Recap – “Caged Heat”
This one is a headscratcher. I swear this episode exists to either give us helpful hints or drive us bat-shit insane with misdirection. I’m going to be digging into each scene for clues and will be raising many questions without many answers. I’ll probably throw in a wild theory or two to add to the madness. Sorry!
The opener is, well, indulgent. I’m sure Mark Sheppard had a fun time doing this one and rightfully he should. It’s not everyday he gets to play a dual role in which both sides try to out snark the other. They probably told him, “We’re killing you off, but we’ll give you a monster of a scene before you go.” Like he’s going to say no. Anyway, we know from “Two and A Half Men” that the alpha shapeshifter mimics whoever he’s confronting, so just seeing two Crowleys alone tells us the guy tied up is the shifter. At least I caught that. The hubby wasn’t so sharp. Lucky for him, I was there to explain it.
Okay, before digging into this scene, I have to wonder. Why is Crowley, the King of Hell himself, doing this interrogation? I know it’s the alpha and all, but upper management rarely does such dirty work. Also, later in the episode, we find out he mostly alone is interrogating all these creatures. How does he do this and find time to run Hell? I say it’s likely he’s making the same mistake most new promoted upper mangement types make, trying to do it all himself. No wonder he failed. I see that happen daily in the corporate world.
RealCrowley boasts that he went through a lot of trouble to find something that could actually hurt ShifterCrowley. “My tinkering cost several lesser shifters their lives.” Now hubby gets it. It’s a knife made from iridium. One google search later tells me it’s a rare element from the earth’s crust and quite corrosion resistant. Good to know. “Would have been cheaper to drop a castle on you.” Yeah, money is no object to the King of Hell though, is it? RealCrowley couldn’t agree more. “You start talking or I start chopping off all the bits that stick out.”
ShifterCrowley tells him to go ahead, so hot tempered RealCrowley plunges the knife right into him. It hurts but it doesn’t kill. ShifterCrowley still won’t talk and really pisses off RealCrowley by spitting blood at him. RealCrowley goes for the gusto, the baby monitor. It seems he has all the baby shapeshifters as well, a prison nursery. He knows how ShifterCrowley spent months gathering them. RealCrowley threatens to “filet” them in front of him if he doesn’t talk. ShifterCrowley is every bit a heartless bastard as the RealCrowley. “Kill em all, we’ll make more.” So what does Castiel do to these babies at the end? Sorry, not going there. Puppies and kittens, puppies and kittens…
So, its RealCrowley that hits a breaking point instead. He grabs a large sword and now we get the head falling off visual effect done with Mark Sheppard, a la emo vamp in “Live Free and Twihard.” Must be a new piece of software the VFX guys got this year and love. I’m sure he liked that, cutting off his own head. That’s how you kill shifters? I suppose it is silver. Then there’s a great shot of Crowley with the bloody knife looking over his head on the floor. “I guess I kind of lost my head.” Ha, bad pun! What I’m wondering is Crowley went through this much trouble to catch this alpha and kills him in a fit of rage? That’s kind of wasteful and pointless, isn’t it? So, I’m throwing out theory number one. The real big bad in this scenario figured out that Crowley is getting sloppy with this whole finding Purgatory thing and how he’s getting nowhere with capturing monsters and decided it was time to end it. That meant ending Crowley. Work with me on this.
Shattered glass. I’m taking this week’s title card to symbolize nothing is what it seems.
Now where outside a factory and the Impala pulls up. They meet two goons in a black SUV. Dean pulls out a man in cuffs and a hood from the back seat and hands him over. “You’re late,” Goon #1 says. “Traffic was a bitch,” Dean replies with his usual biting wit. “One rugaru,” Sam announces. Ooh, those things are nasty. I don’t mind them handing him over. Dean wants to know where Crowley is. “Banging a hooker in a sweet spot called none of your business,” Goon #1 says. “Oh, look at that Sam, a demon trying to be funny.” Well at least Dean is keeping his sense of humor. “Oh, is that what just happened?” Sam asks sarcastically. “Night girls,” Goon #1 says. Gotta love the witty demonic banter that’s done so well on this show.
