Supernatural Bits & Pieces September 11, 2016
Supernatural in the news this week.
Supernatural in the news this week.
Supernatural around the web this week.
Supernatural conventions are emotional, exuberant experiences. Every fan who attends leaves with their own unique memories. Each impression of the convention is a combination of factors, such as whether the attendee is a rookie or veteran, is meeting friends or attending solo (Farawayeyes discussed this aspect of conventions in her recent MinnCon reflection), and on…
Supernatural in the news this week.
We all know about Jared and Always Keep Fighting; Jensen and Misha’s You Are Not Alone; and Misha and GISHWHES/ Random Acts. What charities do other members of our cast support?
Supernatural around the web this week.
Supernatural around the Web this week.
Supernatural around the web this week.
Supernatural in the news this week.
Supernatural has just been nominated for a prestigious Hugo Award.
Richard Speight Jr. and Rob Benedict’s series Kings of Con has a home on a new Streaming Video On Demand service.
Supernatural in the news this week.