What the Winchester Family Business Means to Me
I stumbled upon Alice ‘s episode reviews the summer between season three and four and followed her from Blogcritics to this site. It has changed in many ways since the early days, but the core is still the same. For me, the WFB is a safe haven to unite with people from all walks of life about a show that we each love and characters that bring us back week after week. It is a site with a dedicated creator who goes above and beyond to bring us information about the show, whether it ‘s from comic con or interviews with the behind-the-scenes show-runners.
At the Winchester Family Business, we are invited to write our own articles expressing our individual interpretations and opinions about our great show. We have the psychological analysis, beautiful reviews, thoughtful discussions, clever games, great humour and even poetry and song-writing. Many talented individuals contribute to the Winchester Family Business and it is a pleasure to be sharing the show with so many different and wonderful minds. I have learned a great deal as a member of the Winchester Family Business, from the intricacies of the close-captioning on television to the way ratings are gathered and interpreted to the artistry of camera angles and score selection involved in episodes. There is so much more that what we just see week-to-week on our televisions and the Winchester Family Business is a world where all of these things can be discussed and appreciated.
This site is truly a safe haven for me. I know that I can come here and gain insights into the show, understand a variety of opinions and even disagree with them, without my personal character being attacked. I can come here and laugh. I can commiserate over the death of TV character that moved me to tears. I know that I can visit this site and have people who understand why I threaten death to anyone who interrupts me Thursday ‘s at 9. I know that at any given time, if I say “Winchester†or “wayward son†there is a whole community of people whose minds also instantly summon the Supernatural characters and world when these phrases are spoken. When I move overseas in the fall, I know that this site will be a touchstone when I am very far away from real-life family and friends. The Winchester Family Business is a wonderful community that has become an important part of my life.
Alice created this site, and she maintains it and though I didn ‘t create it, I do feel like it ‘s “my site†too. Just the way “my street†is my community; I feel protective of and love this site. Thank you, Alice for this fabulous site that brings us all together and for continuing to keep it a clean and positive environment in which to love our show.
So, I put it to my fellow writers – what does this site mean to you?
Positivity. Safety. A great laugh. Camaraderie. A place to make you ponder. A place where opposing views don’t automatically translate to an online lynching. A place where you can stick your head out of the hole. A ‘Favourites’ link. A place that makes me go ‘huh, hadn’t thought of that’. (For some reason it’s also a place that keeps calling me a spambot….)
At this very moment though, it’s a place that’s a frightful pain in the ass cos its 1.26am here and instead of sleeping (like normal people), I’m commenting on another article. Sigh…
Thanks ElenaM…well said. It a great site to discuss the show. And yes, we can agree to disagree. Lots of positivity here, and a safe refuge if things get to ‘hairy’ on the outside. Met a lot of nice people here and glad I can keep in touch with them. And I suspect that will happen even after the show has ceased to air. (God forbid!) Thanks for putting your thoughts so eloquently!
Hi everyone– I really wish I had written this article, since I agree 100% and love the WFB as much as ever–but credit for this wonderful piece goes to someone else. Tigershire, that you? Maybe?
But as I said, I completely agree–when I began exploring the fan community and stumbled across this site I knew immediately it was what I’d been looking for–thoughtful, level headed, interesting discussions, the freedom to unabashedly geek out over the show, a sense of community, humor & fun. And relative freedom from the crazy… A Favorites link immediately, right on Tim 😀
I haven’t been around as much lately, & am a lot lurkier than before–just got my first real job, which is pretty cool but thoroughly kicking my ass. I feel a little guilty about that because I do believe comments are love, and I’m enjoying the WFB as much as always, and look forward to every nwe piece. Thank you so much Alice, site runners & writers for all your hard work and creativity.
