Chicago Con Report: Misha, Jared, and Jensen Panel – Part Two
When we last left off, Jared and Misha were on the stage together braving the fan questions…
(Part one can be found here.)
The next person up is the one who asked Jared how much he bench pressed at the breakfast and Misha teases about that.ย ย He calls it the least expected question from someone like her.ย Jared expected a question like who’s your favorite Jonas brother.ย She braves her taunting and asks her question for Misha.ย Is he like Castiel in that he’s awkward around people.ย Everyone laughs and Jared asks “How much do you bench press?”ย “Um yeah,” he answers jokingly.ย “I mean I don’t quite fit in the human social environment.ย Very awkward, don’t quite understand what people are talking about.ย I tend to kind of ramble on, talk when it’s certainly not appropriate anymore and people would rather that I move onto something else, but I’ll keep going, I’ll talk when I don’t need to talk anymore…”
Up comes a first timer so Jared asks how many first timers are there.ย Hands go up everywhere.ย Misha then asks how many last timers there are.ย A few of those go up.ย This woman got several of the fans angry, for she pulled a stunt that is not allowed at the cons and irks fans as bad fanย behavior.ย She in a very long way explains that she has to go to work andย tries to get a hug out of it.ย She did succeed after some ribbing from Misha and Jared, but not without the contempt of many in the crowd.ย I hope that hug was worth it!ย One good thing did come of it.ย “She said my hair is better than Misha’s,” says Jared all flattered.ย ย
Someone tries to ask a thoughtful question about the treatment of angels negatively, but Misha and Jared are in full goofing around mode now and interrupt her question a lot.ย “It’s not just serious it’s well worded,” jokes Misha.ย He and Jared keep going back and forth while she’s talking.ย She finally gets it out, but they keep going.ย Jared repeats the question to himself, thinking hard for an answer.ย “Blah, blah, big word, big word,” Misha replies to Jared’s mumbling.ย “She didn’t say anything about your hair.”ย Misha confesses they don’t know about that kind of stuff andย suggests that Cliff (Klosterman)ย take that on later.ย Jared isn’t sure that they are portrayed negatively.ย She explains that the only good angels on the show are the ones that left Heaven, and when they went to Heaven Joshua was like, “Oh by the way, God hates you and quit looking for him.ย And then Castiel’s still an asshole.”ย Groans abound!ย Misha backs “his friend Padalecki” on this one, and then they go back and forth about the true status of their relationship.ย It’s all veryย amusing but man are these guys losing focus now.ย They’re borderline slap happy.ย Misha suggests she reads the bible sometime, it’s a quick read, and she’ll see that angels aren’t portrayed as sweet people.ย “If you’re arguing that Supernatural is portraying them in a negative light then I think you are taking the King James Bible to task which means you are going up against the entire Christian Right…”ย Funny, but wow! ย Jared takes over and far more eloquently defends.ย “Angels are in the bible portrayed as warriors of heaven.ย This was to make them not the Anne Geddes little baby in angel wings.ย We’ve been fighting demons and hellions for five years and they were like รขโฌหlets make it clear there were warriors on the other side as well of this large battle.’ย I don’t think they were trying to (dog a) religion.”ย Mishaย is certainly impressed with that answer.ย “We did portray God as a sort of a neurotic alcoholic prostitute using writer,” Misha counters.ย Jared had a “touche” on that point.ย
A minion comes up, not wanting to slight her master, but her question is for Jared.ย She tries to ask the Jared the question about being gigantor and knocking over things.ย That gets them both laughing really hard, so much that Jared falls to the floor in hysterics!ย She keeps trying to ask, but her question ends up being derailed by a surprise visitor.ย The crowd goes freaking nuts.ย Said visitor takes over the microphone.ย Yep, it’s Jensen.ย He plays the shy questioner and Jared (who is now back in his seat) tries to coax him along (“It’s okay, you will not be judged.”ย “Do you want to say your name to compose yourself?”).ย “This question is for Misha,” Jensen says shyly.ย “I was wondering if you could give us your best Dean impression.”ย Crowd goes nuts again (they do know what we like!).ย Misha stands up, gets into character and goes for it.ย He mutters, “Uh Sam, where did you put the keys to the Impala?”ย Really, I can’t type this with justice in any way.ย We are all dying and each of us are having a major fan girl freak out.ย Jensen takes his place on the stage as a chair is brought out for him.ย Jared commends the impression for being spot on.ย “I was getting bored back there, I hope you don’t mind guys.” Jensen says.ย No, no one minds.ย “Were you doing sit ups when I walked in?”ย Jensen asks Jared.ย ย We wish!
