous to eat and read these WFB Theaters. I should write up some guidelines for that.
ElenaM, food poisoning cannot stop me! It can only hope to contain me! Which it did for two days, so mission accomplished, food poisoning. Happy to be a day brightener!
anonymousN, aw, shucks, go on…
Dany, thanks, and I feel much better. But I shall not rest until Hellatus is over! Or, at least, until the next round of 12 SPN Christmas graphics is over… Home stretch!
Bevie, I’m so happy you think they were in character because while I want to make these funny, I don’t want to go TOO out there because then it just seems weird. I find I have the hardest time with Sam because he’s the character I have the least grasp on, maybe.
Tim, I’m with you and Castiel. I don’t really go for them myself, but if they work for other people, then that’s great. And Sam took his shirt off because he knew I needed a shot of him looking happy, and that was the only other one in “The Third Man” and I wanted to make all the caps come from there, so yeah. He was helping me out…or something. Very accommodating, that one. And I’m not overworked as much as underslept…heh.
Yume, you’re very welcome, and I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Sorry to hear about you not being well. Been sick since the day after Christmas myself. This is actually the first time I have been on my computer in a week and a half, even took some time off work. I think it was the apocolypse. Glad you are better, and this has really made happy! My personal favorite: “Personal space” I love that!!! Thanks and glad you and I are both back among the land of the living.
Funny. Nice job.
That is hilarious!!!
LOL Adorable! I really enjoyed this. Thank you. 🙂 The ending especially made me laugh.
I love it!
Oh my Chuck! I really needed that laugh today.
It was perfect.
I could actually see that conversation happening including Sam removing his shirt 😆
That was great!!! Thanks for the chuckle and smile. 🙂
SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSooooooooooooooo Cass and adorable…
Congrats, you nailed it..
And to all the people who are part of the WFB family
A awesome 2013….
Let’s have as much fun in 2013 as we did in 2012…
Take care guys…
Cla ; }