Special Poll: What’s Your Attitude On Sam’s Missing Soul?
It seems that the fan outrage over Sam’s missing soul has gotten some reaction from the top. In a just released EW article, Sera Gamble makes a statement about what’s to come. I think everyone is going to have to decide for themselves if her words are encouraging or not:
A lot of what she says weighs into my recent review on the latest episode “All Dogs Go To Heaven” and the Sam story line. So tell us fans, are you relieved by this statement? Concerned? Hopeful? For those that don’t want to comment, make your opinion known in our anonymous poll! I’m really curious to know if there’s a consensus out there or a fandom divided.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I for one have been loving the change up to the mythology and the characters. I absolutely trust Sera and the rest of the writers! We knew from the end of last season things would be different and they may take us in new directions so all this backlash is so confusing and frustrating to me. Since when do we stop trusting our writers? As with each season, issues will be resolved and things will come to some semblance of the show that was! Be patient folks! Don’t give up just yet, there’s still a lot more story to tell. 🙂
For the first time ever I just want to say that some of that funny brilliant brotherly commentary looks as if its going to pop back up this week with Fairies (FIGHT THE FAIRIES DEAN!!)
I can’t wait – That being said, I really need some schmoopy Sam and Dean moments again. I’m back to watching episodes like “Bad Day at Black Rock” and “Yellow Fever”.
I really like it. I want Sammy back, sure, but Robo!Sam is fun.
I am really enjoying the season so far. This season has given me things to puzzle over, and I do so love a good puzzle. This is right up my alley.
I stopped trusting the writers with Sam in Season 4 so I cant go back to trusting them. However I am willing to give this ago and see what they do , overall the Season hasnt been terrible but I hope with Sam when he gets reunited with his soul that there is some genuine payoff and not a IKWYDLS type effort and thats it.
Sera has always been my favorite writer. If she says it’s good, I trust her.
I’m very interested in this new rapport, whatever it is. I’m thinking here that, in a way, Dean will have to “raise” Sam again, to reeducate him, to teach him how to be a human being. We all know how Dean appreciates this kind of role, I mean, to have someone to take care of. Of course it’s not the relationship we all love and want back, but it could be interesting in its own way. And when the real Sam comes back, wow! I’m sure it’s gonna be epic. 😉
I’m missing the Bromance but I am getting something of a sneaky thrill out of RoboSam and his Don’t-Give-A-Sh*t world view … His exchange with Sniper Dean (TM) made me cackle out loud and scare the cat. So as long as I know that things will get sorted out in a satisfyingly soppy way eventually I’m fine, midseason will do for me …
When I look back over the last 5 seasons at the eppys Sera wrote, she LOVES the brotherly angst as much as I do. IMHO it’s a little borderline Wincesty at times, but I love the intensity J2 bring to her writing. I don’t think she’s going to let us down now.
NuSam is frustrating and annoying at times, but Jared is getting some great lines. I can’t wait to see the angst that follows the ‘re-ensoulment’. The guilt over the things he’s done- killing innocents to get the job done, feeding Dean to a vamp, OMG Sam’s going to be wracked with guilt.
I also trust Sera. No doubt I’ve had some issues this season, mostly again with Episode 5 but that’s really a personal dislike (or less than really like). I like snarky Sam as much as I like snarky Dean and as long as one of them is balancing the other I’m good. If they were both snarky, that would be too much.
From the one plus minute clip we got for this week what I’m seeing is a bit of Sam trying to learn (even though feelings are still beyond him in his current state) but if he’s really trying to learn, that is a kind of fun dynamic to play with.
Also, the interview I read from J&J when they had already filmed 8 episodes, Jim’s recent tweet as well as Sera’s interview all give me hope. Sera reiterates that the heart and soul is the brothers’ relationship and that they will get there. As difficult as the transition, again, I reiterate that in my opinion it is natural and I believe (and hope) that when I look back on the whole season I’ll see a more consistent and natural progression rather than the choppiness that flawed Season 5. (And I do remember many complaining about how disappointed they were at how the brotherly relationship was sort of ‘fixed’ magically and there wasn’t any real depth or layering to the issues in season 5 and then poof, Sam was angry and Dean didn’t trust him.
Ah, well, if I say I’m going to trust Sera then I’m going to trust her. I still absolutely adore this show and look forward to tomorrow night’s newest episode with anticipation!
Bring on the fairies, Mr. Edlund, I’m ready!
Interesting to get a comment from Sera now. I wonder if she’s feeling the impatience from the fans? The comments after that article were pretty harsh.