(Photo courtesy of Airickajane at
Misha remembers the poor girl that got her question interrupted and asks for it again.ย I watched her reaction as she stood right next to Jensen.ย She was definitely in fan girl, OMG!, flip out mode.ย She’s recovered though, for her answer to Misha’s inquiry is the best comeback ever.ย “Jensen, you totally just Kayne West’ed me, what the hell?”ย Huge laughs from the crowd and she even gets a Jensen hug!ย Jensen just drops his head in shame (plenty of awws in the crowd)ย “I’m so rude.ย My mother would be ashamed.”ย So back to the question.ย She starts and then Jared actually starts paraphrasing the question.ย “Why Jared to you choose do you play Sam as this big guy, who’s like tall (makes faces).ย Why does Sam look so dumb?”ย “I’ve been asking that question for five years,” Jensen answers.ย Misha is avoiding the diss.ย “So, I play Sam big and dumb as gigantor,” Jared says.ย “He’s so convincing though, isn’t he?”ย Jensen says.ย Jensen gets finally gets around to the main purpose,ย is thereย real question?ย She wants to know if Jared kicks down doors and breaks things like that in real life.ย (Moreย hugeย laughter).ย “It’s fun,” Jared jokes.ย Oh, but this whole thing becomes a segue for Misha to share a story about when they were in Australia for their first convention together.ย They were getting ready to go somewhere and he knocked on Jared’s door.ย Jared answers with a towel wrapped around him and says, “Hold up one second, I’m trying to put the doors back on the closet.”ย Theories abound as to why the closet doors were off.
The next question is for Misha, but she invites Jensen and Jared to jump in if they want.ย More joking on their part.ย They are filming a documentary on fandom and wonder that while some people run away from fandom he seeks it out and want to have a relationship with the fans.ย Jared jumps in, too hung up on her shirt to allow an answer, which says “I would go straight for Misha Collins.”ย He asks her if she really would.ย Yes, there’s more men on that list be he’s number one.ย Jared interrupts Misha’s answer and asks if she’s had her eyes checked.ย She doesn’t want to answer that question, but her friend does.ย She’s legally blind in one eye!ย That sends Jared into hysterics and he walks over to hug the girl.ย Misha walks off stage and Jensen puts on his sunglasses.ย ย I’m laughing so hard my side is killing me!ย Then Jensen starts singing “Mi Cherie Amour” Stevie Wonder style.ย OMG, now I can’t breathe!ย The girl tries to explain that she has contacts, and then jokingly chastises Jared for scaring Misha off.ย Misha eventually comes back, mocking the wiping of tears from his eyes.ย After all the insanity dies down, Jensen points out there is a question still hanging in the air.ย There’s some more crazy banter flying between the three and Jensen asks what was the question again.ย “She’s doing a study on crazy people-” Misha answers.ย He clarifies that she wants to know why he embraces fandom.ย “What gives you that impression?”ย Twitter, she and multiple crowd members say.ย Jensen chooses to answer the question.ย “Because Misha doesn’t work and has to do something.”ย Misha’s loves she said his Twitter is a genuine relationship.ย Jensen’s confused and asks Misha isn’t Twitter a one-sided thing?ย Yeah, Misha answers.ย “Like all good relationships.”ย Jensen promises to set them up all day for him.ย They all tell the questioner thank you.ย “I think,” Misha says.ย ย
Whew, onto the next question!ย I’m so drained at this point but loving it.ย The question is for all three of them.ย What would be their personalized Heaven?ย Jared throws the question to Misha.ย “Being on stage with these guys,” Misha says, getting awws from the crowd.ย “Well that’s a bunch of bullshit,” Jensen replies.ย Jared is confused by the question, wondering if his Heaven has to coincide.ย “If I’m somewhere with you that’s automatically not my Heaven.”ย No, they can be individual.ย “My Heaven can be your Hell,” Misha tells Jared.ย Jensen says anywhere not on stage with these two.ย Jared jokes thatย Jensen wondersย why he came up there and someone from the crowd near me shouts “We love you Jensen!”ย Big cheers.ย “Oh, shut up,” Jensen jokes.ย Jensen answers his Heaven would be home.ย “So its an imaginaryย place you never see,” jokes Misha.ย The questioner says her Heaven would be on an island with the three of them.ย Crud, that was my answer!ย