Dean’s not done. He wants to know if they’re ever going to see Crowley again or if he keeps sending his “demon extras to pick up his laundry.” Goon #1 gets snarky. “I’m sorry, I know your speaking, I see your lips moving, but I can’t understand what you’re saying because I don’t speak little bitch.” His eyes turn black. Then Sam closes his eyes, the guy goes “poof!” internally and falls to the ground. No, that’s me wishing again. Something has been bothering me all season and this episode REALLY brought it to the surface. What happened to Sam’s powers? He still has demon blood in him, right? He didn’t need to be drinking demon blood to use them. What about all that demon blood he consumed before saying yes to Lucifer? That had to change something. Soulless Sam wouldn’t hesitate to use his powers if he could. I think Sam has them, but is holding back for some reason. Or I’m wishing. Can’t tell the difference right now.
Anyway, Dean has no clever reaction for some strange reason. Bummer. They watch the goons leave, Sam giving them the cold stare. “Remember when we used to gank demons?” Dean asks as if he’s reading my mind. Sam still can. I know it! Maybe he isn’t killing demons because he is one? Nah, I’m just throwing that out there. I don’t know what to believe. Moving on. The brothers walk into an abandoned house, one that looks much like the abandoned house Sam and Ruby used to hang in season four. Dean is fuming. The Crowley runs aren’t getting them anywhere. “The only thing that’s changed is that I need a daily rape shower.” Sam, who’s been way more accepting of this situation, gives Dean a not so subtle reminder they’re stuck. “Okay, you’re right, let’s go with Plan B. Oh yeah, we don’t have one. Until we do sorry dude, stock up on soap on a rope.”
Sam gets to the heart of it. If they want his soul back, that’s what they go to do. Except Dean is seeing exactly what we are. “Yeah. Do you even want it back?” “I’m working for Crowley, aren’t I?” You know what, after this episode, I sincerely doubt Sam was. Oh, why don’t I just put it out there, since I’ve already written an article about it. Could it be that Sam is the Big Bad now, or at least the enforcer for the Big Bad? He’s stringing Dean along, using him to find monsters, work the beat topside without creating suspicion? There are many clues in that episode that hints this is could be. Of course, like EVERY OTHER FREAKING EPISODE this year, it could just be another red herring. Sam’s holding back something, that’s for sure. I’d bet everything on it.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Great recap!
I enjoyed the episode, but it left me with so many questions. “Sam as the Big Bad” does seem plausible, especially with the promos for this season & the hints dropped in this episode, but I am very much hoping that it is another misdirection from the writers. I was not expecting Crowley’s demise for quite awhile yet, but it proved that he was indeed just a used car salesman trying to act like the boss when the job was actually above his pay grade. I do wonder if he will find Purgatory after all now that that is where he’s probably been sent.
I suspect that Mary is in Purgatory too, since she sacrificed herself (or at least her spirit or soul) to save her boys from the malignant spirit in “Home”.
As much as I dislike Samuel for betraying his grandsons, I get that he pretty much has tunnel vision in his quest to regain his daughter no matter the consequences. The same goes for Dean when it comes to getting back the Sam that was his little brother. The next family reunion is not going to be pretty.
Sam certainly did appear to show emotion & some of the old Sam rage & real concern for Dean in this episode. I wonder, if over time, he could refashion his soul on his own without getting back what is supposedly left in the cage. Maybe just by being with Dean, who has such love & loyalty in his own soul….okay, that’s pretty sappy but just a thought. It hurts my heart to think of Sam’s soul being tortured in the cage, & I think that’s why Dean can’t let go & agree with RevenantSam’s decision to not want it back.
And I still want to know what became of Adam.
So many questions… I’m keeping hope that the show does have some good answers coming for us. That’s what I want for Christmas!
I must admit I lost focus slightly after you started going on about naked Sam and so possibly missed the finer points of your reasoning but I do reckon that you’re reading too much into what’s really just uneven writing … There, now next week it’ll all fall into place with a resounding clang and I’ll feel like a complete prat. Here’s hoping! 😉
Hi Alice
Another enjoyable recap. I just love your wit.
You definitely bring up a lot of questions and concerns for this season.
Is it just inconsistency in the writing or is it all leading to some elaborate plan.
Is Sam the big bad and has been from the start? For me I hope not. I’m not a fan of the idea at all.
I do wonder if the writers were given free rein on how they interpret being soulless and that’s why Sam shows emotions/concerns in some episode and not in others?
I am anxious to see what this weeks episode brings, hopefully they will at least give us a hint of Hope that things are going to get better with the brothers. Otherwise the Christmas Hellatus will be Hell.
I have to give it to Sera. She certainly has everyone’s head spinning. I guess if you want to take over an existing story and make it your own, you have to stir things up a bit. Get everyone out of their comfort zone so new paths can be set.