This reminds me of how I felt about the timing of last season’s “Changing Channels.” The brothers were at an all-time low, it was the Apocalypse and they were the vessels of opposing archangels — couldn’t even commit suicide to avoid a horrible destiny — and we got a cringe-inducing comedy episode with mortifying dialogue and a laugh track. Oh, and wouldn’t it be hilarious if Sam somehow gets hit in the nuts??? Ugh.
Looks like poor Dean is going to be the butt of the jokes in the upcoming episode.
I agree with the poster above who said it’s hard to invest in a “new” bond when one of the brothers is not even present. I don’t feel like I even know who these characters are. Sam – the character I identify with most – is not even present. Just some jerk stranger who looks like him. Dean is just as different. What happened to the Dean who was in “misery” because he believed Sam was suffering in the cage? Who collected a hundred books to try to find a way to spring him?
The brothers are the reason I watch this show, and they’re missing. I’m not to the point of giving up, but I’m frustrated, I miss Sam, and I’m not in the mood for comedy and some “charming” substitute bond between two men I don’t recognize or relate to.
I have a feeling that we’ll be far happier after episode 9 than we currently are. 🙂 And speaking of learning, I think it’s gonna be a learning experience for both, as Dean will have to learn how to love this “different” brother he has now.
Sorry for the multiple postings! Just one more point. I agree with tigerlily2 about Dean. He doesn’t seem (to me) awfully concerned about retriving Sam’s soul. The Dean of old would want to move Heaven and Earth in search of his little Sammy’s soul. This Dean looks almost, well, indifferent. I get that he doesn’t see RoboSam as his brother, not really. But it’s not about RoboSam. We can’t forget that the real Sam (because Sam’s soul IS Sam) is God knows where, most likely in pain. So shouldn’t he look a bit more concerned?
Just my thoughts… Please don’t hate me for saying that. 😉
Sam isnt Sam without his soul and I think if they start a new brotherly bond between them its a little disloyal as its not sam. Sam’s soul is with Crowley and Dean is upset but not as upset like the old Dean would have been. I get he has to be robo sam but I wouldnt believe in any relationship growing between them as its not Sam so the bond would just be fake.
Meh. The more this storyline drags on, the more Dean will be criticized for not caring enough to get Sam’s soul back so I guess I’d like Sam to get his soul back sooner rather than later. I’m tired of Dean being accused of not caring about his brother just because he’s not over the top insane about it.
Dean has had to adjust to this new robo!Sam and to the fact that Crowley has Sam’s soul. Dean was unable to find a way to free Sam from Lucifer’s cage and he doesn’t know how to find Sam’s soul.
Even Cas can’t help, and he has resources and powers that Dean doesn’t have. Dean is only human and I think he’s doing the best he can for now.
Even Sam went to the movies when Dean was suffering in hell.
I’m bored of the constant “something’s wrong with my brother” storyline. I’d love a return to a pre-Croatoan vibe when there was something wrong with everyone/everything else and they were a team.
I want the soul back. I’m sorry, I know the storyline is taut and cool and funny and whatnot, but I want the soul back, sooner rather than later, and for purely selfish reasons.
For me, Sam without a soul is like a monkey riding a bicycle. Funny for a while because of the novelty and surprise factor but the more you think about it, the more it’s just wrong and disturbing. Soulless Sam gives me the weebies, simple as.
The purely selfish reasons I mentioned are not based solely on the fact that I want the soul back asap, it’s the aftermath of it I’m most interested in at this stage. The effects on Sam (if any), the effects on Dean, the effect it will have on the relationship etc. All these will need time to develop. I’d hate for a scenario similar to the aftermath of Mystery Spot to occur, where the psychological damage endured in that episode was never referred to again.
Like I said earlier, I don’t want something as huge as the return of his soul to not be given the time and consideration it needs/deserves to be brought to a satisfactory conclusion. And with the angelic civil war, Samuel, Crowley and Purgatory yet to be dealt with, I’m afraid the whole soul business will get lost in the middle of it.
I know I’m impatient but this is the first season I’ve actually watched as its happening and it’s driving me nuts! Honest to God, it’s like I’m wishing my life away for the next Friday. I don’t know how you guys have done it for the past 5 years.
Lucifer/Sam and Meg/Sam were great episodes. But they were just 2 episodes together. We’ve gone 8 episodes with this sociopathic empty Sam who I have found utterly unamusing or enjoyable in any way shape or form. From the smirk watching his brother get turned to his “I don’t care about you” this thing with Sam’s face has been nauseating.
The heart of this show, to me, has always been the brotherly bond and dependent relationship between these two brothers. Brothers who would do anything for each other if needed. The love between them was so obvious in the first 3 seasons. I watched last night the pilot and Wendigo. How absolutely refreshing they were, compared to the present situation. Dean saved Sam. Sam saved Dean. Complete trust between them. How I long for that again!