A place where I can talk in seriousness about suicidal teddy bears. Where the word “bugs” makes people cringe and Death is spelled with a capital D. Where people loved the finale and where people don’t get shivved for their opinions. Where “the amulet” means something really important and Colin Ford is beloved. Where Ruby is a derogatory word and “brotherly moments” are coveted. Where we have faith in Sera Gamble and are looking forward to the 6th season. Where people get Supernatural jokes and can tell you what episode you’re quoting off the top of their heads. Where we dread the day Supernatural ends and celebrate Jared’s muscles and Jensen’s face. Where we call out writers and directors for their faults and brilliance. Where owning all the seasons of a tv show isn’t dorky, where fanfiction is only slightly dorky, where obsessing over a TV show for hours is indeed dorky, but everyone else is a dork too. A place where people’s opinions mate and give birth to more well-rounded fans. Where we listen to 30 second clips of the score soundtrack of SPN on Amazon and can think of all the moments in the show when it was used (and where the title “Blood Drops Keep Falling on My Head” makes us laugh obnoxiously because it’s so true). Where we check every day for spoilers. Where we laugh, cry, nod in agreement and ponder about our favorite, favorite show. I could go on.
WWSADD? They’d agree. This site rocks long and hard. Long live the WFB. Thank you Alice!
Thank you, Elle, for this sweet idea – good call!!!
I may have mentioned what the WFB means to me elsewhere and repeatedly, so this might be redundant to some of you, but – on the other hand, sometimes good things can’t be recounted often enough, especially after the rants that have been going on… and, I notice, those seem to have moved on. Hallelujah! Praise the gods!
Okay, how should I put this? The Winchester Family Business has become an important part of my life in not even a year. In fact it happened shortly after Alice’s invitation to come here and even more after she posted my first article. Ever since there hasn’t been a day (except perhaps for outer reasons like vacations, sickness or the like) I had not spent some time here.
It’s a place where we can exchange our views on our favourite show and even fight about some – but we do it in a manner that makes us feel welcome and comfortable nevertheless. It’s like arguing with a really good friend – you can have different opinions, but you feel underneath there is the respect and love you have for each other. It’s not like we bear grudges (with my close ones it is like that, and I am happy to find it here, too).
I embrace you all for that!
But it’s not only the show. I have learned a lot by reading some of our articles and I got interested in various topics that made me read more about those. I have always been thirsty for knowledge in many forms, and this site provides that on many levels. Plus: the great, sometimes utterly silly and/or really, really dark humour. My kind of gig.
In addition to that it’s the human quality that keeps me glued. The relationships that have formed and will continue to do so (and yes, Sablegreen, even when the show will be off air some far, far day). Some of our writers and contributors I have met and I am looking forward to meet you too, Elle, next year in my favourite city! Ha! Happy Dance… and I will meet others in the near future, and that is something I am grateful for. We are in the lucky place to find many really nice, generous people here, folks of integrity.
Kudos to you!
And, of course and not least – we have a great editor-in-chief here who runs this site with passion and care, protecting her writers and her site, being the kind of honourable person I am proud to call ‘my editor’, ha!
It is a safe place, a place I can venture to after a long work day when my brain is too tired to get into a novel or some other book (I’m getting old… I used to be able to do all that during the week… sniff) – this here is easy. Not only because of the relaxed banter, but also because of the welcoming atmosphere.
Sometimes when what I’ve worked on the whole day threatens to take the best of me (even I sometimes take my patients’ stories home and worry or feel sick after what I’ve heard), after having taken care of my tormented patients, I am the one that is being taken care of by commenting, by chatting, by reading some fun articles here. It is indeed like a new kind of fellowship, and I am happy to be a part of it all.
Oh, gosh, this was long, I fear – Elle, your article touched me wiht your personal thoughts. Thank you for letting us look into your soul and for encouraging us to say how we feel.
Love, Jas
Said it before…Happy to say it again
LOVE this site….and everyone associated with it.
Diane 😛
As many of you have already said, this site gives us the chance to discuss and gush over our favorite show with like minded folks. All of the articles are well thought out and informative. It is a place where we can agree or disagree without fear of angry words. To know that we are not alone in our belief that in the end Kripke and now Sera will craft a story that has depth and heart. When I come here, I know negativity gets left at the door. Thank you Alice for doing this.
I come here every day. I like your point of view. Discussing clever points about the show with serenity, humour, and respect. And above of all love for Supernatural. It’s why we are here, after all. I love your analysis, I love the emotion I feel when I read some articles and the feeling that I understand a little more some aspect of the show. I love humour and emotion. It’s what I love with the show and what I love with this site. Consider me as a fan of WFB !
Thank you, Elle, this was a great idea.
