New Preview Clip – Episode 6.01
I’m hoping this is just the beginning of more to come, but for now, here’s one preview clip from Friday’s episode to enjoy! It marks the return of a familiar face! Video clip courtesy of The CW.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Saw this on Youtube. WOW…now we know who the ‘monster’ is. dean still has the colt…Hope he can get to it!
Very cool!
I’m very happy that we got a clip and that Friday is very near. I’m betting it’s a dream sequence and I don’t care one bit if it is, for if that’s the case it’s a quick way to show us what’s going on inside Dean’s head and the worries he carries. Plus, Fred Lane really owned this character so a chance to see him again, even if it’s a dream (no idea though) works for me.
Four days, four days, four days! 😀
OOOOO!! I am so psyched for this!
Very interesting. 😎
For anyone who hasn’t already seen it, a small clip on Season 6, showing what the “familiar face” attempts to do / does to Lisa.
SKWEEE! ( Drat, I promised myself I wouldn’t ) Ol’ Yellow Eyes is back!
Happy, happy, happy … 😀
Old Yellow Eyes, I loved his work with The Drat Pack.
OH MY GOD!!!! There are no words!!! 😮
they really meant it when they said it would be a complete role reversal didn’t they? dean will be in the exact same position as season one Sam complete with murdered girlfriend
bring on the return to the amazingness that was the earlier seasons (not that i didn’t like later seasons)
thanks for putting up the second clip CitizenKane2, curse the fact that I live in the uk a million times over!!!!!
This is just amazing, I’m so happy, I can’t wait anymore, just four days left!
A million thanks for putting up the second clip CitizenKane2, it was awesome.
Oh wow! My favourite demon, ol’ yellow eyes. Fred Lehne was so good in that part. Good to see him again! 😯 😮