Caption This! 380 – Bunny Edition
Happy Easter! Nate and I have an arrangement given both our busy schedules. We will alternate posting Caption This! each week. I’ll pick the winners for his caption entry, and he’ll pick the winners for mine! He got the ball rolling last week with his awesome choice from “Tall Tales”. There were so many entries to choose from! I bounced around a bit on the winning choice, but one particular entry just seemed to capture Curtis’ expression perfectly. Congrats Laura Dallmier, who submitted an entry via Facebook:
This week I was going to start posting some Walker captions since the show returns this week, but then I realized it’s Easter and man, Supernatural did have some fun with bunnies. So, welcome to Caption This! Bunny Edition.
I hate doing this to poor Nate since he’ll have to pick two winners again, but I can’t post just one caption for Bunny Edition! First, a gem from season 11’s “Plush”:
Second, this one comes from the season three madcap adventure “Bad Day at Black Rock,” which all revolved around one wicked rabbit’s foot.
So, twice as much fun this week! I’m hoping you all will make Nate’s job of picking the winner next week impossible. Most of all, I hope you all have fun. Happy Easter and time to caption this!
Here are the past contest winning entries:
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