Supernatural 15.08 “Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven”– Relearning and Reappearing

Supernatural 15.08 “Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven”– Relearning and Reappearing

This episode is baffling me a little. I watched it a few days ago now, and when I first watched it, I was HERE FOR IT. I loved the story that was being told and I loved the way it set up the back half of the season. But now, as I’m sitting down to…

Supernatural 15×04 “Atomic Monsters”–Coping and Changing

Supernatural 15×04 “Atomic Monsters”–Coping and Changing

I am completely and utterly FLOORED by the depth this episode provided, not only for the storyline of the Winchesters but for the story of Becky and Chuck. I mentioned that I had some thoughts about this episode on my Twitter, and I’m hoping that I can make them cohesive here. Before I go anywhere,…

Supernatural 15.02 “Raising Hell”– A Bit of a Jumble

Supernatural 15.02 “Raising Hell”– A Bit of a Jumble

This episode has really stymied me. For some reason, I’m having a problem ordering my thoughts about what happened in the episode and how everyone behaved. Normally I don’t run into this problem because I try my best to pay attention to the characters and what they’re doing, but for some reason, this episode felt…

Supernatural 15.01: A Character Study 15 Years in the Making

Supernatural 15.01: A Character Study 15 Years in the Making

Here we are. The last premiere. It seems like this hiatus lasted forever, but we finally got here, and it was not a disappointment. It was an episode that was true to the unique, scary, funny, and ultimately amazing thing that is Supernatural. As I am normally wont to do, I wanted to focus on…

Supernatural 14:20 “Moriah” – The Beginning of the End: One Big Ret-Con?

Wow. What an incredible end to an amazing season. Ever since I knew for sure we were going to see Chuck in the season finale, I knew something crazy was going to go down. However, the writers took my expectations and turned them on me so fast, I had a little whiplash. Every character showed…