I’m from Venezuela(Sorry for my english), and I have always been a total fan of SPN, and since in my country there’s no any SPN sites or conventions, I have found this site really helpfull, I found it three years ago and since then I have visit the WFB every day (And twice a day during the hellatus). This have become a really important part of my life and a great source of information and very fun and interesting articles and, of course, a place where I come to relax and share my love and obcetion for Supernatural.
For all of that, thanks, Alice.
I too love this site…it’s the only place I come to each and every day (yes, I’ll admit, sometimes several times each day 😎 and read comments or an article or just enjoy watching the countdown clock countdown.
I love coming here I think mostly because while there are various chats going on regarding an aspect of the show on the whole this is a site that grabs a particular topic and chats on it and then when another topic comes up we gravitate to that topic and chat about it. We don’t stay in one place but rather move around as many aspects of the show as we can and cover lots of ground. There are so many writers here each with their own take on a part of the show that it never feels tired, I never feel like I don’t want to read an article or read the comments that follow because I’ll have read all the thoughts before because we keep moving with the show.
As others have said, sometimes we like it and sometimes we don’t but when we do like it we gush and when we don’t we offer constructive critiques and support. Many times I’ve had negative critiques on something only to read in the comments or in an article that comes later someone positive outlook on the very thing I didn’t like and it usually gets me looking at it in a new and different way. I love that!
It’s a great site and not only does it celebrate the Winchester family business but it has developed into its own family over the last year plus…Thanks Alice and Jenna and all the writers for all the work. And as comments are love, thank you to everyone who delurks long enough to comment and then discovers that it’s not so bad and decides to stop and comment again. It’s always great to see a new name at the head of a comment.
Holmes, your English is great! Does SPN air on Venezuelan TV or do you download it off the internet? Always like to know how people are watching.
Glad you love the site.
I’m happy to join the lovefest!
What was it that Chuck said? “In the end, they chose family”. This site has become my second family, the one that shares my love for my favorite escape from reality, the place I come because a pleasure shared is a pleasure multiplied, and frustration shared or vented (from a place of caring! not bitterness) is made better, because I know I will find ideas that make me smile and think. (That this family doesn’t contain EMO teenagers is a double bonus!)
Seriously (seriously? 😉 ) – Alice, you and everyone who has contributed to this wonderful site have done an incredible job. I can’t imagine the amount of work that must go into making a website so professional and creative! It must be a labor of love, and it definitely shows. Checking in here is one of the highlights of my day, and I thank you for it.
WFB. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
There really are too many to count. This is my favourite site on the net and I am here every single day to read about my favourite TV show and all the different facets of it that are written about by many talented contributors.
I thank Alice mostly for keeping this a positive site and filtering out the nastiness found elsewhere. When we don’t agree we never attack each other but discuss our differences lovingly and civilly. Thank you all for that.
You are one of my heroes Alice, and I can’t thank you enough for this safe haven that I enjoy immensely every single day. 🙂
What the Winchester Family Business means to me. Wow… what a great way to get us all talking! Not that many of us need any help. Here are my thoughts. I should never read anything on the WFB before I go to bed, cause I’m prone to insomnia anyway, and this is never condusive to a good nights sleep for me. 🙂 So… last night while I was sitting in bed thinking instead of sleeping, I pulled out my trusty tablet and pen. Yes, I still write most of my thoughts out the old fashion way. Plus no laptop, just desktop and that can make for much discomfort in bed. And just began to write. Four pages and 3 hours later it was 1am. Awww Crap! The alarm goes off at 5am for work! So today after work I reread what I had written and decided to try to give you all the short version. Or else we’d be here all night.
When I first went online to check out all things SPN I found a website which shall remain nameless. I met many great people and keep in contact with them to this day. But I made the “mistake” of posting an opinion that wasn’t popular with a very hostile and vocal contingent of Supernatural “fans”. After a few days of personal attacks, I decided enough was enough. I was done, no further comments from this girl.
A friend had been forwarding me reviews by Alice @ blogcritics, so I decided to check out TWFB and see what was what. Well, I have been coming here ever since. For me this is indeed a safe haven. And we owe it all to a woman with a vision of how a fan site should be.
A place where opinions can be stated with no fear of personal attack. A place where the discussions are intelligent and insightful. And the participants are as varied in background, education, vocation, location and personal experience as Disneyland (without all the anti-semitism). It’s a beautiful thing. See what I mean, where else could I say that and not get blasted from someone for it? Anywho…..
