
Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 13.05, “Advanced Thanatology”

Before doing my re-watch of “Advanced Thanatology,” I watched “The Big Empty” first (I skipped “Patience” because rereading my scathing review brought back all sorts of memories).  I realized watching both these episodes together are a must.  They pair perfectly in their themes about grief and loss and they’re both written by two junior writers…

Jack in chair

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.18 “Despair”

THEN:  Sergei has a key to Death’s Library.  The Empty, dressed as Meg, tells them that Billie wants to take over.  The Empty attacks Cas.  Chuck and Amara hold hands, and Chuck absorbs his sister.  Dean tells Jack, “It’s time.”  Jack’s eyes glow with power.  Sam insists that Billie is playing them.  Dean pulls his…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 15.12, “Galaxy Brain” aka What the Chuck?

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 15.12, “Galaxy Brain” aka What the Chuck?

Sigh. I’m feeling like Chuck these days.  I’m tired of the alternate realities, the subplots, the failed spin-offs, etc.  I just want a focused, somewhat interesting freaking story to play out in a satisfactory manner.  Episode 12 out of 20 and that is not happening at all.  Unfortunately, instead of going out with a bang,…

Supernatural 15.12 “Galaxy Brain”–The Stupid Right Thing

Supernatural 15.12 “Galaxy Brain”–The Stupid Right Thing

Wow. I am writing this moments after finishing the episode and I am completely and utterly floored. No show I watch could nail an episode with as complex moral, personal, and human issues as well as Supernatural. It is entrancing to see how the writers, actors and crew work together to create something that is…