Caption This! #375 – Presidents Day Edition
Happy Presidents Day for those of you in the USA! For the rest of you, Happy Monday!
Just wow, I cannot get over how many entries we got this week. Facebook especially was a hot bed of activity, as well as on this site. Thank you all for keeping me amused this week! I loved all the references to Dean’s love of pie, which was very popular among the entries this week. Shoutout to Amanda Lucky Lee, Jimi Cutting, Donald Hinthorne, Amy Blum, Sue Nash, Kelly Winchester, and Roberta for all your great pie captions.
I have another shoutout to SnazzyO on Twitter, who wisely pointed out that the original line spouted by Sam in this episode, “You’re not going to take the grenade launcher,” was funny enough as is. Agreed, but the fun of this game is to take something funny and give it another go. Will it be better? Maybe not, but it’s different!
There was one caption though that I laughed really hard at. I mean, I could visually see this happening! I’m usually not one to run with the same reference within a short time frame, but this was just too good. Congrats to Kenrie Cooper!
Okay, now this week’s contest. Since it’s Presidents Day, I instantly thought of the episode where we got one creepy Abraham Lincoln sighting, season five’s “Fallen Idols.” As a matter of fact, Nate Winchester had selected this caption with Dean and Abe for the Caption This #317 in which Marion won with this great caption:

Winner – Marion
For my choice, it’s Sam’s turn!
What do you think Sam would say to Abraham Lincoln? I have something in mind, but I also suspect someone out there will come up with it. If not, I’ll share my caption next week with the winner.
Okay, for the sake of the nation, Caption This!
Here are the past contest winning entries:

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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