Breaking News: Supernatural on the Cover of Dec. 13th TV Guide
You did it fans! You did it!!! For the first time ever, Supernatural will be on the cover of TV Guide! The boys will be on the cover in next week’s December 13th issue.
Announced just this morning, “Supernatural” edged out “Chuck” in a very close vote for the prestigious spot on the weekly magazine. The opportunity was part of an online voting contest in which TV Guide asked readers for the first time in their 58 year history to choose the cover. The choices were between “Bones,” “Castle,” “Chuck,” “How I Met Your Mother,” “Smallville,” and “Supernatural.”
The voting took place in late October and fans were allowed to vote multiple times. Thanks to a very coordinated online fan effort, Supernatural fans were very determined to win this cover, spending hours voting online each day. The word was spread by fan sites like this one and through Facebook, Twitter, emails, texts, and whatever means necessary to remind fans daily to vote.
This is not just a victory for “Supernatural,” this is a victory for the fans that have long stood by their under-the-radar show. You don’t know how many times I’ve heard through the years covering Supernatural the fans cry out in frustration that their show again didn’t make the cover while other CW shows like “Gossip Girl” and “The Vampire Diaries” got their turn. Even the special TV Guide covers of Warner Brothers shows issued at Comic Con this past July didn’t include “Supernatural.”
So, remember this mock cover that we cheekily circulated on this site last summer? We won’t have to do these fake ones anymore.
Congratulations Supernatural and most importantly, congratulations fans. You earned this!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
I just saw this and I’m thrilled!!!! I didn’t vote hours each day but I did try to vote at least a dozen times almost every day 😳
Once it was done I went to supernaturaltv and read the comment thread and some of the fans would vote almost 100 times, take a break and then do it again. I really, really, really hoped we’d win and whew thanks to all the amazing efforts of the fans, we did!
Hooray for us and extra hooray for Supernatural.
Gotta say, our mocked up cover is pretty darn cool!
I’m obnoxiously happy right now! 😀
This is wonderful news.
We did it !
It reminded me of a poster I once saw 😀
SQUEEEEEE!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Brilliant , really pleased. It is nice to see them on the cover . Alot of fans voted for this 😀
WOO to the HOO! I voted a bajillion times! lol! I seriously need to get over my Sammy addiction and get a life!
Wow! Seriously, I can’t get the goofy smile off my face! 😀
😀 Yeah! I voted so many times. Glad it paid off. Finally, recognition for the BEST show on TV! Now, time for the People’s Choice awards!
😀 Awesomely Happy
Yaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!! I didn’t spend hours voting but I did do my part.
Now let’s see if we can do the same for The People’s Choice Award:
Glad they won. So nice for Jensen and Jared.
So how many copies do we need to buy to make it worth TV Guide’s while to do a second cover? 😆
I was like you Elle2, I made sure I voted every day about 10 to 20 times each as time would allow. Every vote counted!
Now, as TV Guide doesn’t print hard copy in Canada anymore, who can I bribe (and with what) to get one and mail it to me??
Way to go Supernatural Fans!!
Amazing!! I voted as many times as I could even though I live in the UK 😀 😀
I’m going to ask a friend of mine to mail me the magazine and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.
Way to go Supernatural fans 😀
Happy Dance!!!!!!!!
I’m a TV Guide subscriber, but I think I’m gonna have to buy an extra copy or two….
Great news, they so deserve this. Though Jensen looks disturbingly like Zac Efron in this picture. (Running away and ducking for cover)
Yesssss! We did it!!!!
How great is our show and – drums ….
how great are we the fans?????
We are awsome!
Now let’s hope this will do something to the ratings and get some more people interested in it.
Unfortunatly we can’t by the TV guide here in Germany not even on our international press stores. :cry::
Just one more time cause it sounds so good
We are awsome
Yesssss! We did it!!!!
How great is our show and – drums ….
how great are we – the fans?????
We are awsome!
Now let’s hope this will do something to the ratings and get some more people interested in it.
