See Jensen’s Appearance on MTV’s “10 On Top”
Okay, here it is for all you international folks and those that don’t have MTV. Or people like me, who were running kids errands and haven’t had a chance to watch yet. Enjoy!
A HUGE thanks to Jenny at MTV for giving The Winchester Family Business the exclusive on this interview. It’s so awesome to see our favorite show get exposure like this.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Haha! I just finished watching this when I checked here and found you’d posted it! Very fast!
Alice, I can’t believe this! Thank you so much for posting this and giving us Old-world-Exiles a chance to see this lovely thing!
It’s so much fun – and, well, is it possible Jensen keeps getting more handsome by the minute? Come on!
:-), Jas
Oh I should’ve known you would come through Alice. I made sure I was home to watch this. But here I can replay over and over and over. And our show was #3. Woot!
And I do agree with you Jas, Jensen does get more handsome every year.
Oh Alice, we are so greatful that you lead a weird life. It makes us very happy. Thanks for the clip, had to work lots the last couple days, and didn’t even realize it was on til it was over. Go figure. Thanks again!
And count me in on the whole Jensen just keeps getting more handsome train of thought. Never thought I could be possible, but it is!
Oh, my god, I laughed so hard when he said he wanted to wipe out the cast of “True Blood” and “The Vampire Diaries.” Awesome!
Thanks so much for posting this, Alice! And yeah, Jensen really does just keep getting better and better looking. Not gonna lie.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Alice.
I loved that interview. And yes he is getting more handsome.
When he started picking on Vampire Diaries and True Blood I thought I couldn’t believe my ears. So much fun.
Alice , thanks so much for taking pity on all of us waving from the other side of the pond.
I dont know how it`s possible either . But he does!!
Thank you so much, Alice, for making possible to me to watch this video.
The interview was great. I love how he teases Jared about his height 🙂 and when he says that he would like to show to Vampire Diaries and True Blood how vamps are suppose to be.
I love it.
Alice you are awesome! A ton of Canadian love and appreciation is coming your way (sorry, it’s kinda soggy – it’s really raining hard here today….weird huh?).
SIGH, Jensen is awesome, the show got #3, I’m a very happy Supernatural fan right now.
OMG – So funny how he picked on the vamp shows and of course now I’m epicly curious – what new nickname does Jared have on the show that Jensen hasn’t called him already?
Thank you so much, Alice, for posting this!!!
This is a bit late to watch this partly because I just joined but this is awesome