Fans Show Eric Kripke Their Love in The Hollywood Reporter
Once again, Supernatural fans have proven the amazing things this fandom can do. This time, I can’t think of an effort more well deserved. In today’s edition of The Hollywood Reporter magazine, the following full page ad was printed for all in the entertainment business to see (picture courtesy of
Yes, thanks to an organized fan effort, money was raised to take out this ad to show how much we Supernatural fans love and appreciate this creative genius behind the show that has affected all our lives. Not only was money raised for the ad, but $2,000 extra was raised and that money will be donated to charity. Congratulations to the fans who donated and pulled this together to make this long overdue recognition a reality. Also, thank you so much Eric Kripke for five wonderful seasons and all your dedication. We can never thank you enough, but hopefully this ad is a start!
For those that find the print hard to read, here’s the transcript:
“To Eric Kripke,
Over the past five years, we’ve traveled the back roads of America with the Winchester brothers saving people, hunting things, and kicking ass at the family business. We fell in love with a 1967 Impala, classic rock and emotionally codependent brothers all thanks to you. It was your imagination and vision that brought Supernatural to life and imbued it with such heart and scope.
Thank you for the last five years of Supernatural. Thank you for letting Sam and Dean Winchester be a part of our lives. On whatever road you travel next, know that your fans will gladly shut their cakeholes and ride shotgun with you.
Thank you.
Organized and funded by Supernatural fans around the world.
“First of all, I love our fans. I love them to death. I love how passionate they are… We are so conscious and aware of our fans. We’re making our show for the fans; we’re not making the show for the network. We would never do anything to betray them.” – Eric Kripke
Now who wants some pie?
Wow this is wonderful. Thanks for sharing this with us Alice.
Eric Kripke….You’re the best! Thank-you for bringing us Supernatural!
Very nice!
Kudos to the fans & to Eric & all the writers & cast & crew of our beloved show!
Wow, what a beautiful, heartfelt message, one which I agree with 100%.
Thank you Eric.God bless 😀
Wow, that is truly beautiful. I had read that this effort was underway and then learned that the goal had been reached and designs were being submitted, and here it is. Wow, ’tis even better than I could have imagine and I truly hope Eric is touched…perhaps even sheds a man tear!
Thank you to all who imagine this ad and made it into a reality through efforts big and small, I love all the gestures to the show and the fandom and I thank you the fans as well Eric Kripke who I truly hope will maintain some ‘skin in the game’ for Supernatural as it goes forward.
That is so cool.
Thanks for sharing Alice.
Wow, that is really great, and very well deserved indeed. Good job, Supernatural fans!
This is moving – have fans of other shows ever done something like this? I have no idea, but it seems pretty unique to me. A wonderful way to honour the labours of love of the whole team that brings Supernatural to life, from the actors to the cable grips. Today I’m very proud to be a Supernatural fan.
:-), Jas
i love the thank you to Eric “Master” Kripke it very good ans very sweet. I hope he Loves it as much as I and all of you do.
❗ hahah. now who wants some pie?
Since I was at the con in Barcelona when you posted it I printed it out and showed it to Jarred. Who hadn´t known about it. He was so suprised by it. And his reaction to it so adorable. Hope there will be a video of it or pics how he holds it right next to his face. In case there is a video of it. There was a slight misunderstanding but I can tell you that he received a copy of it.
By the way had a great time there. Right now i am still in Barcelona enjoying a town I fell in love with.
Thanks for sharing.
That’s beautiful, it’s really moving and really shows the love that SPN fans have for this story and its characters.
It was a very heartfelt and meaningful message that proves how much we care for this awesome show that have been with us for 5 years now, that we have followed with all our heart and devotion and that have give us such a lovely emotions, heartbreaking situacions and the most beautiful relashionship and interaction between these brothers (that makes us forget that they are fictional and makes us care for them as if they are real people). I couldn’t agree more with this tribute.
Thanks Eric Kripke for such an amazing trip, for making us know and love Sam and Dean Winchester and for bringing to life the Tv show that will stay in the memory of its true fans forever. Good luck in your proyects and thank God you are still going to be part somehow of the show that you created and have seen grow up for all these years. Thank you for all the things this show had teach us and put into our souls.
I loves me some pie!
I’ve all ready seen Jared’s dumbfounded reaction when he first heard of the ad, but I wonder what Kripke’s was?