If the brothers are broken as they are right now, I have little interest in the plots and arcs of the season. It just becomes another tv show and not the awesome experience of previous years. I’m just so tired of Sam the dick!
A glimmer of hope from Jim Beaver when he says there are great things to come. God! I hope he is right.
To make the episodes so far palatable and enjoyable there will have to be something fantastic coming so I can return to them and enjoy them as a part of something awesome.
Whatever, I can never stop watching this show as I am completely invested in the Winchesters and love Dean unconditionally. The cast and crew of this amazing show are completely fantastic and deserve all the praise that can be given. Jensen and Jared are marvellous as always! It will be up to the writers to make sure that what Kripke has built will not be torn down. So far this season, it is almost as if “Swan Song” has been completely ignored. It was all about love and family defeating Lucifer. Where is that love and family now?
I don’t like feeling like this at all. I want to return to that good feeling this show used to inspire in me. I had so much faith in Sera, but now it is starting to waver more than I thought it ever would. So that makes me very sad indeed.
alright “timtheenchanter,” we must be soul mates b/c your post is word-for-word what i would have written had i gotten to the boards sooner than you my friend … right down to the i-hope-they-don’t skip-over-the-psychological-after-affects (trauma) of sam’s soul time in the cage; to the desperation of having to wait a whole week between episodes. i didn’t watch t.v. for years until i stumbled onto SN last year — then i watched all five seasons on dvd back-to-back, but now am on network time and am finding it oh-so-painful!
back to the subject matter … i would like to see sam’s soul back asap and continue to be surprised (and frustrated) that they are choosing to spread it out over so many episodes. having said that, i have loved sera’s episode writing of season’s past — esp her sam-centric scripts — and am interested to see how things develop from here. AND after watching all the previews for this week’s fairy episode i understand sera’s comments about the “charming, twisted” exploration of a new brotherly relationship. i found the preview of the soul conversation b/t the brothers at the bar refreshing & hysterical. i’m really looking forward to watching the episode. cheers everyone! 🙂
ps. i guess i’ve officially moved from the realms of lurker to post-er!
I feel like the story is okay, but it’s dragging along. By the time Sam gets his soul back, they’ll only have a few episodes left to make sense of it all. They could’ve tackled of the issues with Sam in four eps, but instead they use up eight!
Either way I should stop my bitchin’ because I’m still gonna watch. Is it friday yet? Lol
I am enjoying RoboSam. He is jarring, untrustworthy and uncensored, and completely different from the Sam that we’ve come to love but I just can’t wait to see more. Dean is off balance but has taken up his big brother role with an extra eye open. I know he knows that most of the deck is still hidden, and that the road is long. I for one am willing to wait and see what happens. I cannot wait till tomorrow!
I have always felt exactly what Sam and Dean were feeling (thanks Jensen and Jared!). I used to empathize with both Sam and Dean to a point that I was a mess after Swan Song.
However, since season 6 started, I just can’t connect to neither of the brothers! I want to be able to feel what they are feeling again, it’s that simple. I don’t care about a relationship between Dean and something that looks like Sam, I care about the relationship between SAM AND DEAN.
I’m really sorry if I offend someone by saying this (go to the next post if you don’t want to risk): For, the show feels like it went from eschatological to scatological.
The performances are better than ever, but I just can’t bring myself to care about it, I truly feel alienated.
*surfacing from lurky waters*
I love RoboSam–there’s something fascinating about watching someone trying to remember how to act like a human . . . Like Yume, I think there are so many cool and interesting questions to explore about the character through the concept– the nature of what informs our decisions, to what extent moral decisions can be made on logic alone, the nature of sociopaths, what it means to have an emotional relationship with someone who can’t reciprocate–like loving someone with autism for example.
I get that a lot of fans are missing the bromance, but I’m one of those who are really enjoying taking the characters into new, unfamiliar and uncomfortable territory. I love that RoboSam’s kind of a loose cannon, dangerous and unpredictable–which is clearly adding to Dean’s strain. I wouldn’t mind that danger being highlighted more; there was a wonderful tension in the warehouse scene because I didn’t know what Sam was capable of, couldn’t predict what he would do.
Is Supernatural Supernatural if my heart isn’t breaking a little for the boys? The show’s ALWAYS done that. After all, Sam’s a victim in all this–his condition is a result of what (supposedly) Crowley did to him after he made the ultimate sacrifice. But it’s hard to reconcile that with the feelings toward him engendered by his behavior–the repeated remorseless lies, feeding Dean to a vamp etc. That in itself creates tension, for his brother and for the audience.
