Reviews That I Missed:  Supernatural 9.21, “King of the Damned”

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.21, “King of the Damned”

Here it is, the last review for season nine.  Thank freaking goodness.  To say it was a chore rewatching and writing up reviews for this horrific season would be a massive understatement.  It reminded me of everything I absolutely loathed about this season.  The season where I almost quit watching “Supernatural” for good (multiple friends…


Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.13 – “Family Feud” aka The Mediocrity Strikes Back

Mediocre.    Pardon me?  Oh, you came here to read more than that?  An adequate, perfectly descriptive one word review doesn’t suffice?  Fine, I’ll elaborate.     It didn’t suck.  How about that?   Yeah, didn’t think that would work either.  Fine, but you know what happens when I have to analyze a Brad and…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.13: “Family Feud”

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.13: “Family Feud”

This was a pretty successful, general episode. Nothing overtly flashy while also addressing some lingering issues and hopefully propelling the plot forward into the final, dramatic pieces of the season. It wasn’t perfect, but it was decent. Parenting runs amok of emotions and Lucifer casts shadows over everyone; in the end it comes down to…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.21- “King of the Damned “

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.21- “King of the Damned “

In the back half of season nine, episode titles have had great significance. Some have literal meaning—as seen in “#Thinman” or “Meta Fiction.” Others have elements of metaphor like “Captives,” speaking to the emotion of grief or “The Purge,” about cutting out the bad and building upon the good. Some connect to a character—as seen…

Threads: Supernatural 9.21, “King of the Damned”

Threads: Supernatural 9.21, “King of the Damned”

As one of the season’s final episodes, “King of the Damned” contained the dramatic conclusion of the Crowley vs. Abaddon storyline. The scene was powerful, intense and brilliantly acted. It contained great special effects and the end of a diabolical, major character. Nightsky I’m the Co-Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Manager (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), Live Tweet…

Gerry’s Review of Supernatural’s “King of the Damned” – You Cannot Wield It

Gerry’s Review of Supernatural’s “King of the Damned” – You Cannot Wield It

Supernatural’s “King of the Damned” was one of writing duo Eugenie Ross-Leming and Brad Buckner’s better efforts. The episode was still plagued with unnecessary continuity errors and handled fan commentary with a good deal less finesse than Ben Edlund, but we finally got some real movement forward. RIP, Abbadon.

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.21 – “King of the Damned

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.21 – “King of the Damned

“King of the Damned” is a representation of everything good and right and wonderful about Supernatural. Oh, did I come on too strong? Well, I meant it. This episode did not quit from beginning to end and left me with my jaw on the floor. It was especially refreshing to have a Winchester-centric episode after the…