I have learned how things work behind the scenes. And on more than one occasion I have read something that made me think of certain situations from a completely different perspective. It’s also nice to know I am not the only one with a very strict “Don’t bother me…Supernatural is on” policy.
What I am really trying to say is thank you… To all of you that are a part of making WFB a warm and wonderful place to come. It may sound a bit corny, but for me it is like a cup of hot chocolate at Grandma’s on a cold winter day. And every now and again there is a shot of brandy thrown in for a bit of a kick. Well Grandma never added brandy, she saved that for her famous (or was it infamous) Christmas fruitcake. But you know what I mean.
Family is everything, but family don’t end with blood. So I consider ya’ll part of my Supernatural family. We may not always agree, but there is always respect and love here. So thanks for making me laugh, letting me cry, giving me other points of view to contemplate and for sharing this wonderful site and TV show with me.
And Alice, I want to send you a special thank you. The personal email you sent to me, in reply to my contacting you in private, about my reluctance to post my first comment, really touched me. You are seriously one of my real life heroes. You are an amazing person, are willing to go above and beyond, and it’s greatly appreciated. My Grandma has been gone for almost 4 years now, so thanks for the hot chocolate, and don’t be stingy with the brandy! 😆 I’ll pick up another bottle for the fruitcake…. 😉
I stumbled upon this site quite recently, via something someone linked to Facebook. I don’t even recall what it was anymore.
But I have to say I’ve never seen a site run so well, with such a plethora of information, photos, articles, insight and love. Overall, it’s love.
It’s obvious those who write articles, do the research, create the crosswords, make the photos and keep this place going are truly passionate about the same thing I am. And I will always be greatful for it.
I like that this is a happy environment where people can express their views, their concerns and their ideas with people who are on the same level with this show are they are.
I cannot say how much I appreciate the hard work everyone puts in here.
What can I say? Seems like Elle and all the commenters have said it all already. Except
I chuckled at the comparison with a hot choclate at grandmas but so fitting. This is a comfy zone.
WFB manages what a lot of other don’t. Here a lot of people who never left a comment elswhere feel save to do so and even dare to do it again. I count myself in to this one.
A giant teddy bear hug to alice and her helpers to keep this side running as well as all the writers. Don’t think you guys can ever imagine how much you give to the people visiting this side.
At the con in Barcelona WFB was even been a topic during a conversation and some said this is the cleanest SPN side there is and suggested for everybody listening in to check it out. Some even admitted that they are lurking here without ever leaving a comment but they keep coming back to lurk some more since this is one of the best sides.
Great idea Elle but how difficult to sum up what this place means .
It is a second home, a safe little haven, an oasis from the insanity of the world (ok I know, it is a different kind of insanity here !) I love that I can come here and indulge my obsession with other like minded people, it is a place where we can discuss minutae details for hours on end, character and plot development, and where on occasion we can be silly, gratuitous, riduculous and shallow if we feel the need.
We all owe Alice a huge debt for providing us with this wonderful site and for all the hard work and the flack she has taken recently for her troubles. I thank her and all the other writers and contributors for their work too.
I love this place and so do many others I know
Where else but The Winchester Family Business would I have a receptive audience for subjects like Dean Winchester’s feminism, the management tools required for successful ghost hunting and the legal consequences of demon possession? This place is unique.
I’ve been missing lately for real life reasons, but a quick look at TWFB is always a tonic (and I’ve a few ideas for articles in elephant-type gestation). Here’s to the sixth season of Supernatural and to the continued good health of The Winchester Family Business.
Elle, I am quite happy after all the nastiness of the last few weeks to come here and engage in the love fest/mutual appreciation society. I must have found this site somewhere in season 4 because I found it because some other site had linked to the article that Alice had written on Kim Manners shortly after his death. I came, read and stayed.
I’m a long term fan having been watching since the beginning but have only recently come to fandom after a planned trip to LA randomly included a last minute trip to the 2009 LA con (which was an eye opener no doubt) I did meet a good friend there and was given loads of links by various people to fan sites I should go on. That was another eye opener and I spent a while on those site getting often frustrated and sad at the negativity and the shouting down that came from a small but vocal minority, I couldn’t help but think is this fandom?
