Exile On Main Street – The Other Reviews
One of the great things about this Supernatural blogging community is all the wonderful insights that other great reviewers have to offer on episodes. It turns out we all don’t think alike and “Exile On Main Street” certainly triggered a number of differing opinions. For evidence of that, read the four reviews on our site!
There are some reviews out there that are just too wonderful not to share. I’m floored by the multiple ways one episode can be interpreted.
First up, the always interesting and extraordinarily written review from Mo Ryan, who this season is covering our show for AOL TV Squad (all of her great articles can now be found there). Reading her POV on “Exile On Main Street” is a MUST read. She has many points that have even turned me around about the episode.
Tina Charles of TV Guide got her review out nice and early, and as usual it’s a good one.
Nicole over at Salted and Burned has many great points in her review too. The one that especially got me was how the THEN sequence didn’t include any of the usual shots of Jessica being burned on the ceiling and anything other than the finale. The show is moving on.
Bardicvoice has hers up! This was just posted so I know what I’ll be doing this morning.
If you haven’t checked any of these out get busy!
Thank you for the links. It is indeed refreshing to read other articulate viewpoints. All 3 were enjoyable to read in their own way.
I also have to say that upon a second (and even third) viewing of “Exile on Main Street”, the episode actually grows on me. (There are certainly some episodes of Supernatural which I liked less, no matter how many times I rewatched them. :P)
,especially if they are also arti
Thanks for putting all the reviews in one place. I would have found Bardicvoice’s but probably not the others, and I really enjoyed reading them all! 🙂