Caption this! #381
Well well well… I see Alice wanted to make my job a bit more challenging! She requested you all to make the task of picking a winner impossible and… you made it difficult I’ll admit, but not impossible for this seasoned vet.
The second caption was pretty easy, AlyCat22 really nailing it with a quick and simple idea. The first caption – that was nigh impossible. A couple of you started cooking up a Monty Python and the HG reference which – had you finished it – would have been hands down the winner, but it didn’t seem to come together*. But cheryl42 did come up with an even more obscure reference AND tie in a lot more lore to it. Which is not only funnier, but sounds the most like it could have been a missing episode of Supernatural. Congrats to you both!
For the next round, we’re going to try a little something different and give Walker a bit of caption love! Now being a big fan of Burn Notice, I have a lot of affection for Coby Bell so I almost went with a picture of him pointing because when in doubt – go with “pull my finger” gags. But the image was very busy with people and those are often a nightmare to caption. So I went instead with this image where Sam Walker is looking surprised and most of the cast is obscured or out of focus. Now it’s not up to me who will win this round, but so far we have nothing in the rules that you can’t make Supernatural jokes here. They don’t all have to be Walker related. Have fun, captioneers!
WINNERS cheryl42 and AlyCat22
Here are the past contest winning entries:
*that caption being something like: “King Arthur is looking for this suspect in the death of some of his knights.”
Nate Winchester is an aspiring author, blogger, and strangely the only male writer for The Winchester Family Business.
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