I just wish the brothers relationship hadn’t been targeted, it kind of made Swan Song seem that it was all for nothing. Plus after two seasons with their relationship being tampered with, I really wasn’t wanting to go through a third season of it again.
Thanks again for the great recap.
I liked the recap, as for the direction of this season, still not sure.
Great recap though.
For some reason, I’m laughing at myself over this recap today. I remembered when I interviewed Sera Gamble a couple of years ago a debate was going on at this site over what Jeremy Carver meant for Mystery Spot with “Pig in a Poke.” We had these wild theories circulating over all the hidden meanings. Sera speculated (correctly I might add) that Jeremy just thought the name was funny.
So yes, I’m probably being extremely guilty of reading way more into this that what’s there. But, speculation is fun! Who knows, one or two of these observances might actually amount to something.
Hi Alice, Great recap!!!
When Crowly died I was 😮 honestly didn’t see that coming I thought he was the big bad of the season.
You know I don’t think Sam and Meg are working together but I hope, it would be interesting cause after the episode ended it felt like was the season finale of the “mini-serie” supernatural, cause now what?? Crowly is the one that wanted to know about the purgatory Crowly was the big bad or at least they made us believe that, and now he is dead, and I truly think Sam is going to recover his soul in the ending of next episode 6×11 Appointment in Samarra or in the begining of 6×12.
(Dean thanks Cas: “If it hadn’t have been for you…†You’d still be okay because Sam would have kicked in those powers he insists on hiding ) facepalm 😀
Yes that is what I have thinked since I knew Sam doesn’t have his soul, if Sam was drinking demon blood when he had a soul now that he is souless with more reason, maybe he does and that’s why he could untied himself in family matters :D,, now you are: :roll:: 😀
Thanks Alice for the recap I enjoyed, love your recaps
I was never a fan of the Sam as the big bad, and I’m still not. But, Alice, you sure brought up some points to ponder. There’s too much to be “inconsistent writing”, especially since if it was, I doubt it could get past Jared. They have to tell him something about his motivation, he can’t play it completely blind, so there must be something, a bigger picture, that we don’t get yet.
I wonder if the demons are expecting Sam to step up to the plate? Remember in season 3, the demon’s big plan was Sam was to be the General, after the demise of Yellow Eyes. Maybe analytical RoboSam is playing this to his advantage, because he even seemed to have something going with Christian (may he rest in pieces). Just a thought…
I really love the snark you add to your recaps (fits the tone of the show). One thing in this episode that I expected you to make fun of was Crowley using a BABY MONITOR to monitor the baby shapeshifters! I just burst out laughing every time I see it. With all the grunge and disgusting stuff on that set, there’s the pristine new baby monitor. What fun!
You think Pig in a Poke was fun (I remember that interview as well) they must be laughing themselves silly at the wild thoughts going on now that Episode 15’s title has been released (and yes, those into Wincest or man on man relations are really very hopeful. The person who brought up Blazing Saddles and the end is more dead on since the TV Guide article tells us that there is an upcoming episode that will do just what the ending of Blazing Saddles does…still, one must wonder at how much of our speculating makes them grim, grimace and outright guffaw!!
Nice episode!But i hated cas kissing meg 😡
I am a little late to reading this, but as always Alice, a great recap.
Dean may not be happy with Soulless Sam, but no one hurts Sam and gets away with it. Gramps is a dead man and he doesn’t even know it.
Powerful. bad ass Cas, what is there not to love. 😀
I agree, where have Sam’s powers disappeared to?
Crowley isn’t this season’s big bad. After last night’s episode, we can assume that Sam (yeah! :D) isn’t the big bad either. Could it be a re-bodied Raphael, Balthazar, or maybe someone (something) we haven’t met yet?
Cannot wait for your recap of last night’s great episode. 😀
Exactly, Dean and Bobby no longer could trust Sam. Sam went after Bobby with no ‘superego’. What if the next spell required the heart of a blood relative? Sera and Co. took Sam to his lowest and darkest moment, they had no choice but to give him back his soul and then deal with those consequences.
Great job at reviewing the episode, let me think about a lot. I think the longer Sam is out of hell, the more his soul might come back, hence the reason he’s starting to have feelings? I don’t know. But the reason why Sam was pushed into the wall was because he hasn’t drunk any demon blood. What you should be really asking is how did they make that second demon trap?? 😮
Ah also, maybe Cass showed no mercy to and finished off Crowley so fast was he knew he had to get back to heaven fast and didn’t want to waste anymore time XD 😆