Updated! Supernatural Season 6 – Episode 1 Promo!
Updated – now with second AND THIRD promo. The CW has aired three promos (albeit really short ones) of the Supernatural Season Premiere coming in two weeks! Here is the link for the longer one, in high quality video (the lesser quality one was circulating last night).
For those of you not buzzing on Twitter or whatever fandom site last night, The CW finally aired three promos (albeit really short ones) of the Supernatural Season Premiere coming in two weeks! Here is the link for the longer one, in high quality video (the lesser quality one was circulating last night). I don’t know about all of you, but I’m positively flipping out over these promos! It’s been a long freaking summer.
Second and now a third promo available!
This is for you Sablegreen!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Saw this last night. WOW, Dean sure looks happy, and Sam looks scary. Thank heavens there’s only two weeks to go!
Is that the new title card at the end of the vid? Looks very eerie and UFO like. Love the black smoke around the series title. Creepy woods with an ominous bright glow. I can imagine vamps and skin walkers in there. Like it!
Hey Alice, can you get a sceen cap of just the end title? Would look nice on the website
Wow. 🙂
It`s totally amazing, I’m flipping out. Dean looks so cute with Lisa and Ben :-). And the end title looks really nice.
Thank God there’s only two weeks left, I can’t wait anymore, and now with this promo I need to watch this episode even more. Looks awesome, thank you
Trust no one? Sheesh, even Deep Throat climbed out of hell, huh. I’m thinking six is going to be a swanky season.
I will not pace, I will not pace, I will not pace…..
That is pretty dang cool. Dean looks genuinely happy here and his acknowledgement that he thinks of Ben as his son shows just how invested he is in the relationship, that he’s not there solely because Sam asked him to.
And Sam? Cold, logical, gun-toting Sam. Ooooh, what made you so, Sammy?
Ah, the ambiguity, the enigmas, the endless debates….. It’s pathetic I’m so excited about an episode I won’t see for an age.
Tigershire, I’ll pace for you. That way by the time I get to see it I’ll have lost at least 30lb so win win!!
Thank you for that the one i saw last night on spoiler was such bad quality. I so cannot wait for this next season.
Dean sounds pissed!
I’m so excited! I just got my season 5 dvds today so I’m going to have to speedy rewatch them with my mom in time for Sept. 24! Should keep me busy!
Love the title card.
I’d love to post something intelligent, but all I can think right now is *squeeeee*! Can’t wait for the new season to start!
But Dean getting into that pickup that isn’t the Impala is wrong! Wrong, show, wrong!
What happen to Sam???? Where’s the Impala??? Sera said season six would go back to season one format. I can’t take Sam and Dean fighting anymore. I want them to smile more, c’mon Sera get it together. Where’s Castiel?
I saw it last night and about fainted…the CW actually gave a promo during it’s big TVD night?
(BTW, Lisa, I totally agree with you, TVD was really, really well done last night. I’ll be typing up a quicking second installment on the CW in the next day or so, I was impressed…and kudos to Nina, Paul and Ian those three did really amazing acting turns…Ian stole the show a lot last season but the turns both Nina and Paul were given last night has me pretty on board.)
Anywho…the promo was great! Just enough mystery, concerns over family, wondering what and who and what is real and what is not.
Sounds like Sera and company have taken a page from the excellence of Season 4, wrap up a mystery and slowly unravel it for the viewers. It’s gonna be great!
I’m pacing Tigershire right there with you…Tim the Enchanter, hopefully I’ll lose weight right alongside you.
And make that 4 pacers, waiting for the 24th is better that a Jenny Craig diet, with all this pacing going on and all. I am so excited I just can’t stand myself.
0:13 I think it looks a little bit like Lisa… well then, so long Lisa 🙁
Laugh! What have I started!
Acutally, I am on a plan myself (SureSlim) and have lost 20lbs so far and gotten my blood sugar down, so perhaps this pacing will just quicken the process!
We are the WFB Supernatural Pacers for Better Health!
everytime I watch these, I forget how to breath cos I get so excited XD
THANK Alice! My new screensaver!
Ok .. the lady who gets thrown up against the wall is definately looking alot like Lisa, guess we know what lights a fire under Dean to knock the dust off the Impalla huh? Sam still takes my breath away when he comes on screen but OMG he still has that “Lucifer is riding me” face and what is up with that ominous “Trust No One”? You know if we find out that Sam has been “changed” from his time in hell like Dean came back changed (OMG he killed the Whore of Babylon ::shockface::-) I’m afraid of what Sam might have changed into. Are these guys going to turn out to be human or something “Supernatural”? And blast it all I want an entire extended first episode where they do nothing but sit around with no shirts on or play football or OH I KNOW basketball in a pool! I mean … well … you know what I mean.
These all look amazing! I wish September 24 would get here faster!
But I have a question – in the first promo above, the house that Sam is standing in front of is not the same house that Lisa was living in at the end of last season, but the truck that Dean is driving now is parked out front. Do you suppose that they moved, or maybe this is a house that Dean is just working on? They make it look like the house where Dean and family are living. It looks more like the Winchester family home than the one Lisa lived in last season. Or am I mistaken?
Anyway, can’t wait. Have you all seen the CW synopsis for ep 6.02. It sounds even more amazing. Spoilery, of course. Go here: http://tinyurl.com/2agje4d
WFB Supernatural Pacers for Better Health! 😆
I like! Oooooh…. We need t-shirts. The previews are totally amazing. *picking up the pace of the pacing*
I’ll have a tee-shirt. It’ll go nicely with my Bleach Eat More Leeks one in the incomprehensibility drawer.
Just FYI. There is now apparently a one-minute plus trailer for the first episode – http://ausiellofiles.ew.com/2010/09/14/supernatural-season-6-trailer/
Very interesting. I’m sure some individuals will appreciate shirtless Sam doing pull ups. 😛