Your Opinions Here: “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid”

You know, I’m not sure whether to jump for joy over this second Winter Hellatus being over or drop my shoulders and weep in relief.  Either way, IT’S FINALLY EPISODE NIGHT!!!  As Homer Simpson would say, “Whoo hoo!” So, once you see the episode, whether it be tonight or tommorrow or even next week, stop by here…

Why This Supernatural Hellatus Has Sucked

You know, I’ve always taken a “we’ll survive this” mentality when it comes to long hiatuses for Supernatural. We as fans dig in and take the long break to analyze in exhaustive detail the episodes, where the mythology is going, and over-speculate what’s going to happen to our poor boys. I mean after all, haven’t they been…

Raider of The Lost Convention

Raider of the Lost Convention   Conventions? Why did it have to be conventions?   The name’s Jones. Jasminka Jones – I wish… I am preparing for one of the most unusual undertakings of my life: attending a Supernatural Convention. A European adventuress and a human psyche’s archaeologist I am equipped with leather jacket, gorgeous…

Review – “A Very Supernatural Christmas”

“A Very Supernatural Christmas” –Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel   This episode would be on my top 10 list of favorites. It’s a really sick episode with a heartwarming brotherly ending, filled with really terrible sick, funny stuff, including terrorizing children, which is SO cruel and wrong for a Christmas episode. Plus we learn where Dean got…

Destiny…Or Not?

Destiny….or not?   This article is brought to you by my aggravation and annoyance every time someone says “It had to be you Sammy, it always had to be you!”  Do any of you get frustrated by that phase?  I do.  I don’t believe everything that has happened, or will happen, was determined since the dawn…