Winchester Gospel

Winchester Gospel

Winchester Gospel   Ever wonder where the writers of Supernatural get their ideas for the series episodes? Well most of the MOTW ideas are from urban legend, folklore, pagan festivals, and even fairy tales. However ideas for the myth arc, according to Kripke & Co, are taken from two main sources, John Milton’s classic poem Paradise…

Twas The Night

Twas The Night

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land The apocalypse looms ever closer at hand.   As stockings are hung by the chimney with care,             Two brothers have a war for which prepare   While vision of sugar plums dance in our head, The brothers have numerous visions of dread.   Christmas’ filled…

Supernatural Appeal in Today’s Economy:  Good or Bad?

Supernatural Appeal in Today’s Economy: Good or Bad?

I’m really proud to share this one.  Sablegreen has been working on this for a while and has done some most excellent research into pursuing a theory about Supernatural’s appeal in today’s down economy and whether it might have an impact on ratings.  Since I seem to be an avid follower of TV ratings and…

Supernatural Season Six: A Few Ideas

Supernatural Season Six: A Few Ideas

Today, Sablegreen has some nice diversiony fun, sheer speculation on what Supernatural season six could have.  Join in and share some of your ideas.  I vote for that Grand Canyon episode myself.  We can run a bake sale to pay for the location shoot.  Save the Hawaii episode for season seven.  🙂  ————————————–   Recently, an article on…