The next person tries to ask a car question, but Jared won’t stop interrupting and making comments.ย She tries to explain she named her car Castiel, but that is just fodder for these guys to have some fun.ย “So you ride in Castiel,” Jared says.ย She has a Castiel is my co-pilot bumper sticker.ย “Less double entendre there,” Misha says.ย “Does Castiel leak?”ย Jensen asks.ย “Is he hard to get going?”ย Jared asks.ย The answer is yes.ย Misha claims that would be Jared.ย “It must be an automatic for you couldn’t find a stick shift,” Jared says.ย Major groans from the audience.ย Finally, the question gets asked.ย What was their first car and do they have a name for it.ย Jared answers straight, he has a 69 Camaro and doesn’t have a name for it.ย Now it’s Jensen’s turn to mock.ย “I’ve got a 69 Camaro.ย I didn’t need to name it.ย It called me.”ย Jensen had an ’88 Pathfinder that he called Patty.ย Misha had a 1979 Toyota Corolla station wagon, blue with wood paneling.ย 300,000 plus miles and rusted out badly.ย “The cops always thought I was a hippie and I got pulled over.ย I literally got pulled over once going 56 in a 55 mph zone.ย The cops took my car.”ย
There is question to Jared about how he thought Sam felt about Castiel’s unique relationship with Dean as shown in the last episode.ย Jared in a roundabout way doesn’t think Sam cared.ย “I’d have to ask Dean, I don’t know,” said Jensen.ย Misha thought that answer was brilliant and saves a lot of time.ย ย
The next person first congratulates Misha on the baby and said she didn’t have anything for Jensen since she didn’t know he’d be up there.ย Jared challenges her to make something up.ย “You’re very attractive,” she said.ย Jared jokes that now she pissed him off, but Jensen agrees with her.ย The question is for Jared, who is now picking on her.ย “So they get you’re attractive, nice baby, here’s a question?”ย So she says his hair is so lush.ย She says that she wants to run her fingers through it and I swear a bunch of ladies sitting near me in the second row were ready to rush the stage to prevent that from happening.ย She finishes the compliment with its so beautiful and Jared takes it all in.ย ย I’m pretty sure a question didn’t get asked there.ย
Serious question next, so Jared gets his serious face on (Again, crowd eats it up).ย In what episode are they most proud of as an individual and which they would redo?ย Jared is most proud of “I Know What You Did Last Summer,” and “Heart.”ย As for what he’d redo, “What was season one called?”ย Misha’s answer, “I would go back and redo them so I’d be in them.”ย Jensen’s answer is “The End,” and that’s the one episode he wouldn’t go back and redo.ย Misha talks about that episode, how Jensen was in everything and was a machine plowing through it.ย He kept having to go back and forth to play both parts in a single take (joke!)ย He remembers Jensen on the phone going “Guys, we are not doing this again.ย This is not happening again, I can’t.”ย And then Jensen gets up and paces, demonstrating him stressfully mumbling to himself.ย “It was kind of fun to see,” said Misha.ย ย
Oh, this one is rich!ย A woman claims it’s a carry over from the Vancouver con since Jared’s panel was cut short.ย Her question starts going through Sam by the seasons and it’s all so gushing.ย “You were sweet and innocent in season one, you we’re, troubled yet passionate in season two, you were determined and a little harder in season three..” Jared stands up and takes it all in, and then walks over pretending to give her money.ย Jensen just puts on his sunglasses, and then gets up and pretends to talk on his cell phone.ย Misha gets up and gets out his cell phone.ย Then Jensenย poses for a picture with hisย sunglasses on, cell phone to his ear,ย with a “we’ll do lunch” bigย smile and Misha takes a picture with his iPhone!ย ย That pose is priceless!