Then I found the link to the Kim Manners article and I loved it, it brought me to tears and I started to read other articles and I stayed. I liked the fact that people could talk and disagree and it never got nasty, there were serious articles, fun ones and just general love for the show which I shared and didn’t have any of the crazy entitlement that some fans seems to have for the show or a character or storyline.
This site is definitely a safe haven against the bitchiness and hate on other sites. I can comment if I want, lurk if I want no one cares if I’ve commented recently or thinks that if I haven’t commented enough my opinion isn’t as valid or I’m not as good a fan. Imagine my surprise and I have to admit anger at coming back to the site after not visiting for at least a month (I know bad fangirl!) to find all that nastiness going on. I couldn’t believe the cruel things people were saying and I thought this isn’t what goes on here! Go away negative people and leave us be!
Ok I’ve brought enough negativity to the table (sorry Elle!) but I wanted to mention it to say that this site is everything that some other sites aren’t, it’s full of respectful, intelligent, fun people who love sharing the show they love and while acknowledging the fact that my Friday morning pre-work phone calls to my friend (funnily enough the friend who I met in LA) about last nights SPN episode is indeed somewhat dorky they recognise the necessity of it.
Indeed this site is indeed like a hot chocolate warm comforting, and I, like many others, like to come here to relax and chat or relax and lurk and indulge in some Winchester love (oi! mind out of gutters) and to ponder the enduring mystery that is Sam’s hair (personally I think they’ve got some GHD’s in the trunk).
So Alice thanks for giving us this safe haven, a meeting place for similar minds and just a lot of SPN related fun! Thanks to all who come the site contributors, commenter’s and lurkers alike for making this wonderful site all it is.
An acrostic for the hell of it
The virtual incarnation of my love of Supernatural
Home online to my addiction to our show
Every week, a rich analysis of our Supernatural world
Well-written, thought-provoking articles by guest writers
Insight into characters that makes me re-examine a scene or a line
New authors bringing points of view from across the board
Carefully thought out comments that challenge my assumptions
Humour, pathos, honesty in the real life experiences contributors share
Elegant prose on sombre topics
Serious investment in a sometimes silly episode
The excitement over ‘the boys’, both real and Winchester
Emotional positions to the heights and depths of stories
Real time reactions to new episodes connecting fans across the globe
Fictional characters so vivid they become a part of our lives
A confluence of fandom and journalism and a
Meeting of all who live and breathe Supernatural
Intellectualism, fandom, admiration and excitement rolled into one
Lovely screencaps (courtesy of our fearless leader)
Years of fascination and obsession and a community to house them in
Bringing together of a hitherto global scattered motley group
Unexpected familiarity in stories shared and opinions expressed
Shared resonance in onscreen lines that strike a chord or jar
Interest in different opinions,couterously expressed
No needless negativity, but an encouragement of critical thinking
Entertaining interviews that only fuel the insanity
So many hours of sharing and connecting
So much appreciation for Alice and her partners-in-crime 🙂
Reading all the fantastic comments on this subject makes me so happy and underlines one of the best things about this site – the people. 😀 Thanks for being so awesome, all. Everyone has made beautiful points – thank you for sharing your happy thoughts!
(@Dany – I am headed to London in a few short weeks for school. Very excited about it!)
Not even a snarky negativity? Man, elle, you’re harsh. Which in itself is negative, therefore you’re a truly awful person and this site is wretched! Hmph!
What does this site mean to me?
Everything! As far as I can see.
It all started with the love for a TV show.
Called Supernatural as I’m sure you all know.
My love for these characters plagued me night and day.
They were forever in my thoughts, they wouldn’t go away.
I would discuss episodes with my daughter, until her eyes would glaze.
I think deep down she was hoping this was only a phase.
She loved the show too, but just wasn’t as obsessed as me.
So she told me about these websites, I think so I would let her be.
And to my amazement, there were so many sites she had shown.
I was relieved that there were others like me, I wasn’t alone.
I found lots of sites and would visit some more than others.
As some seemed to have a lot of fighting between the brothers.
It was from one of the site that I frequent that I found Alice’s WFB.
They had linked one of her articles, a blessing it turned out for me.
Not only did I love the witty recaps, reviews and articles to ponder.
