CHCH Promo Supernatural 7.23 Survival of the Fittest
Dean, Sam, Cass, Bobby, Crowley, Meg and BABY!!!! Altogether in the finale! Who lives and who dies?
With just two episodes remaining this season, time is running out for Dean and Sam to stop Roman and his Leviathan army from devouring the world. And if the title is any indication, it won’t be easy! Good thing Bobby’s there to help… or is it?
Bob Singer talks about Bobby and the problems he may cause for the boys.
Bobby’s back and with an idea to help the boys get Roman. Problems is, he gets a bit carried away telling Dean about it. Â
Wow… things are really getting good. A doublecorss? How nasty is that!  Hehehe Next episode directed by Guy Norman Bee!
Laura Prudom from Huffpost TV has an informative interview out with Misha Collins on the future of Castiel. Excepts are below.  The May 4 episode has Castiel waking up from his coma. What state is he going to be in, mentally and physically, when Sam and Dean arrive? Well, once again he’s not going to…
With only two episodes left until the season finale, things are beginning to happen. This episode Castiel is back, a new prophet is created, archangels arrive on earth and Ben Edlund is in charge of it all! Now that’s a lot of happenings!
Happy Birthday Sammy! Little Sammy is 29 today.Huh…guess that’s not so little any more. Of course if you want to factor in the missing year, then he is an over-the-hill 30! NopeI’m sticking with 29. Thought I’d share some cute photos I have of Sam from various episodes. See if you can guess which ones…