Recap – Ghostfacers Webisode #8
Janet, you bitch! I take back what I said earlier about being glad they went down this path because it’s not looking good for Ambyr, at this point. Janet says “I’ll always be the star” after she slits Ambyr’s throat. Yep. Super bitch. Notice, however, that there isn’t the pouring blood one would expect from a slit throat. This must be some sort of side effect to Janet’s ghostly wounds. Or maybe they aren’t bleeding because they’re supposed to mimic Janet’s wounds, and hers stopped bleeding ages ago.
Harry is appalled by this, and we cut from his reaction to Ed again, who’s still making his way to Ambyr. He gets there, and starts apologizing to her, saying he’s sorry, telling her not to die on him. Oh, and Ambyr’s bleeding a lot now. So there was no ghostly mimicing of Janet’s wounds. I just jumped the gun! See? Lots of blood now.
Things are really starting to look bad for Ambyr. She’s losing a lot of blood, she’s all pale, and she’s not exactly right next to a hospital or anything. To complicate matters even further, Janet shows up in the mirror again, screaming her head off. She pops up behind Ed, but he springs into action and hits her with his weapon, which must have been iron because Janet disappears into smoke. See Ed springing into action? He’s a blur he went so fast.
Meanwhile, Harry, Maggie, and Spruce are still watching the monitor in horror. Maggie realizes the screen test didn’t put Janet to rest, so Harry shouts, “what was it?” Cut back to Ed, who’s screaming at Janet, trying to make her show herself. Back to Harry, who is getting more frantic as he shouts, “if it wasn’t the screen test, what was it?” Really good question, Harry. Cut back to Ed and Ambyr, and Ambyr is begging Ed to help her. He’s trying, Ambyr, he is! But he’s got this murderous spirit to contend with. Janet attacks Ed, slamming him into a wall and breaking a mirror in the process. Janet starts screaming, loud and long, but this time it sounds like she’s screaming in anguish more so than anger. Hmm, a Clue perhaps? We shall see.
Ed starts looking around because he’s hearing the same screaming I am. He looks into the smashed mirror on the wall and sees Janet clutching at herself as if she’s wounded.
He then reaches the same conclusion I just did, saying, “it’s the mirrors. That’s what’s keeping you here.” High five for figuring it out, Ed! Then he shouts over the radio to tell the rest of the Facers that it’s the mirrors, and the team needs to break all the mirrors in the place. Harry smashes a small mirror right there in the theater, and then yells to Maggie and Spruce that there are more mirrors in the lobby, so they all race off to the lobby to break the mirrors in there. When they get there, we have the following exchange, which is so amusing:
Harry: Why mirrors? I don’t get it?
Maggie: Janet was all about image. Without her reflection, her ghost is nothing!
Harry: F@$&ing actresses!
Ha! Then Harry smashes a few mirrors with a big metal rod. And, hey, Harry, this action stuff looks good on you, man. I bet Maggie is impressed!
We cut back down to Ed, who’s shouting at Janet to “come on!” as he breaks mirrors himself. Cut back to Harry, Maggie, and Spruce as they race into another room. Maggie helpfully informs the viewers that these mirrors are the last two. Back to Ambyr and Ed, and Ambyr is once again asking for help, but Ed still has one more mirror to break, so he can’t help yet. As he goes over to break the mirror, Janet pops up behind him, straight razor at the ready. Bitch!
To get all technical for a second here, I like how they did this part because we’re looking through Ed’s little head-cam thing there. So as he approaches the mirror first, we see only his reflection. Then Ambyr calls for help, and he looks over to her momentarily, allowing for Kelly Carlson, the actress playing Janet to get into position so that when Ed turns his head back to the mirror, she’s there. I assume that’s how they did it, at any rate. It’s a neat trick, and very effective. Right, back to the crazy ghost with the straight razor.
Ed wheels around and hits Janet with his weapon, sending her screaming into the ether. He then shouts and hits the mirror, cracking it. It takes a few hits to break it completely, and with each one, Janet screams and flickers in and out of sight behind Ed.
When he finally succeeds in smashing the mirror completely, Janet explodes behind him! That’s right, she spirit explodes. It might not be as big as an explosion in a Michael Bay movie, but it’s just as satisfying. Baysplosion!
With angry Janet finally dispatched, Ed can make his way to Ambyr to check on her. At the same time, Harry, Maggie, and Spruce come racing down to meet them, all worried shouts. Ed picks Ambyr up and shouts for someone to call 911.
And that’s the end of the webisode! Noooooooo, it can’t end there! Is Ambyr going to be okay? How is her maiming going to affect the rest of the team, especially Ed? Sorry that got a little picspammy there, but man, that was an intense webisode! Lots of action, what with the Janet cutting and the Ambyr bleeding and the mirror smashing and the camera shaking and the shouting. It was a good one!
Awesome! Awesome as usual, dear! Thank you so much for this scary recap…
Love, Jas