We see a great shot from inside the well, looking up through the water to see bullied kid from earlier with now black eye making a wish. Sam and Dean arrive, Dean pulls out a dime and decides to test it out. A few seconds later, a delivery guy arrives with an Italian footlong sub with jalapeno. Both brothers gaze at the well stunned. Come on, you saw the teddy bear. This thing’s for real!

They figure out all the weird things happening are related, and now Dean gets to see geek and hot chick. “œOh that’s definitely going on the list.” The geek by the way is played by Ted Raimi, the veteran actor that has done just about everything. He’s the brother of Sam Raimi, aka Spiderman films director and constantly gets asked for Spiderman info. He was perfect in this episode.
Dean doesn’t think wishes coming true is all that bad, but ever so gloomy Sam points out”Since when have these things ever come without a price tag and usually a deadly one?” You’re just addicted to misery, aren’t you Sammy? It’s”Bad Day At Black Rock” all over again. The restaurant owner comes over to give Dean grief about the sub, so Dean pulls out his, no not that one, his other badge, Health Inspector. I’ve been waiting for the moment to come when one of the two gets the fake badges mixed up.
They drain the well and this part shocks me. Given all the funny parts and tone of the episode thus far, I didn’t see it coming. Dean gives Sam his chance to test the well now that it’s drained. “œYou could wish yourself back, you know before it all started. Think about it, you’d be some big yuppie lawyer with a nice car and a white picket fence.” Sam wouldn’t wish for that. “œIt’s too late to go back to our old lives Dean. I’m not that guy anymore.” Dean isn’t satisfied and wants to know what Sam would wish for. Sam’s expression turns cold. “œLilith’s head on a plate. Bloody.” Dean tries to play it cool but he should worry, for we’re as disturbed by that answer as he is. Way to break the mood Sammy!
Dean finds the old coin and tries to get it out, but it won’t come loose. They get a crowbar and a sledgehammer and the owner has a fit. “œSir, I don’t want to slap you with a 4416 but I will.” Way to finally join in on the fun Sam! Even Dean is impressed. The hammer breaks and the coin won’t come loose. “œThe coin’s magical,” Sam points out. Duh! Sam gets an impression of the coin on paper and gives it to Dean to look into. He runs off because something just occurred to him. This is where I wonder if he took off in the Impala. He’s been doing that a lot lately.
Sam goes to the locker room that started all this and catches invisible kid in the act. He becomes visible and is naked. Sam orders him to put on some pants and stay visible, trying to stay firm even though he’s clearly bothered by the kid’s nude appearance. As we find out later, the kid doesn’t listen. Now bullied kid is chasing away the bigger boys, and stops to see Dean staring. “œYou got a problem mister?” Dean plays cool, then his stomach rumbles. I think we are starting to see that down side Sam warned about.

Sam enters the motel room, and this week’s theme is totems. It kind of reminds me of the Michigan Hunting Lodge in”Nightmare”. The rooms this year have had a lot of brown, haven’t they? Anyway, sounds of wretching are coming from the bathroom. “œThe wishes turn bad Sam, very bad,” Dean manages to weakly choke out. No more eating magical sandwiches for you! Dean comes out and explains the coin is Babylonian and cursed, then almost goes back to the bathroom for more. Jensen plays a guy who’s puking his guts out rather convincingly. It’s method acting!
The serpent on the coin is Tiamat, the Babylonian God of primordial chaos. Silly Babylonian Gods and their pinpoint specific roles. The coin was made by priests doing some serious black magic (like black magic is ever not serious) and after the first wisher turns the well on, it grants wishes to everyone. The wishes are twisted though, and it’s turned more than one town upside for centuries and even wiped a few off the map. The only way to stop it is to find the first wisher, who is the only one that can pull it out and reverse the wishes. Wow, Dean did all that research? While barfing? I’m impressed!
We are going up again on this rollercoaster for yet another outrageous scene. There’s a chalkboard that says”Life is meaningless. Signed T. Bear.” Teddy has a shotgun and it’s in his mouth. As also happens with many horror films (especially this show) the camera moves to behind him, and we wait for the gory results of the suicide. Instead of blood spatter though, fluff flies. Yes, we saw that coming, but that didn’t make it any less hilarious. Teddy is still alive and well and yells in despair,”Why????” Because Ben Edlund is twisted, that’s why.
Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Hey Alice,
Thank you! I always am on your page, even if I am not commenting always:-) But I had a bad month, very tiring so I have problems with my time:-) Your reviews were the first I read, and because of them I gave a chance to the show and I never regretted! Once a Supernatural fan, you stay forever and my love for this show is huge! About my reviews, well is going pretty well:-) I always make time for my Supernatural day, which is friday.:-) I get the episode at 6 o’clock in the morning, see it and then write about it because the romanian fans on the blog are pretty eager and they start commenting right away:-)
I loved this episode, was bizzare but all Edlund episodes are specials:-) This two episodes, 9 and 10 will be epic indeed and I can’t wait to write about them:-) Enjoy your convention time and I’ll be right here waiting for your reports:-) Hope it’s ok to post on our blog some informations from your reports (with credit of course) because that’s the only way we can found out what’s going on at the convention:-) I’ll write for the romanian fans an article with infos from the con and just hope that one day I can attend one(the visa that’s a big problem and to be frankly, that’s for the first time in my life I really, really want to live in America – for those wonderful possibilitys you have – I mean I love my country but I don’t think I could ever have the chance to see Jared and Jensen here:-)I don’t think they even know were it is on the map…)
Thank and have a Supernatural weekend, in a good way:-)
Vichi – sorry, I’m really behind on replies. The con so far has been such a blast. Anyway, yes, feel free to mention whatever I report on your site. I’d be honored!
Fab. Just what I needed after a workplace near death experience with a giant inflatable Santa and a load of fridge magnets. It even had Xena’s rubbish sidekick, bliss!
Being a Brit and therefore a natural gloomyguts I thought the Life-is-shit-and-then-you-die exchange in the Impala was both sensible and healthy but that might just be something they put in the water in East Anglia.
The manic depressive bear was a stroke of genius but I’m always going to regret that I’m never, ever going to get a chance to bound out of a restaurant shouting
” Women! showers! we have to save these people! ”