Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 9

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 9

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented  in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 8

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 8

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented  in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 6

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 6

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented  in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 4

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 4

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented  in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…

Supernatural’s Agent Henriksen – A Formidable Foe

Supernatural’s Agent Henriksen – A Formidable Foe

In the premiere episode of Supernatural, Dean taunts some local police officers. When rebuked by Sam, Dean says, “They don’t really know what’s going on. We’re all alone on this.”  It is thus with a bit of poetic irony that when special agent Victor Henriksen first confronts Dean on the phone in episode 2.12, “Nightshifter”…

Supernatural’s Top Ten Friends to Foes, Enemies to Allies

Supernatural’s Top Ten Friends to Foes, Enemies to Allies

Hi, everyone! I’m back with another Supernatural Top Ten list! This time I’m featuring characters who either started as a Friend but then became a Foe, and/or characters who started out as an Enemy but later became an Ally. Once again, I chose my list by picking the first ten characters that came to mind,…


The Dearly Departed

Dearly Departed – by Elle2   Inspired by Randal’s recent One Night Stands (and yes, I totally went the way of the gutter while preparing to read that…) I decided to write briefly about some of my favorite recurring characters who alas are no more. I’m putting them in my order of favor, least to most,…

Recap: “Are You There God, It’s Me Dean Winchester”

Recap: “Are You There God, It’s Me Dean Winchester”

This show is making my brain hurt. That’s always been a hazard with Supernatural but this season my head wants to explode only two episodes in. When Kripke stated his goal for season four was to hit the ground running he wasn’t kidding. I’m thrilled.   I mean, look at episode two from the previous seasons. Wendigo, Everybody Loves…