But the site was so warm and inviting, I no longer wanted to wonder.
And after a year I owe this site for the many friends I have made.
For sparking my love for writing poems, that I believe will never fade.
So thank you Alice for creating this site and giving me a place to belong.
And for keeping this site respectful during the dispute over Swan Song. 😀
I’m not quite sure how to express what this site means to me. Not having any local friends that watch the show I found myself during Season 4 desperately needing to find others that had the same excitement and passion for this show that I did. I started searching the internet and by chance came upon this site. I started reading all the back articles and just fell in love with the opinions, insights and deeper thoughts that were offered by the writers and commenters.
Still being in the throes of distrust, I couldn’t muster the courage to comment myself, but I frequented this site daily to read the articles and relished in all the wonderful articles. But, after awhile I suddenly wanted to start making my own comments. My past experiences from offering my own thoughts and opinions or squeeing over a TV show had been met by sarcastic comments from my brothers or by looks from them that said, you stupid, silly girl – so I have always kept silent and bottled up, fearful of negative repercussions. Don’t get me wrong I have many friends who have offered kind and respectful comments in response to mine, but it’s the negative experiences that stick with you the most and the less than savory experiences I have gone through with my brothers have been the ones that have kept me from offering any kind of comments in a public forum. I tended to be someone that only offered thoughts in a small and private circle of friends, otherwise I kept quiet.
So, it was after seeing all the love that happens here and that no negative comments were given back in regards to anyone else’s opinion when I felt safe and I slowly ventured forth. I couldn’t believe it, I finally found someplace where I could squee about this show I love so much and express my own thoughts and opinions and have someone comment back to me in a respectful, kind and thoughtful way.
I slowly began to realize that yes, I can offer up my own thoughts and opinions that other people like and appreciate and we can have insightful discussions about this show as well as the life’s lessons that we can learn from watching the Winchester family in their daily battles. And all the while I felt safe in offering up those comments.
So, this site means a lot to me. It’s not just the great and wonderful articles, it’s the camaraderie that has developed between strangers over a show that we all love so much and to me, it was the catalyst of a personal growth strength that I will be forever thankful for. I am doing things now that I never even dreamed I would be doing a year ago and I am grateful for the confidence that I have gained within myself because I was finally able to work through the fear that has crippled me for so long and have the courage to break free of those bonds.
Thank you Alice and all your writers for everything that you do. I really appreciate all your wonderful insights, as well as the insights offered from everyone else that contributes here. It truly is a safe haven and I am grateful for that. 😀
Elle! welcome to the London SPN fandom! Not sure if you’ve been to london before our fair city is a great city and i hope you enjoy your time here.
ps i’ve lived in London for the past few year so i may be slightly biased 😉
Awww … Fluffyness all around and Rands grumbling away in the wings ‘cos no-one’s throwing eggs and pulling hair. That’s more like it. Bless. What this site means to me right now is that no. 2 Son isn’t going to get on to Napoleon – Total War anytime soon for all his hovering as I’ve got some serious catching up to do … 😈
I can’t even remember how I first stumbled across this site; it has been a daily part of my life for at least 18 months now, & I can’t imagine my day without it (well except when I don’t have computer access…that’s just plain torture!) This is the 1st place I ever delurked & got up the courage to comment, & I feel very comfortable here. Thanks to Alice & all of you for such a great place to visit! I feel like I have lifelong friends here!
I first came across Alice when I used to go on the Supernatural.tv boards a year or so ago. From there I heard about her reviews on blogcritics and loved how they balanced reasonable criticism without depressing me with negativity.
I left Sn.tv last Sept when I found that instead of being a place that I could share my love of the show, everyone was mired in Dean vs Sam fights, or plot holes, or OMG THEY’VE RUINED THE CHARACTER!!!
So I came here as I’d heard about it one or twice there, and even though it was claimed that this was a ‘Sam-girl’ site, I thought I would give it a go.
I am firmly ‘Bi-Bro’and I have to say I was delighted how non-biased this site was. I love that plot points can be discussed intelligently with both sides respecting the others’ point of view.
I love that I can come here after watching and my pleasure in watching isn’t flattened by squabbling.
I’m very shy (even online)so I tend not to comment much, but I just want to make sure I say it now I have the oppotunity; Thank you all of you here for providing an oasis of calm amongst the chaos. Where even wallflowers like me feel a part of it, and feel comfortable enough to comment without fear of flames.