Eventually the woman gets her sentence out, and wants everyone to give Jared a standing ovation for all he’s done.ย That’s when Jensen and Misha leave the stage!ย Jared claims he’s blushing and sweating (which he is) and he calls Misha and Jensen back.ย That’s when they all get a standing ovation.ย Of course that results in more goofing around on the stage.ย
We all try to calm down, even though we’re sore from laughing so much, but the next person doesn’t waste any time with her question.ย She wonders if they used the Nicholas Cage trick of eating junk food to get a drunk feeling.ย The banter strays to how that relates to drunk Cas.ย “That was a spur of the moment rewrite.ย It was written sober then I showed up,” claims Misha.ย Jared says he was great and Misha jokes it was totally method.ย That gets a serious answer out of Jensen, who mentions that doing method TV work would be impossible.ย “A movie is a four month shoot and there is an end in sight.ย “On TV, we’d be living as a different person for the last six years.”ย So true, so true.ย ย
More role playing time!ย Jared is asked how he would play Castiel.ย Jared gets up and prepares, while Jensen claims this will be easy.ย He does this all the time on the set.ย Jared does a very blank, straight forward “I raised you from perdition.”ย Then Jensen lets us know that Castiel has changed, so there is a new one.ย Jared leaves the stage.ย “He is not there,” Jensen says.ย Jared comes back and is asked to do Cas from “The End.”ย Jared goes intoย surfer dudeย mode.ย “I raised you from perdition.”
Misha gets the hamburger question next!ย Ifย anyone wants to read a really graphic answer, I have that detailedย inย the panel report from the NJ con in July.ย It’s quite disgusting.ย ย He’s a lot tamer here, probably because they are running out of time.ย Misha explains how Jensen helped him out with thatย one.ย Jensen knowsย how to eat burgers on the set and then spit them out (he has had practice!).ย “I would be going for a bite and he would slap the burger out of my hand.”ย Jensen acknowledges he was going through a wholeย lot of burgers.ย “I was just ‘oh buddy’ after one take.ย Even when the camera wasย on my coverage he’d be eating.ย Stop dude, you’re going to make me throw up.”ย Then Misha brings up the raw meat.ย It wasย disgusting, raw uncooked veggie sausage with tomato paste (yes, we’re getting queasy now).ย He was eating a lotย of it when the camera wasn’t on him.ย Jensen joked he decided not to tell him during that part.ย
Final question, and it’s for Misha (I must say, I’m very impressed by the number of Misha questions, plus the fact that Misha got to do the entire panel).ย How does he stay straight-faced with all the stuff that Dean throws at him?ย Misha claims he’s ruined more takes than anyone.ย The J’s certainly back that up, but claim he’s gotten better.ย Jensen brings up how Jared likes to screw with people on their coverage and he learned early on how to ignore him.ย Jared then recalls how Misha was a mess in the motel.ย He’s not specific.ย “You remember, the one, with the motel, and the thing.”ย All three then joke that half the scenes are like that.ย
With that this historic panel ends to estactic cheers from the crowd.ย They all sign the banners and it’s off to the autograph sessions.ย I’ll share my personal account of the con in another article (including my autograph line story), but as for this panel, everyone left on cloud nine.ย ย

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business.ย She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time.ย Thatโs on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
A highly enjoyable read. ๐ Thank you.
Fantastic! thanks for that ๐
Reports like this make me wish I could attend ever single con, cause you never know when something like this will happen.
Thankfully awesome folk, like you Alice, write wonderful reports so we know what happened! Thanks so much!
That was so much fun. I envy everyone who attended.
Love those 3 together.
Thanks so much, Alice! ๐
Awesome report, thank you for taking the time to write it, and I’m very flattered that you used one of my photos. Thanks!
I love reading reports from other people who were there, because we all see the same event differently and had different experiences.
But you’re totally right, this was a totally historic panel, it should set the benchmark for future panels lol.
Thank you for the awesome report! I was there, but I had forgotten half of the things that happened or in what order they were. Thank you so much for the refresher. It was my first convention, but deffo not my last! ๐
I loved this! Thanks so much for writing this up!
Does anyone know where I can find the video of the fan complimenting Misha’s baby, calling Dean attractive, then asking Jared a question? I found it the other day and now I can’t find it again ๐