Unfortunatly we can’t by the TV guide here in Germany not even on our international press stores. :cry::
Just one more time cause it sounds so good
We are awsome
TV Guide Canada actually got the first SPN cover back in ’05 but I like this one very much and extent hearty congradulations to the show for finally getting the US cover!
Your mock cover is way better than the TV Guide cover all
prettily airbrushed. But that is a small nitpick and it is about time that the boys got their chance. They certainly deserve it! 😉
Awesome fricking sauce. This is GREAT news!
Also, I am curious to know what’s happening off to the left there that’s so interesting to Jensen…
yay Supernatural won, omg I love our show… I’m really happy I vote alot 😀
I thought Misha was going to be in the cover, so the picture that they had in the cover poll its not the picture that is going to be in the tvguide cover?.
we did it. 😀
Now onto the People’s choice awards, there is no competition.
True Blood and Vampire Diaries are Buffy wannabes.
Smallville should have ended a long time ago.
wtf is Fringe.
SUPERNATURAL is the best show with the best fans. 😀
Hey, lady, you get Alice your e-mail address and let her send it to me. I’ll e-mail you and then we can figure out how I can get you the Supernatural TV Guide. I’d be happy to help you out!!!
Yes, I’m back, oh my I just saw the video from Jared, Jensen, Misha and Jim about the TV Guide cover that it is down with the video of the week and the new promo spot. Wow, that is so cool that they’re so happy. I love all of their comments and responses.
just found out about the TV guide cover!!! Happy dance!!
Congrads to the fans and show, it’s about time!!!
will pick up xtra copies for family and friends!!
what a great way to end a monday!!
can’t wipe off this silly grin 😉 🙂 😀
If you go to Supernatural wiki, on the front page they have the TV GUide cover announcement as well as scans of the pages. They carry spoilers so beware! Also, there is much other goodness in the article as a certain someone we ‘know’ is interviewed.
YIPPIE!!!! HOLY CRAP!! Front page of the article. Not only was my interview segments with them published, The Winchester Family Business was mentioned too! When I wrote the Variety article, there was no mention of my pride and joy. I’m really teary right now, especially when I see my name next to that gorgeous and large picture of Jared and Jensen.
Yes, I found out that Supernatural won the TV Guide cover weeks ago. I’m really good at keeping secrets, aren’t I?
Alice, that is so AWESOME about the interview!!!!! Holy crap, congratulations! I am squeeing so hard right now it isn’t even funny. Yay! o/
😯 😯 😯 Holy… SPN fans, you rock so hard!!! Win this or break the Internet trying? We did it!!!
Oh… Alice, that’s so freaking awesome!!! Congratulations!!! Can’t wait to pick up the issue!
😀 Julie that caption is PERFECT 😀
I was so happy to see your name in the article Alice. And the website as well. That’s really amazing and awesome and many other adjectives starting with A (for Alice).
CONGRATS ALICE!!!! Awesome for you!
Hey, have y’all seen the “Early Show” clip where Debra Birnbaum announces the winner???
Congratulations Supernatural!
This is wonderful and about time.
I voted a few times myself but not nearly as much as others.
Kudos and thank you to all those that tirelessly voted.
I got in a couple of more votes to The Peoples Choice Awards today, so lets keep our fingers crossed on this one too.
Also a huge big “Congratulations†to you too Alice.
That is absolutely fantastic and what a thrill that they interviewed you.
You sneaky thing! 😎
I’m so happy for you.:D
😆 HOLY CRAP!!!! I nearly had a heart attack when I found out this won! I’ve been to no less than 5 stores looking for a hard copy and it’s driving me insane that I can’t find one. SUPERNATURAL FANS ROCK! WE WON! The boys are finally gonna get the cred they deserve!
Yayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! All hail Supernatural, the little show that Won!! So glad that it won, so tired of the csis and other boring cop shows. Congrats to everyone involved with SPN mostly Eric Kripke for creating it, Sera Gamble, the late great Kim Manners, you will be missed, all the other writers, makeup artists, ect. But Especailly to Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, and all the amazing actors/actresses who have been apart of this show. You did a great job and Congrats to us the Supernatural fans!!! We deserved it!