Hello fellow Hunters!
As you might tell from my username, I love anything Science Fiction. I've watched X-Files, Stargate, Star Trek, all the superhero shows out there right now like Arrow, etc., and Firefly and everything else you can probably think of. Same goes for films. Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter, to name a few. I'm not that into "horror" as much as just fantasy or scifi, but I do love it all really.
I just started watching Supernatural this passed summer. It was just one of those shows that I never got around to watching in the beginning and then it just slipped through the cracks. Of course, over the years, I heard nothing but good things about it and finally found the time this passed summer to give it a try. (An obligatory Thank You to the Netflix gods for that!). I've been binge watching as much as I could. It took no less than a season for me to get hooked.
Of course, once they introduced the concept of Angels into the show, I was completely blown away. It wasn't just Castiel or Misha that blew me away (though yes, he played a big part, lol), but the entire premise that Angels were not "nice" or "fluffy", but in fact warriors is what grabbed me. I've seen demons or devils or just plain evil in plenty of other shows and movies. But, I had never seen angels portrayed like this. And I was really impressed, because it never occurred to me (thanks to my past experiences with angels in the media) that they would indeed be soldiers and relentless killers, if need be. I just love that entire aspect of the show. I'm not particularly religious, and I'm not Christian, but I thoroughly enjoy seeing a fresh new take on any kind of mythology, whether it be Christianity or Greek Mythos or anything.
That being said, I'm happy to have found this site where I can post thoughts, ideas, and hopefully discuss the show with like-minded people. My husband and I were binge-watching the show together, but I couldn't wait for him to catch up. I'm way ahead of him now and have no one to talk to about it. LOL.
I've got lots of crazy theories of my own about Crowley and the Angels and God and Heaven that I'd love to share here so people can tell me how far off base I am or if I'm actually on to something. LOL.
So, thanks for having me and I look forward to getting to know all of you! Always Keep Fighting!