Supernatual Episode 7.11 official synopsis “Adventures in Babysitting”

“ONCE UPON A TIME” ACTRESS MEGHAN ORY GUEST STARS” Still reeling after what happened to Bobby (Jim Beaver), Dean (Jensen Ackles) becomes dangerously obsessed over finding a way to take down Dick Roman (guest star James Patrick Stuart). Meanwhile, Sam (Jared Padalecki) decides to help a teenage girl (guest star Madison Mclaughlin) look for her…

The WFB Short Attention Span Theater Presents: Nicknames

The Winchester Family Business Short Attention Span Theater proudly presents a production a long time in the making.  Watch Sam and Dean have fun with each other using their long history of nicknames.  I’m issuing a major laughter alert warning here.  Please keep all liquids away from the keyboard.    {loadposition slideshow12}

BTS photos from 7.14 “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magic Menagerie”

    – E!Online released spoiler in response to a fan question. “The show is currently looking to cast the role of Nora, a well-meaning and hardworking Wiccan who’s a little bewildered by the darker side of evil. Bonus scoop: They’re also casting a troubled postal worker who has something in common with Transfomers: There’s more…

Supernatural (and Natural) Cliffhangers

Supernatural (and Natural) Cliffhangers

“The shot heard around the world”.  Historians hear the phrase and inevitably point to the bullet which killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, and triggered the start of World War One.  Or, they start singing Ralph Waldo Emerson’s 1837 Concord Hymn, about the start of the American Revolution. “Here once the embattled farmers stood, And…

Lets Discuss: Who is The Real Dean Winchester?

A few weeks ago I put out the question, “Is Sam Winchester Really Okay?” along with a little analysis that leaned towards the conclusion that while a lot of evidence isn’t there, he probably is due for an upcoming meltdown.  The results were overwhelming, and often explosive.  Opinions were quite scattered.  So how could I not resist…