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{loadposition slideshow18} Share on Facebook Tweet Follow us Save Alice Jester Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. …

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Alice’s Review – “My Heart Will Go On”
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So needed this!!! Arde, I mean, Dwayne, you Rock per usual.
Fantastic way to lighten the heaviness of this episode. Having a difficult time picking a favorite, but think it may be the Poetry one simply because you made me look closer. Freakin hilarious. Which writer had fun with this one?
Snigger, teenage poems are always good for a chuckle. Mine were quite hilariously awful but luckily being pre-internet no bugger else got to see just how bad they were. Another Peril of Technology! 😉
‘what did you see?’, ‘I saw my brother stab me in the heart.’ 😡
Just saw ‘Benders’ and ‘Shadow’ on TNT. Season one Sam and Dean. 😀 😀
The talking in unison, the looks of love, the hugs, Dad. 😀 😀
Yeah, nancyL, I love season one for all those reasons!
The girl on the ID was Emily FANG! LOL!
Ha! Love, love, love this! And I knew it – Sam is an alien, of course. That might just explain something! But personally I loved Joker-Dean (and that’s just my sick mind)
not so serious, Jas
the creeper one is my fave! I like Twilight, but I LOVED this ep! Best of season 6 so far!
Hi Ardeospina
You did it! You solved the mystery of what’s wrong with Sam…LOL
That’s definitely my favourite for this episode.