(apologies for any typo’s. I am typing with my stupid hand as the other is in plaster!)
This site is (as far as I know) the last remaining place online where there is in-depth, intelligent analysis and discussion by people who still love the show. Most other places have fallen to fan fighting and “this brother is better than that brother” trolling and wank. This is an accepting and open-minded community and I always leave here feeling better and happier, rather than sad and bitter at the state of SPN fandom.
I love that ‘handle’ as apparently that is what you do on sites and I can imagine you peeking around the corner, deciding to jump in and comment and then hurry back to the safety of the corner to check if anyone is following you. 🙂 (I also am owned by a cat and know how they usually work their peek-a-boo moments)
I’m so glad you feel the way you feel about this site, as I am for so many other comments here. I love this site and you totally summed up my feelings when you stated in essence that this is a place to come to enjoy the show without being flattened by squabbling. Also glad you find the atmosphere the same as most of us who are also here, open, welcoming and filled with constructive critiques/analysis and discussions.
I have full confidence as long as Alice maintains the site to her vision, it will always be that way.
Thanks for the comment…I’ll be looking for you peeking around a corner.
😀 elle2. That is exactly why I picked the name, and your description of it made me LOL! (I also have cats that own me as you guessed that play that game!)
I’m really not good a putting myself ‘out there’, and it really says a lot for this place that I have commented at all.
But I will keep trying to stick my head out of my paper bag a bit more 😆
Hello peek-a-boo… I was like you, very shy and did a lot of lurking in the shadows, but once I placed my first comment, which was this summer, I realized this was the one place I can come and be myself, speak my mind, and never regret it. This is a wonderful place to share our thoughts about our show. Now I never shut up! 😆 So keep sticking your head out of the paper bag and making comments and we will keep reading….
peek-a-boo and boobula, comments like yours make me really happy and proud that we are able to provide such a safe place for you to feel welcome here. I think I speak for all of us contributors when I say this is very important to us (apart from the purely hedonistic fun we have doing what we do…)
Feel free to come back any time and – ha, don’t shut up ;-). By the way – I love your penames!
Take care, Jas
Hey Jas….
Hedonistic fun is always a good thing….. with or without the banana hammock and trucker cap 😉
Just got directed to this article. I had never seen it.
What the WFB means to me? 6 words come to mind…. Friendship, fun, passion, analysis, safety, shelter.
In the storms of RL, and the madness that is the SPNFamily, I am very very grateful to have found this site.
Thanks to Alice – and to all the moderators and contributors.
The funnest bits: Why I love WFB:
– It’s a place on line where I can have a conversation about this show I love. It’s a nice cocoon, I hear the real world (internet version) isn’t all that nice a lot of the time.
– Brilliant and diverse articles about the episodes.
-Because we are all over the world you can gossip with someone at pretty much any time of day (or night).
– Complex and interesting articles about what the show means.
– Everyone has different opinions and are (often) willing to look at the other point of view (I would say ‘always’ but …. nah, we know that isn’t true, sticking to your guns through thick and thin is fun too :D)
– Slideshows and Photograph stories.
– How can you resist a place where everyone posts their favorite pictures of pretty people for our entertainment?
-Bingo (ok I admit I don’t do the Bingo)
– the moderators allow us so much leeway to have minor skirmishes over the best types of beer and the relative merits of Coke v Dr Pepper.
– Places to rant. places to vent, places to try and work out the continuity and canon, places where we have to be positive (ah those little oases of calm).
What’s not to love 😀 , thanks Alice and all the other moderators!
Oh and did I mention the shallow thread? I did? Well I am mentioning it again, cause when the show gets too much, posting a photo is very therapeutic. Try it!
#1 – great thought provoking articles by talented writers
#2 -spirited discussions and thoughtful comments
#3 -a safe enviorment to share similar and opposing views on the show we all have in common and that most of us still love, or else why would we care so much?
#4- the “pretty”
#5-the many wonderful people who come here to visit and share who are scattered across the globe
#6- Alice, and the other moderators for watching over this place we love to come to and keeping it special. Letting us have a bit of silly fun sometimes 🙂 For all you do ,a very heartfelt THANK YOU!!