Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 10.01 “Black”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 10.01 “Black”

Let’s Speculate: Season Premiere 10×1 “Black” Written by Jeremy Carver Directed by Robert Singer Summary:  The season nine finale ended with a demonized Dean, a desperate Sam, a dying Castiel, and a gleeful Crowley. The season ten premiere picks up with Sam torturing Dar. Sam seems desperate still. After Sam returns to the lonely bunker,…

Ten Reasons Why I am (Cautiously) Optimistic For Supernatural Season 10

Ten Reasons Why I am (Cautiously) Optimistic For Supernatural Season 10

Another Comic Con has come and gone.  Many of the videos have been viewed and re-viewed and minds are swirling with the potential that hopefully will be fulfilled in ten short weeks.  (Yes, it really is short provided one does not check the countdown clock every, single day….good luck with that.) I find myself more…

Connecting with the Audience in Season 10: A Plea to the Supernatural Writers

Connecting with the Audience in Season 10: A Plea to the Supernatural Writers

When we sit down to watch an episode of Supernatural, we do it with the same expectations that we have whenever we view a TV show (or read a book, or go to a movie, for that matter).  We expect to be entertained.  But beyond that, and perhaps more accurately, we want to feel something….