Season Six Motivational Posters
Warning!!!! If you haven’t seen the latest episode of “Supernatural” and the preview for next week, do not read this! There is going to be plot-based speculation and discussion! You’ve been officially warned! I apologize for not posting this sooner, but last night I went to the opera with my father, “The Dialogue of…
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel Starting where we left off last week, Dean is fruitlessly trying to bring Sam back to consciousness. He calls his name, feels his pulse, touches his head, looks up in despair. “SAMMY!” he yells desperately–“come on, damn it!” Sam’s eyes open, and the hellfire inside recedes….
What’s this, a recap from Alice??? As you may or may not know, because of time issues, I decided to take a break from writing recaps right after “Like A Virgin.” Would you know that “Unforgiven” came up as the next episode, one of my absolute favorites of the season. I thought about ending that…
Like a Virgin (6.12) Sam’s soul feels like it had been skinned alive. What a horrific thought. And then he is back. Merciful amnesia clouding his mind, but still he learns some terrible, cruel secrets. Apart from that there are virgins abducted by dragons, Dean tries to pull out an Excalibur-like sword from a piece…
(Spoiler alert!) This Friday’s episode of Supernatural (preempted from last Friday) is destined to be a series classic based on all the advanced reviews of the show. While every review agrees they can’t divulge too much about the Sam stuff, what they can reveal is fantastic. First and foremost, they all agree that…
Singing the Sins of Creon: Supernatural’s Season Six and the Prohibition Against Mourning “You would rather throw stones at a mirror? I am your mirror, and here are your stones.” -Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks A Beautiful Labor: The Work of Mourning “The person who grieves, suffers his passion to grow…
Wow, they were all great (and pretty hilarious!), but the last one really got to me. With the quote, it was just heartbreaking and fits PERFECTLY with the show and scene. Awesome job! Loved them all! 🙂
Thanks very much, Chucklover20! I’m glad you liked them.
That was awesome! These are really funny! I still love what Samuel said “This is what you boys do in your spare time? Watch pronos with angels?” Samuel you really can’t tease them! Have you seen what you draw on maps?
Thanks, HotChocolate in Summer! It’s true, too. Samuel really has no room to talk, does he? Glad you liked!