Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.5 “Fan Fiction”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.5 “Fan Fiction”

On the road so far, we’ve had 200 Supernatural episodes. 200. It’s a monumental achievement for any television show. And what a strange trip it’s been. Those episodes have ranged from dramatic to comedic to tongue in cheek to downright bizarre. Some episodes have made us cry while others have left us in stitches—and some…

Elle’s Thoughts – “The Real Ghostbusters”

Elle’s Thoughts – “The Real Ghostbusters”

Elle does apologize for the lateness, but still she has some great things to say about last week’s episode, “The Real Ghostbusters.” Also, I finally got my review to Blogcritics too.  This one is completely different.  It really ends up be a little analysis about the episode in relation to my visit to the Chicago…