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SPN meets Princess Bride. Win and win.
As you wish–awwww…
😆 😆 Sam is the brute squad! 😆 😆
Your stuff is freaking brilliant and I don’t pop up to say thanks near often enough, so thanks, Arde. This made my day.
Hi Ardeospina
You never cease to amaze me. This was fantastic.
I’m with Dean The Princess Bride was an awesome movie.
Thank you so much for this.
Love It Love It Love It 😀 😆
Thanks Arde.
This was a fun way to start my day.
Flamey, I was so waiting for this ever since we’ve been bantering about this on the cbox! And, woman, you don’t disappoint.
Henceforth you shall be named G.O.U.W. (Genius of Unusual Wit).
I love, love,love this! The Princess Bride is one of my top five films of all time. And it’s a relief that Dean loves it, too, and even Sam knows it… Ha – they should probably go and built up immunity to iocane powder, too. You never know what the Alphas will come up with… 🙂
Hugging you big time for this lovely gift on a cold, snowy, running-nosed, work-loaded morning… Jas
Hello, my name is Dean Winchester. You de-souled my brother. Prepare to die!
– okay, working on my Spanish accent – hhello, my name is Dean Winchesterrrrr. You de-souled my brrrotherrrr. Prrrreparrrre to die!
Hhhello, my name is Dean Winchesterrrr. You de-souled my brrotherrr. Prreparrre to die!
oh. stop it, woman! 😀 😆 😀
I love this and I love The Princess Bride.
Weird coincidence, we were only talking about this yesterday and wondering if it was going to appear , and then it does, and, as you can see above, it drives people insane 😀
It`s hilarious, I love the choice of pics and how reassuring to know our boys have such excellent taste!
Thanks Ju
I never bothered with the film cos it had such a naff gurly title and now I have no idea what I’m missing! Off to update my LoveFilm list I go …
Ooooh, so funny! Thank you!
That was awesome!
In our house, when one brother goes off to “look into” something and the other stays behind, we have been known to say “Have fun stormin’ the castle” as they leave, and whenever one of our dear boys is down and bloody on the floor, the common response is, “He’s only mostly dead.”
Thanks for a great start to the day! I’ll remember these tonight during a long evening of parent teacher interviews…it will help get me through! Of course, all the inappropriate smirking could be a problem.
I love the princess bride! this made me laugh so much. thank you!
😀 😀
This was very well done!
Also, interesting things, a few days ago I was trolling through Jim Beaver’s tweets (stalker I’m NOT) and he actually commented that he’d just seen the Princess Bride (likely with his daughter) and that while others were loving on the film, he just didn’t like it at all.
I’m not sure I’d enjoy it as much now but I loved it back in college (dates self a bit) and by the time I had seen it it had been out for quite some time (dates self more)
I’m going to stop now!
Great job at keeping the fun going.
I so needed something like this! Brilliant. And The Princess Bride is a fabulously fun movie. I was just quoting it at work the other day.
Another great phrase from the movie that we use in our house. “Good night Wesley. Sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning!”
Genius sheer genius, omg (dies laughing).
Arde – hilarious and awesome!
And Jasminka – thanks for that laugh! Hehee! 😀
Baawahh! 😆 😆 Just what I needed after a nice but stressful holiday with the family.
Thanks Ardeospina, you are awesome! And Jasminka, your spanish accent sounded just fine to me. Too funny. Thanks for the laughs. I haven’t watched The Princess Bride in many years, but I think it needs a revisit! 😀
Pure Brilliance!!
Thanks for all your kind words, everyone, and I’m glad you enjoyed! Of course the Winchesters love “The Princess Bride” because it is one of the best movies ever. Ever, I tell you!
Jas, your Spanish accent…heeee! That was quite amusing!
Very funny, perfect expressions and the ending was wonderful. I would have loved to see that dialog part of an actual episode it was that good
ok that one totally rocked!