For me anyway, tension and strain in the brothers’ relationship and in our audience relationship with the characters make for a much more interesting show. I’ll take fandom in an uproar over Stupornatural boredom any day. Especially when the MOTWs can be a bit clunky. Hopefully they’re working on that bit.
Hey Mardem, that was harsh but totally hilarious–props on the wordplay 😈
Anyone else remembering Dean’s quote from “The Monster at the End of This Book”, “For fans, they sure do complain a lot!”? (sorry, couldn’t resist!) The unpleasant tension you’re feeling now is in inverse proportion to your tolerance for ambiguity. How well do you handle not knowing how and when things are going to turn out? It’s that tension that makes for good storytelling. The pushme-pullyou of the brotherly affection has been going on since the beginning. The writers pull them apart for the satisfaction we get at seeing them back together again. I love the show, and brotherly angst has always been grist for the mill. I’m enjoying the episodes (vampire Dean rocked my world!) so I’ll definitely enjoy the ride stick around for the payoff.
speaking of remembering past shows and what was spoken there. i found it really interesting that at the end of season 4’s “heaven & hell” when dean opened up about his time in hell with sam, he was so torn up by his hellish experience that he ended their conversation by saying: i wish i couldn’t feel a thing. i just don’t want to feel anything. hmmm … interesting, b/c now we have sam’s return from hell and he got dean’s wish: he can’t feel. anyway, just a bit of interesting trivia.
also, i realize i’m not as frustrated with concept of soulless sam and exploring that over several episodes as i am with how its been executed. i don’t think the writers has done it justice … my experience of the show this season has been somewhat flat and disjointed. i’ve gone into several episodes holding my breath — hoping they deliver to the level of years past only to be left feeling: “where’s the beef??” but perhaps, when the entire season has played out and i can watch the episodes back-to-back i will have a different experience and opinion. i still appreciate the creative team at SN trying new things and taking big risks with the season. i’m fully on board and am rooting for the show and its creators. (i swear i feel like i’m 12 years old again with my first big crush — only its on a tv show and my obsession is relentless. go figure! and yes, i do fantasize about pitching story ideas to the producers. how fun would that be?!)
P.S. TeddyBearGirl — thanks for your insight about tension, the inability to tolerate ambiguity (guiltyguilty!) and good story telling. you make a really good point!
Can I change my vote? After tonight’s catastrophe, the first Supernatural episode I’ve ever hated, and for fucks sake I didn’t even hate “Bugs,” I’m checking out. I loved this show for five years, followed everything about it, but I can’t watch this anymore.
I’ll keep an ear to the ground to see if they fix this royal fuck up on the back 11.
If you are enjoying it, that’s awesome. I hope you enjoy it for many more episodes.
All the best.
I agree with you Zakko, I did not enjoy last night’s episode. I found Sam annoying and I wanted Dean to hit him in the head and knock some sense into him.
I have faith in Sera and Co., that they have the best intentions, but we need Sam to be himself.
We need Sam to get his soul back ASAP.
We need Sam back. 🙁
Well I really had high hopes for season 06, but Ms. Gamble managed to destroy them all with nine episodes.
I always opposed those who stated “Swan Song” should have ended Supernatural. But after those idiotic Fairy episode I guess they were right.
If I wanted cheap and boring writing there were other shows to watch.
What is so enjoyable to watch fickle writing of the main characters (once Robo-Sam is said to have no emotions, but the other week he clearly shows emotion… hello showrunner, do your job!!) and actors who are forced to play the characters, they made so successful over the years, so out of character that I find myself asking: What the hell is this? A Supernatural paradoy?
Is Ms. Gamble aiming to head a comedy show next season and is using Supernatural as her personal comedy guinea pig? Comes accross like.
No suprise viewing rates are droping. :roll:: Sure, blame it on the Friday death slot, but still it’s the lack of direction and multiple storylines that will be the end of the show.
Thanks Ms. Gamble for banging up Supernatural, just to bring your Fan Fic to the screen. Ups, sorry now I insulted Fan Fic writers around the globe. Most of them actually write to tell an entertaining story and stay true to what makes the characters.
Some people aren’t fit to run shows, they should stick to writing and work for a showrunner who knows his ropes inside out and stops crappy writing before it come to the screen.
I’m glad to have seasons 1 to 5 on DVD, that’s Supernatural as is should be with all it’s flaws and sometimes difficult episodes.
But at least back then there was direction, a plan even if much had been made up running.
So far nine episodes haven been wasted, and dropping rates speak for themselves lounder then any comment on the internet.
It’s time to save Supernatural, what are they waiting for?