Supernatural 8.13, Everybody Hates Hitler: Knowledge Is Power, Isn’t It?

Supernatural 8.13, Everybody Hates Hitler: Knowledge Is Power, Isn’t It?

8.13 Everybody Hates Hitler: Knowledge Is Power, Isn’t It Claim inheritance, Hunt down secret enemies; Take charge of your life.     Commentary And Meta Analysis   This episode was pure delight from beginning to end: a signature Ben Edlund blending of humor and horror beautifully realized by the cast, director Phil Sgriccia, and every…


Far Away Eyes’ Review, Supernatural 8.13: “Everybody Hates Hitler”

Using the foundations both “LARP and the Real Girl” and “As Time Goes By” built, “Everybody Hates Hitler,” adds another layer to being the willing hero and that of legacy: that of knowledge and power. “LARP and the Real Girl” showed us why moving from reluctant to willing hero could be satisfying and fulfilling, and…

sweetondean’s wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.13 – “Everybody Hates Hitler”

sweetondean’s wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.13 – “Everybody Hates Hitler”

Oh my aching face! Aching from the smiling! I mean, right? Like, I was grinning like a fool at the end of “Everybody Hates Hitler”. Sighing, grinning and I may or may not have ‘seal-clapped’… When Sam said “Son of a bitch” and Dean called Sam “little brother” I knew things were going to be…

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.13 “Everybody Hates Hitler”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.13 “Everybody Hates Hitler”

Welcome to this special edition of our spoiler-lite preview. But it’s always special, I hear you say! Aww shucks. Wait. Maybe that was just me talking… Well this one is extra-special because this week, Alice got to have a bit of a chat with Mr. Edlund, the writer of this week’s episode, “Everybody Hates Hitler”,…